Chapter 5:

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Georgia's P.O.V:
Esben. When I reached the Esben group, I slowly started floating downwards until I was on the ground. They gave a warm cheer and a girl who looked a couple years older than me gave me a warm hug. I looked over at my mum with a big smile and she was cheering loudly.

Soon after everyone was sorted, I said my goodbyes to mum and she left through the portal along with the other parents.
The new students stayed in the hall and we all got our own individual time tables for the day, while the other students in different years, made their way back to class. Mr. Higgins explained that next week, we would be getting our house jumpers. Then he dismissed us and we made our way to class. I checked my watch and it was 12:07, which meant I'd been in the school for over an hour! I found my way to class with the help of the information animals on the walls. My first class was History of Fighting, which taught all about History's greatest Demon Slayers , the history of the ancient spirits and the demons. My mum had told me this, when I asked about what subjects there would be.

I sat down beside a girl in the back row, with long wavy auburn hair, freckled skin and big round glasses. She gave a friendly smile and said "Hi, my name's Jenny," when I sat down beside her.
A few minutes later a really hot guy with tanned skin and toned arms who looked in his mid 20's walked in. "What a hottie," I thought to myself. I expected him to sit down, but he stood at the front of the class welcoming everyone to the lesson. I couldn't believe it, he was the teacher?! He looked only a bit older than me?! Jenny's jaw dropped and she looked as shocked as I was, at how incredibly cute he was. It'd be hard to focus on the rest of lesson due to how amazingly his jeans fitted him.

"Hi everybody," he said, "I'm Mr. Thomson and I'll be your History of Fighting teacher for this year. I hope you're all adjusting to D.S.D.A nicely and feel welcome. School books won't be required in my class, or most classes for that matter. So we'll be discussing most of the time and I have a few handouts here for you all to read up on, about the history of D.S.D.A and how this school came to be, which is the first topic we'll be studying," he explained, walking around and putting a sheet down on everyone's desk.
When he had finished he began talking again, "You're probably wondering how come we're doing subjects other than fighting and that's because, well of course this is a Fighting and Defence school, but you will also be learning about other things as well, such as fighting tactics training, Defence work and many more. I think that's everything I wanted to say, so let's continue with today's lesson. Firstly, I'd like to get to know you all a bit better, so starting in the front row, stand up, say your name and one thing about yourself please."
A guy in the first row stood up and said, "My name's Conor and I like gaming, especially mine craft." Similar stuff like this continued around the class until it got near me. Jenny stood up and said, "My name's Jenny, I have 6 huskies at home and their names are, Belle, Coco, Jewel, Jack, Alaska and Comet. " Then I stood up nervously, "Umm," I stuttered, "M-my names Georgia and I love baking," I said, as I gingerly sat down. "Great. Okay, next we're going to look at a brief video I have on the screen here, of what D.S.D.A is like." , said Mr. Thomson.
We all turned towards the screen and it showed Mr. Higgins showing the camera person around the school and stopping at the Fighting and Defence hall. Inside the hall, were students a few years older then me. I recognised the colour of their jumpers and it was Kalevala and Rainia having a joint class together. There were two students both from Rainia wearing protective gear. The first boy, wearing red protective gear and the other boy,  wearing blue protective gear. They were standing in the middle of the floor on foam mats with the other students and teacher standing to the side.
Then the Defence teacher blew her whistle and they began fighting each other. The boy wearing blue protective gear threw a front kick. But the other guy wearing red protective gear dodged, grabbed his foot and flipped him over, but as he did so the other guy wearing blue grabbed his arm and flipped him onto his back. The teacher applauded and congratulated the victorious boy wearing the blue protective gear.
Then they went on an obstacle course against each other. The victorious boy wearing blue protective gear went against the other guy wearing red protective gear. They raced against each other, first climbing a 30 foot high climbing wall and then swinging down to the other side via a rope. Then robotic demons jumped out when they landed, which I presumed were meant to stand in as demons.
The robotic Demon dove on the first guy wearing blue knocking him to he floor, but after a while he managed to get free and then stabbed the robotic demon in the back with his dagger, until the robotic demon got up again and walked over to the wall where the teacher then turned it off. The other boy wearing red looked quite annoyed how the other guy was getting more glory, but then redeemed himself when a second robotic demon crept up behind him. He impressively managed to punch it in the chest, which then gave him time to trip the robot up and then fling it against the wall. The teacher proudly patted his two students on the back and the camera went back to Mr. Higgins who had been observing the fight. Mr. Higgins spoke for a couple minutes about their safety precautions and then the video ended.
"Wow," I thought to myself, "this is even better than taekwando!"

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