Chapter 20:

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That was definitely a vision. It felt too real, as if it was a memory that had already happened. I have to warn Ms. Kenny somehow, although I don't think I can since I'm in a coma........                     My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a familiar voice followed by footsteps. 

"Georgia!" , it was my mum. "I've brought the Demon Slayer Book with me and I can read to you about your newest power, precognition!" , she exclaimed happily. I then heard her pull out a chair beside me to sit down on. Oddly, my hearing has been even better since I'm in a coma! It's probably because all of my other senses aren't working, so my brain is working harder with my only remaining sense. At least that's what I'm presuming. 

"Okay Georgia,the precognition power is quite rare, so there isn't much known about it. But there's about 10 pages on it. Here goes, "The precognition or future sight power, is the rarest known power to Demon Slayers. Fewer than 1% pocess this sensational power. Studies have shown that this power takes the longest to develop. The shortest time being half a year, and the longest being 5 years. The average length of time for this power to develop is one year. This power is very difficult to control, but once mastered, can be extremely powerful. The Demon Slayer with this power, can have visions of the future anywhere. Be it land, space or the ocean. One particular Demon Slayer, known as Jake Brockenstein, prevented a war with Demons and the Sacred Spirits from happening, when he had a visionof it 10 months before it actually happened! This gave the Sacred Spirits 3/4's of a year to prepare for the war.                              Other uses are, that some Demon Slayers can project the visions like a projector. For beginner precognitioners, it can extremely hard to tell a vision and a dream apart. But the main way to tell it apart, is that the vision will seem extremely realistic and almost like a memory rather than a dream. Beginners can also have power malfunctions, where they have two visions that somehow combine, either a dream and a vision, or two visions combined. But this is so rare that there's only a 0.00000000001% chance of it happening. In Demon Slayer history of 1500 years, it's only happened once. People with this power tend to be extremely smart and un-sociable. Effects of this power are nausea and fainting."                                                                                             "Wow Georgia, that was very interesting." , she said. 

Maddie's P.O.V: 

I'm finally getting to meet Georgia after her being in the hospital for 3 weeks! I was meant to visit her last week, but mum was working a lot last week so she couldn't take me. But I can finally go tomorrow! 

*The next day*

Mum and I pulled into the car park and made our way to Georgia's ward. We then came to an abandoned ward, and a portal opened! We jumped through and I was shocked, ready for an explanation from mum about the portal. Then she sprayed me with a spray and suddenly, I felt like I was forgotting something. All I could remember, was that something really cool had happened, but I couldn't recall what it was. I shrugged it off and we made our way to Georgia's ward. 

Linda's P.O.V: 

I sprayed Maddie with the Nathri spray so that she'd forget about going through the portal. Thankfully, she's also blind to any signs or anything else Demon Slayer related while in the Demon Slayer section of New York Central City Hospital. The look of love and pain on her face when she saw Georgia, warmed and pained my heart at the same time. She gasped with shock at her first look at Georgia's lifeless appearance and gently gave her a hug, being careful of Georgia's feeding tubes and things like that. 

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