Chapter 16:

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Jenny's P.O.V:
Mr. Thompson bandaged Georgia's wounds, to slow the bleeding. Ms. Kenny quickly instructed me to teleport to the D.S.D.A department in New York Central City Hospital. Ms. Kenny and I both held Georgia and started teleporting. We landed in what looked like a normal hospital with a D.S.D.A crest on the wall. A nurse came up to us and quizzed us briefly, then they wheeled Georgia off to a surgery room to stitch up her wounds that were still bleeding, but not as quickly.  
Ms. Kenny and I sat on the waiting chairs and then it hit me hard. Georgia risked her own life, for me. She might die, and her last thought of me, was of me being a jerk and completely ignoring her. Aidan and I have even been drifting apart recently, yet I haven't properly spoken to Georgia in 2 whole months. Not only am I ashamed of myself, I'm also disgusted that I never once thought of sitting down with Georgia, and hearing her side of the story. She might just die, after saving someone like me, someone that deserves to die more than someone as kind hearted as Georgia. With these thoughts all running through my head, I began crying again. The tears streaming down my face, flowing like a river.
Ms. Kenny started comforting me, saying that it'd be alright. She always knows exactly what to say, but even she was unsure. There was a 50:50 chance of Georgia dying, and I began praying that she'd somehow be alright.
10 minutes later, a nurse came over to us requesting a family contact number. So I gave her Georgia's mum's number from my phone. The nurse then told us how Georgia's mum Linda, would take a while getting here. I asked the nurse if there was any feedback on Georgia's condition. She went off to the doctor and returned a couple minutes later with a grave face. This was it, my worst fear had come true. Georgia was really dead. I held my breath as the nurse read off of a piece of paper that said how Georgia was doing on it. She explained how the snake venom hadn't killed Georgia, and I let out a sigh of relief. "Unfortunately though," the nurse said, "The doctor has pronounced that Georgia is in a stable condition, but she's in a coma." My heart sank, this was just as bad. "All her wounds have been stitched, so she's no longer bleeding. "
"Could we visit her?" , I asked hopefully. "Sorry, but only relations can say wether or not you can. So you'll have to wait here until Georgia's mum gets here to go in." , the nurse replied apologetically.
When Linda finally arrived, we were allowed go to Georgia's ward. The nurse led us through the many corridors, until we eventually got to ward 58. At the very end, we all saw Georgia for the first time. She was now in a hospital nightie and had a breathing tube under her nose. Her eyes were closed, and even though she already had pale skin, her skin was paler, and she didn't have any colour in her cheeks. The nurse told us how, even though Georgia can't respond or see us, she can still hear us. Linda sat down on the chair beside Georgia's bed, and stroked her daughters hand. "Oh Georgia," she began softly, "I hope you can hear me, and if you can, it's me, your mom. I'm here sweetie." It broke my heart to see Linda like this, she seemed so depressed and heart broken. Then she turned towards me, as if she only noticed my presence now. "How did all of this happen, Jenny?" , she asked sadly. I told her everything that happened on the trip, how a demon had tried to shoot me with a snake venom covered arrow, and how Georgia had jumped in front of me, shielding me from the arrow, and taking the arrow instead of me. "Wow. That was very brave of her." , she replied. "Yes, I'm extremely sorry. But Georgia," , I said turning towards Georgia, "thank you very much. If you hadn't done that, I wouldn't be standing here right now, and I'd be well dead. I really hope you wake up soon and I'm so sorry for all of this. I'm the one who didn't believe you about Aidan, even though I now see the you were right all along. I'm incredibly sorry for being such a bad friend. I know you can't respond, but I really hope you can forgive me. This is all my fault." , I said sadly through sobs.


Hey Guys! Let me know what you thought of this chapter! What do you think will happen next? Will Georgia ever wake up?!      As always, I'm open to suggestions, so let me know in the comment section. Votes are really appreciated!! 

Bye for now! 🤗

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