They took my arm and I spun.

Sirius's POV

"Molly, I understand that you are desperate to protect your children, but, just think, we were their age when the first war started. We had more information than they do," I said as Molly paced before us.

Arthur, Remus, McGonagall, and Tonks sat there, watching the fiery haired woman pace back and forth. 

"Yes, Sirius, I understand that we had much more information, but that does not matter! That's in the past! They do not need to know any more than they already do!"

"Harry has a right to know what's going on," I said quietly, determined not to grow angry.

"He's not James, Sirius!"

I inhaled sharply, then exhaled slowly, "I understand that, Molly, believe me. But, were James here, I'm sure he would want Harry to know what was going on."

Molly glared, "And what would Lily say?"

The doorbell rang before I could spit back a fiery retort and Molly was yelling to her youngest boy, Ron Weasley to go open it while she and I closed the curtains to my mother's portrait. 

I watched the tail end of a cloak drift into the living room as Ron led everyone into the living room and Molly and I wrenched the curtains shut. We went to the living room, expecting to see Snape, or maybe Mundungus Fletcher, but instead found three people standing in the living room that I never expected to see again in my life, despite knowing they were alive.

"Arthur," Molly breathed. "Arthur! Remus! Tonks! Oh Merlin! Arthur!"

She gripped onto Arthur's arm the moment he walked in. Remus and Tonks looked on and went very pale in the face as Molly seemed to sway a little. I stood... and stared. The rest of the children had filed into the room, Harry finally looking up from where he was furrowing his brows at a small pocket sneakoscope.

He dropped it when he looked up and gasped, stunned speechless. 

Then, James gulped and waved, "Hi, everyone."

"James," I breathed, the first thing I could think of to say.

He opened his arms cautiously and I ran forward and pulled into a tight hug, then turned and did the same to Lily.

"Sirius? What's going on? They're supposed to be dead," Remus said haltingly.

I shook my head and reached into my pocket where the letter from Tara fourteen years ago always rested and handed it to him. It was passed around the room quickly and soon, others were joining the hugs. Except for one person, I noticed, peering over James's shoulder at the woman and suddenly freezing in place, mouth falling open. James seemed to sense this change and looked around, looking to where his son remained staring at him, still stunned. He looked back at me and bit his lip before stepping to the side.

"Lily," he breathed in his wife's ear, "shall we go talk to Harry in the other room? Explain what's going on?"

She nodded, staring at the two of us. Molly seemed to get the hint when Lily nodded at her and began to usher everyone into the kitchen, much to the protest of the kids. Lily and James went upstairs, Harry leading silently.

Tara stared at Sirius, having frozen just as quickly as he did when their eyes met. 

Finally, he gasped, "Tara."

She started shaking her head furiously as I took a step forward, sniffing suddenly. I watched a tear track down her face.

"I'm sorry," she choked out. "I'm so sorry. I didn't want to do it. I'm so sorry."

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