Chapter 25:

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Linda's P.O.V: 

Gone. Georgia was gone. The demon's had taken her. There was only one place they could've taken her, D.S.D.A.

 I turned to Jenny. "Before we get there Jenny, I need to explain my plan to you. Listen carefully. Okay, when we get in there, we're firstly going to try and find Georgia. Then after we've found her, I presume Demons will be there. If it happens that Georgia's on her own at any point, weaponless and defenceless without weapons or the Sacred Spirits wand, I want you to teleport out of there with her, and try find the Sacred Spirits wand, okay? The demons are after the wand and it's important that you find it before they do." 

"But.." , she stuttered. 

"This won't make much sense now, but I need you to trust me. Do you give me your word that you'll do exactly as I've said?" 

"Yes, I do." , she said. 

 Then we teleported to D.S.D.A

The school looked mostly normal from the outside, but nothing could've prepared me for what was on the inside. Demon's lurked everywhere, staring us down. I tossed Jenny my spare amulet, that blocks people from being possessed and she quickly put it around her neck. We turned down the hallway to a classroom where there was tons of noise. Inside Georgia and a teacher were surrounded by about 20 demons all closing in on them! 

*20 minutes earlier* 

Georgia's P.O.V: 

I'm a demon.

I suddenly transported to an ancient castle and I recognised it as D.S.D.A. Seeking help, I went inside the castle. A demon is trapped inside my body and I can't think like me anymore. Here and there, the demon is in control rather than me. I'm trying to fight back and be me, not the demon. But I'm in excruciating pain as the demon inside of me, tries to take me down. It's like Freaky Friday, except that there's two beings in the one body and the demon inside of me can fight back, trying to push me out. It's worthless, he's inside of me wether he likes it or not. It's too hard and he got the better of me. By the demon overpowering my weaknesses, I can feel myself withering away..... This demon's too strong.

I'm no longer Georgia Hamilton, I'm a demon and my only intention is to kill filthy demon slayers. I head inside D.S.D.A seeking my first victim, it appears that no-one's here, but that doesn't stop me. I creep around the school searching for my first victim.

As I creep around the school, I spot a light on in a classroom. The classroom door says "Ms. Kenny's classroom" . Feeling unrepentant, I head iniside, not caring who's in there. A woman is sitting at the desk, writing in a notebook. We demons feed on Demon Slayer and human fear. I let out a monstrous roar and she jumped out of her skin. She quickly spun around, seeing me. I growl much to her fear. "Georgia, a demon has possessed you, if you can hear me, repeat this spell.." I growl and snarl, causing her to back away. She's trying to negotiate with whoever I've possessed. I'm going to rip her soul out, as I've done many times before. "Georgia," she calmly says, still believing this will work, stupid mortal. I pin her against the wall so she can barely move. She lifts her hand ready to cast a spell."Okay, then. You leave me know choice. I have to separate you Georgia. I'm sorry." , she whimpers as a tear rolls down her cheek. She broke her hand free from my grasp, and aimed at me. A bolt of light shot out off her hand and surrounded me. I felt like my organs were trying to burst through my flesh. I fell to the floor and my stomach lurched outwards causing me to groan in pain. I felt like I had rocks in my stomach. All my organs felt squashed and I could barely breathe. Just then, the demon leaped out of my chest and I fell unconscious to the ground, all my energy gone. I was finally me again. I opened my eye a crack to see Ms. Kenny battling the demon. With her telekinesis powers, she hurled a desk at him. It smashed right into him, which we both presumed ended the fight, but unfortunately the demon got straight back up. Ms. Kenny looked as worn out as I did and he looked like he was going to rip her soul out. I had to move fast. With all of my concentration, I used my fauna powers to turn into a wolf. I regained my energy, thanks to being in wolf form. The Demon didn't seem to notice me at all. I charged towards the Demon, my paws lightly drumming on the floor. I leaped onto him and sank my sharp teeth into his flesh. At the meer touch of my teeth, he began shrinking, until there was nothing more than a swampy pile of blood. I changed back to my normal self and Ms. Kenny thanked me for saving her life.

Then a massive boulder sound crashed above our heads. Black slime fell down the walls and then turned into demons. We were surrounded by about 20 demons all closing in on us.          

As if on que, my mum and Jenny burst through the door. The demons didn't take much notice of them and continued closing in on Ms. Kenny and I. Ms. Kenny hurled a few chairs at a couple of demons which fortunately, knocked 5 out unconscious. But there were still 15 left. "Get away from my daughter!!" , my mum screamed at the top of her voice. She ran straight towards the demon nearest to me, and sank her dagger into his chest. He instantly began shrinking, until there was nothing more than a swampy pile of blood. All of a sudden, the biggest demon raised it's hands towards Jenny, my mum and Ms. Kenny. It seemed this Demon had telekinesis powers like Ms. Kenny, and hurled them all towards the wall except me, pinning them with some kind of force field. They couldn't move and I desperately began trying to reach my mum's dagger. 

Jenny then teleported beside me, and quickly said, "Let's get out of here." With that being said we teleported to upstairs. I fumbled with my lockers lock and grabbed my spare dagger out from inside, presuming that we only teleported out of there to get weapons. "I have a feeling they're after the Sacred Spirits wand. We need to find it before they do." , Jenny said. "But we need to free Ms. Kenny and my mum!" I said. "I know that they're after the Sacred Spirits wand, so we need to find it before they do. If we find it, we'll be able to defeat the Demons and free your mum and Ms. Kenny." , Jenny explained. 

After being convinced by Jenny, we begun going around the school, checking rooms thoroughly. D.S.D.A had never seemed particularly big to me, but we saw so much more corridors than either of us thought were there. After about half an hour, I turned to Jenny.

 "Jenny, we've been looking for the wand for ages. Perhaps we should think of a plan and then go back to Ms. Kenny's room to try rescue them." , I said. 

"We can't give up Georgia! Even if we do manage to think of a plan, we'll be defenceless against 15 demons!" ,she replied. 

"I suppose you're right. But there's still so much of the school we haven't checked. This could take hours, which is time we don't have." 

"We just have to think outside of the box. If you were a wand, where would you be hidden?" ,Jenny asked. 

"Somewhere no one would think to look, and somewhere I'd be completely secure." 

"Well, can you think of anywhere like that?" ,she asked. 

*Gasp* "The school library!" I whisper shouted. 

We ran towards the library which was at the other end of the school. All of the Demons were at the North side of the school, so we were far from them. When we reached the library, the doors were locked. 

"Jenny, how are we supposed to get in?" 

"Don't worry, I know where the key is. While, you were in the hospital, I became a helper to the librarian, so I helped her with the books and I locked up at the end of the school day." 

Then she lifted up a loose floorboard in front of the door, and underneath, there was the key!


Sorry for the belated chapter upload! Hopefully you're enjoying this story so far, and if so comments, suggestions and votes would be greatly appreciated! 

Also, at the time of this chapter being published,  tomorrow is New Years! So happy 2017 tomorrow! If you have any New Years Resolutions, let me know in the comments!  Bye for now 🤗

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