Chapter 31:

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Georgia's P.O.V:

The music slowly stops and people begin walking to their tables, so I follow suit. Dylan gives my hand a supportive squeeze and then walks over to his own table. I reach my table and sit down just as the king climbs onto the podium overlooking anyone. 

He clears his throat and begins speaking, "We are gathered here today to pass on the Keeper of Keys title to Ms. Georgia Hamilton." People clap at the mention of my name and I look away as I feel my cheeks flushing. 

"Here to pass on the title, is Georgia's mother, Mrs. Linda Hamilton." He gestures to my mum and  she walks up to the podium as he steps to the side. 

"Thank you all for being here today on this special day. I'm not going to bore you with a soppy mother speech, but what I will say is, that I'm so proud of Georgia and the strong, independent young woman she's become over this year. This is not an easy job, but I know she'll do great." 

A wide smile spreads across my face and I feel really happy inside. Mum steps aside and the King steps back to the podium and gestures for me to come forward. I step forward, trying to conceal my nerves and bend down at the bottom of the steps as told to me by the King's assistant. 

The King steps towards me and taps me on each shoulder with the enchanted wand and tells me to rise to my feet. Mum steps forward and puts the Keeper of Keys pin on my dress. I turn around to face the crowd and they stand up arupting in applause. I smile for a while and then step onto the podium to make a speech. 

"As previously said by my mum, thank you all for being here today. I can't thank you all individually, but if I could, I would. I've only been a Demon Slayer for one year and frankly, it's been the best year of my life so far. I've met some of the most amazing people and made friends that I will treasure for years. I've never been a particularly strong person mentally, but attending D.S.D.A. has really helped me. So once again, thank you." I step down from the podium and walk back to my seat to the sound of applause. 

The music begins playing a soft melody as the food is being served. Since the occasion is for me, I got a personal say in the menu and I marvel in delight when I see my favourite dish being served, Lasagana. I tuck into the food, devouring it, not even bothering to savour each mouthful. 

After the main dessert, there is a selection of deserts to choose from, a selection of ice-cream, warm chocolate fudge cake and cheesecake in many different flavors. After feeling tremendously full from the main, I choose chocolate, vanilla and raspberry sorbet ice-cream. 

Once everyone finishes their food, people begin to leave to head home and I check the time and see that it's 11:45, indicating that we too, must leave soon. 

Mum and I say thank you to the King and then the three of us leave. As I head for the door, someone grabs my arm and I turn around to the smiling face of Dylan. 

"Congratulations!" ,he say, pulling me into a hug, "I'm so proud of you."

"Thanks." I say sheepishly. 

"Here," He says, whipping out his phone, "lemme give you my number." We temporarily swap phones to enter our number into the others phone. 

"Maybe I'll see you around?" He says. 

"Yeah, definitely." 

Jenny, Mum and I walk outside and then Jenny teleports us home. 

We land outside my house with a slight thud. I look up at Maddie's bedroom and her curtains were still closed, indicating that she was still asleep. 

Jenny pulls me into a celebratory hug and then teleports home. 

Mum and I walk back inside and quicklychange into our pajamas to  fool Maddie into thinking we'd never left. 

After having breakfast, I make my way to Demon Slayer hollow and make myself comfortable on the many cushions and busy myself reading a book. As I do so, I smile to myself, happy at how this year had turned out and excited for the future to come. 



Thank you for reading this story. I would really appreciate if you would drop a comment at the end of this chapter to let me know what you thought of this story. I may have been late finishing this story (10 months late to be precise, oops 😆). But thank you for reading! As always, don't forget to vote, comment and follow! It is much appreciated. If this book gets some appreciation, I may do a sequel. But for the moment, bye for now! 

While you're still here, I'd really appreciate if you checked out some more of my stories. I recently published a new story, called, "Polar Opposites." And I'd love to get feedback on it. 


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