[10] Holy water

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"From long experience, I have learned that there is nothing like holy water to put devils to flight and prevent them from coming back again. They also flee from the Cross, but return; so holy water must have great virtue. For my own part, whenever I take it, my soul feels a particular and most notable consolation." - St. Teresa of Avila



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Anne's P.O.V.

After reaching office Lily told me to go in hefty Keynes office, a good way to start work I thought.

"Anne, I want you to go at this place and take an interview," he said without looking at me and showing me the details about the incident of housebreaking in Lakewood.

"Ok," I said and left the room, I wanted my mind to get divert for a while after the morning incident.

I was going to reach the place when Derrick called me which made me happy and I soon pick up the phone.

"Hey there!" I said with a big smile and cheerful smile on my face.

"Roses, Roses red roses now turning into black ones, roses, roses red roses get ready to die soon" the scariest voice sang from the other side, making my heart rate drop for a minute.

I threw my phone away making it crash on the car's window, I got outside of my car hurriedly shutting the door behind me.

I was so scared to even take a step ahead, what I had gotten myself into, this was not normal I had the belief the ghost exist but I myself seeing them was not on my list.

There was the only one person who could save me out of this, without thinking that I was some crazy and talking gibberish.

I finished up taking the interview with the lady and soon started to drive in Amberwood.

As soon as I reached the isolated place and the only house far away from the crowd, I got looking around, the place was quiet but not scary the weather was warm and good.

The house was beautiful with a small garden in front, on the porch there were table and chairs placed with the pots of flowers beside it before I could ring the bell the door got open bringing the smiling Nanna in front of me.

"Hey sweetie, what brought you here today?" she asked straight at the point.

That's how my Nanna is she doesn't waste time in anything. I rarely visit Nanna as with all work and her trips she would never stay in one place.

"Something weird," I replied thinking about the call.

"You look pale Anne, what happened?" she asked taking me inside with her.

"Nanna, there's something weird happening with me, I said.

I told her everything about the case, the call, the changing voice of James, as Nanna used to work with this paranormal community in her middle age, she has this knowledge about the second anonymous world which does exist according to her and her studies.

"I need to see the place first," she said standing up and taking out something out from one of the cabinets.

"Keep this with you," she said giving me a small glass bottle.

"This will help you if there is something really evil in the house," she said and patted my head.

"This will help you if there is something really evil in the house," she said and patted my head

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"The house is under investigation, we can't enter without taking permission," I said.

"I will first take care of the process then we will visit the house," I explained to her now feeling little relaxed.

"So, what would you love to eat today?" she asked me making me follow her in the kitchen.

"Anything crunchy," I said and with little laugh and talks, we spend our night.

I decided to leave in Amberwood itself as I didn't want to drive at night and face another evil face. These were the first time I was frightened and inquisitive at the same time.

The wind was blowing making me rub my arms, I was standing outside the house, it was dark and cold. The house was still having the yellow investigation tape covered around its area.

I was sure it was a dream of mine, as a sane me would never be outside at the night time that too in front of the hex house.

"FIND ME," I heard a whisper going straight to my ears sending a chill in my whole body.

"Don't you want to know about me?" said the voice once again this time laughing in the end, the voice was scary, dangerous and groggy. There was the feeling of not wanting to hear the voice once again.

Then she screeched in the most blood screaming way my eardrums started to pain, the scream just kept on increasing as I fall down on my knees. The house started to disappear in darkness until it completely goy disappeared.

I sprang up in my bed, I touched my ears, everything was normal, I was still at Nanna's house, and no one was going to come over here

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I sprang up in my bed, I touched my ears, everything was normal, I was still at Nanna's house, and no one was going to come over here.

I sprang up in my bed, I touched my ears, everything was normal, I was still at Nanna's house, and no one was going to come over here

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