"Thank you," I manage to gather the courage to say even when I'm choked up with tears. "for everything. Since I met Newt, you've been like a mother to me and I cannot begin to express how wonderful you are. Newt should be overjoyed to have you."

My sincere words hit us both hard, allowing a tear to slip faithfully from our eyes. 

Before she can reply, my attention is caught by chocolate brown eyes and a soft British accent.


Newt's POV

Why does everything hurt? My whole body feels like it's been battered by Negan's baseball bat. My head is thumping and I can't think clearly. Thomas's eyes stare into mine and I avoid my mums. I try to sit up but there's a stinging pain in my leg stopping me from putting my body weight on it. 

Thomas is the first to jump up from his seat to help me. His gentle but firm hand is placed on my back and slowly raises me upright. I bite my lip to stop me wincing in pain as I try to move my leg again.

"How are you feeling?" My mum says, breaking the silence. 

"Fine," my voice croaks as I speak. "What happened?"

"You collapsed in gym class and Minho and I had to carry you to the medical room," Thomas reply's, his voice low. I groan in embarrassment. I bet that's going to reach everyone's ears by tomorrow. 

'The depressed, weak, stupid boy collapsed in gym class yesterday, that was hilarious', I imagine. 

It's nothing to laugh at. If they were in my positions they'd feel the same. 

A female doctor walks into the room, her shoes making the only noise in the room. Her long white coat covers a teal coloured t-shirt and baggy, navy blue trousers. She carries a clipboard with numerous amounts of paperwork attached. 

"Hello, Newton, how are you feeling?" She asks. I grimace at the use of my full name.

"It's just Newt," I hastily reply. Her face softens at my correction and nods her head. "My head is killing me and my whole body hurts. My leg feels numb but every time I move there's a shooting pain."

"That'll be the medication we gave you. It might start to wear off but if it does, let us know. Your leg is going to be in a lot of pain for a while, you pushed too hard and caused it to flare up again." Professional. Classy. Experienced. She's definitely a trustworthy doctor.

"You're going to be off school for a week," my mum says, trying to find a benefit of the situation. If it were any other time of the year it would be great but I have exams soon so I need to be in school all the time. 

I stay silent the whole time, listening to the conversation going on between my mum and the doctor. I stare the bed sheets and fiddle with Thomas's fingers. 

"You are free to go, Newt, but if you have any problems or experience extreme pain again please do not hesitate to come back in," Doctor Natalie (I found her that was her name half way through the conversation) explained. I nod my head as a thank you but don't look up. 

I hear the door open and close again, signalling she's exited the room. 

"Do you want to go home?" Mum asks me, her voice soft. 

"Yeah," I whisper. I didn't realise I was crying until I sniffled. Strong, protective arms wrapped round my waist and embrace me in a hug. Noticing it's Thomas, I immediately hug him back as he lets me cry on his shoulder.

"I'll carry you to the car," his breath is hot on my ear. If I wasn't in this condition I would kiss him until my lips bruise.

Thomas's arm slides across my back and under my arm and his other hooks itself under my knee caps. My arms cling around his neck and my face nuzzles into his shoulder again. By the way he is holding me I can tell he's trying not to hurt my leg. 

The corridors are filled with patients, doctors and visitors. Idiosyncratic faces stare at us from every angle. Expressions of curiosity and bewilderment are painted on people and scream 'what the hell'. 

Children younger than ten stare with their brows furrowed before they question their mothers. It's not like I care what other people think but I hate attention. Thankfully, an empty lift lies ahead of us and we jump at the chance to take it. 

"I'm tired," I whisper to Thomas. His heartbeat keeps me calm and the expand and contract of his lungs lull me to sleep. I'm only half asleep when he kisses my head and reply's something I can't quite hear. 

Everything begins to down out. 

I feel Thomas laying me down on the back seat of my mums car. I'm not far from dozing off  at this point and his hands lift my head and on to his lap. He must have got in the other side. Funny, I didn't hear the car door slam shut. 

His fingers carefully run through my hair and, before long, I'm settled into a peaceful slumber.

The Fire That Sparked My Soul- Newtmas AUWhere stories live. Discover now