"We need to find somewhere warm" He said, breathing in deeply and rubbing his arms. Now he's mentioned it, it is freezing here! Wait...where is 'here'?

"Where are - we?" I croaked, my voice stinging at every word.

"Uh...I don't know" He sighed, looking around. That's when I realised that we're still outside, on the mountain?

"Look, Haze don't worry okay? But we may be lost...on the mountain"

It took me a few seconds to actually process what he just told me.

"We're lost...On a mountain...in the snow..." I started, really worried now that you could hear it in my voice.

"It'll be okay! Just don't panic okay? Now, try to get up so we can find a cave or something" He said, walking over to me.

I nodded, wincing in pain as I forced myself up.

To be honest when I stood up, I wasn't in as much pain as I thought I would be, but my back ached and my shoulders killed, not my to mention the sharp pain down my legs.

"You okay?" Ash asked, looking really concerned, putting out his hand for me lean on for support.

I nodded and smiled weakly, truthfully not knowing what to say. What can I say though? He's the same boy who plays innocent girls, breaks their hearts, is always showing off trying to be 'badass'. And now he's...being nice, to me? I've been nothing but a bitch to him for what he's done! Maybe he's feeling guilty? Well it's not important now anyway...We need to find somewhere warmer. What if we don't find someone? When will it get dark?? Okay...now i'm panicking!

Ash, being the weird, nice guy he's suddenly turned into, held me up most the time we walked. It's really weird! It's like it's not even him if you get me? He's just acting so different that it's hard to hate him.

"Maybe we could just stay in there? Looks like there's been a fire there before, we...I can just rebuild it?" He suggested, pointing at some sort of cave thing with a pile of burnt wood in the middle and logs around it. It looked like it had been used as a camp fire before, but it's snowed a lot since then as the logs are only partly showing and the wood is covered.

"Yeah, I guess it's better than being out in the open"


It's actually quite awkward, being nice to him. We've never had a full on conversation without yelling or hitting each other, this is getting uncomfortable.

He walked me over to the piece of log not covered in snow and I sat down, wincing in pain but not making a big deal as we have much more important things to worry about right now...

"I'll go find some wood, or something" Ash said shyly as he walked out the cave, just leaving me here.

"Yeah, okay" I replied, unsure if he even heard me.

I'm actually freezing right now, it must be at least 3? I don't even now...I hope we get found soon.

A few minutes later Ash came back, shivering and carrying a bunch of twigs and branches, some thicker than others. I smiled as he walked in, showing i'm grateful for him helping me. He saved me...the least I can do is smile.

When the fire was lit, Ash actually did it himself by the way! I wanted to ask him how he knows about all this stuff, but I was too busy deciding if I should actually be nice? I mean, I really want to have a go at him for everything he's done, but I can't find it in me to get angry.

"We should stay close to keep warm" He said, breaking my chain of thoughts and totally taking me by surprise. Get close?...To him??

"We shouldn't be here long anyways, and you look bad" He said, putting his jacket back on and sitting down beside me, ish.

"I hope not...and thanks" I said, sarcastically.

"Don't worry, i'll look after you...it's my fault anyway" He sighed, finding interest in his ski's.

What am I supposed to reply to that? Bit of an awkward subject much...

"Well thanks, for this" I said, smiling.

"It's cool"

You know, now I get why so many girl fall for him. He's being really nice, and in this light he just looks so attractive. Ffs why am I thinking this? This trip has gone from bad, to worse!

"You warm enough?" He asked, again breaking my thoughts.

"No" I sighed, shivering but squealing when my back began to ache again.

"Oh, don't move! Be careful" Ash said in a worried voice, scootching over and put his hand on my shoulder.

There was a moment of awkward silence before he spoke again.

"You know, this is the first time we've nice to each other?" And he smiled...but not just any normal smile...It was his signature smile, a smile I have never seen. And now I wish I hadn't.

He pulled me closer to him and I got comfy, staring at the fire, resting my head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around me.

"Don't worry okay? We'll be fine" He whispered.

And with that, a completely new and totally 'out there' thought came to my mind. Totally freaking me out.

Would it be so bad to kiss him?

A/N -

:0 What is she thinking!?!

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~ Tilly_xoxo

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