[22] Alive

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I felt her hand on my shoulder and I wanted to break down, I was tired my body has started giving up, but before I close my eyes I wanted to look at her, and I did look back at those beautiful eyes starring back at me, which had so many emotions, her face was glowing and she was smiling like an angel from heaven, did I really died, before my mind could go ahead through various thoughts Emma kneeled down her hands holding my face observing everything she could and now her forehead touching mine, and that was it for me, I felt myself falling in a deep slumber the darkness surrounding me once again.

"James" I heard Emma yelling before closing my eyes.


He looked tired, his face was pale, there were frowns on his forehead, and I could feel how tense he was even in his sleep. I remember seeing him before the incident that happened in the mansion, that fear made my skin tighten up and my heart sink I lost my family just because of the things which were interlinked to us in our past which were so wrong and forbidden and so terrifying to do.

Rose was the history that nobody knew about, they used her for their benefits to gain unknown power over the land, air, and water, the rage of beating the unbeatable and forcing people to kill each other and take a bloodbath changed the timeline of the sins they did had the after-effect and the aftermath is so strong to be broken, so powerful to stop it and bring the present back. 

What my family did had collided the present, past, and future together, and in the present, it had brought us together to take back the revenge, to return back the pain which was been caused to them. The incident they did suffer back then and still facing the wrath of the souls that haunted the house and our lives.

James and I had a different story hidden behind the layered history and haunting. I wanted him to wake up soon, and I wanted him to know that I was alive, fighting to make everything okay and I needed him to support me and make everything alright.

After longing hours he stirred, his eyes flickered, he groaned as he shifted his body, i could feel how painful it was for him, I don't know what he went through after the last time i saw him in the house. 

I went a bit closer to him "How are you feeling now?" I whispered to him, he looked so weak and broken.

He kept starring at me as if I would disappear, his eyes speak volumes of all the emotions he is going through, I could feel his intense and questioning gaze on me.

I forwarded my hand for him to hold, to make him realize I was in front of him for real, he entwined his hands with mine pulling me closer to him and engulfing me in a tight hug and the cries surrounded the room which was painful to listen to, being in his arms felt good at the moment I never knew how much I needed this, him. 

The house had broken him and it wasn't going to be easy to make everything alright, I loosen my hold on him so that I don't hurt him, I made him look at me at that moment he looked like a lost kid. I placed my lips on his forehead to calm him down, but the voices were back I could hear Rose whispering in my ears, her voice was ringing in my ears like an unending tune, her laughs were back, my palm turned cold shiver running through my entire body, James was alert by now he felt the change as my hold on him tighten up making him wince.

"I can hear her," I said, he didn't question me he was worried, there were so many questions that I need to answer and darkest stories to share with him, I needed time before she gets back to us.


She was alive, I still couldn't make myself believe that she was real, we were in a cottage currently, this place was different it looked different and a place distant from the real world, the air was fresh and nice, I felt calm and relaxed after so many days. 

There were so many things which I wanted to ask her, how did she survived, is Avon alive too? How did she reach here and what I'm doing here? Were we alone?

"Don't overthink," Emma said sensing my curious gaze. 

"I will explain everything but I want you to get better first," she said serving me a hot soup.

"Don't stress yourself, James" Emma said shifting the soup bowl closer towards me.

I wanted to confess how much I care about her, love her before she goes away like earlier I didn't want to hold back my feeling this time, but was it the correct time,  the situation we were in was not good, I still didn't know which place was this, why suddenly everything changed but I didn't want to lose her this time, my mind still was questioning her existence, the house was capable of playing mind games and I didn't want Emma to be a part of it, playing with me and putting me back in the infinite maze which the house creates which is full of lies and traps.

I didn't have that will left in me to fight for something which didn't exist but seeing Emma back I didn't want the questions to get answered, somewhere I was happy that she was alive, I didn't care how she survived or she was real or not, what mattered for me that moment was her being there.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2021 ⏰

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