Chapter 6:

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Maddie's P.O.V:
Mum just arrived home after dropping Georgia to taekwando. I'm quite surprised how fast mum signed Georgia up to taekwando lessons considering we've only been in New York for a few days. But it's probably one of mum's ideas to sign Georgia up, to try help her make some more friends. Me, feeling jealous of Georgia's planned out day, turned to mum and said "Any chance I can invite my new friends over and we can go shopping together in the mall nearby?" "Sure," she said happily, "what are your friends names?" "Natalie, Kara and Lola," I said. I then left the kitchen and went to my room to text the girls and see if they wanted to hang out. 
*15 minutes later*
Kara replied, saying she'd love to. Lola replied, saying that she was getting ready to go to her friends birthday party. And Natalie replied saying she was having a spa day with her cousin. I was quite disappointed that Lola and Natalie were occupied, but glad that Kara was free. Hopefully she'd be able to show me some of the makeup tips she had been talking about at school the other day.
When Kara arrived, she did an amazing smoky eye look on me and showed me how to get a perfect wing with eye liner every time. It was so much fun doing makeup and then after a while, we went to the shops.

Linda's (Maddie and Georgia's Mom's) P.O.V:
Maddie seemed to believe my fib that I had dropped Georgia to Taekwando, even though I had actually dropped her to D.S.D.A. I'm extremely proud of Georgia for making Esben which was the same house I was in when I went to D.S.D.A.
I still need to get her Fighting equipment and pay for her house jumper though.

Georgia's P.O.V:
After history of Fighting class was over with Mr. Hot stuff I made my way to my next class with Jenny. We had Fighting and Defence class next, which I was really looking forward to, due to how cool it looked in the video we saw. Jenny was quite nervous, since she hadn't had Fighting experience before.          When we reached the hall, we went inside and stood with the others. The teacher then spoke with a bored and impatient tone, "I'm Ms. Anderson, welcome to Fighting and Defence. This year we'll be learning basic Fighting skills and how to properly take down a demon. There's protective gear on the floor here," she said, pointing towards it, " Gear up and then find a partner please."I went with Jenny.
"Now, has anyone had any fighting experience before?" No one put up their hand. I shyly put up my hand. "Georgia, right?" , she said.  I nodded. "What Fighting experience have you had?" "I've done taekwando for 3 years and I'm a 2nd Dan black belt." , I exclaimed quietly. "Well done!, she said happily, "Now, has anyone ever faced a demon before?!" No one put up their hand and I once again, shyly put up my hand.
"Wow?!", said Ms. Anderson, completely shocked, "tell me exactly what happened, please?!" , she said, suddenly very interested.
"I walked into the toilets and there a demon in there with a dagger that looked like he was about to chop my head off. He swung a punch and I dodged. Then I grabbed his arm and swung it behind his back. Next I threw his dagger out of his reach. I then shoved him against the wall and he fell unconscious. When I stabbed it in the back with his dagger, he shrunk and then all that was left was a swampy pile of blood," I mumbled quietly. Some people gasped and I was quite delighted that they were impressed. The teacher congratulated me and she said I handled the situation perfectly! Then the lesson carried on.
After we had learned some basic Fighting techniques, the lesson was over and we headed to our next class. Which was power control, to teach the students how to control their demon slayer power. I'm extremely excited and so is everyone else.
We sat down in the class and the teacher began speaking, "Hi everyone, I'm Ms. Kenny, today you will all be getting your power scan, to see what demon slayer power you'll develop. I'm going to call everyone out alphabetically and then step over here please," she said, motioning towards an x-ray type of machine, "simply walk through and it will determine your power."                            Loads of cool powers were mentioned such as teleportation, shape shifting, telekinesis, weather control, telepathy and many more. I excitedly stepped up when my name was called. I walked through and the teacher called out my power..........
Hi everyone! I hope you're all enjoying the story so far. Just a quick disclaimer:
First of all, I'd like to say that, I'm not trying to copy any other story, such as Harry Potter or the popular TV show that my Dad told me about called "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" . I'd never even heard of that show before and I've now realised my story is a bit similar to it. So I just wanted to clear up that I'm not trying to copy it. :)
Ok, now that that's cleared up, I'd love your guy's feedback!! Comment and let me know what you think !! A vote would be really appreciated! I'm open to any ideas or constructive criticism, so let me know in the comments. Thanks for reading and keep reading to find out what Georgia's power is..........

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