Chapter 8:

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Georgia's P.O.V:
The next morning Dad left to go to Washington. Maddie asked for perfume from Victoria Secrets, I asked for sweets and mum asked for some designer brand candles that are way cheaper in Washington than here in New York.
*Monday Morning*
I got to school on the school bus and made my way to class as normal. When I got into the building a boy that was a year ahead of me in school pulled me under the stairs, completely out of sight off passers by. I was about to ask him what he was doing when he quickly shushed me. "Your Georgia Hamilton, right?"he asked in almost a whisper. I nodded. "I need to tell you something extremely important. I'm Darragh and I know that you're a demon slayer." I was about to make up an excuse, telling him he was crazy, but he cut me off. "Look, I'm a demon slayer too. I needed to talk to you because I'm a homeschooled demon slayer and my Dad homeschools me. My demon slayer power is that I can see into the future and I know for certain that a 2nd degree demon is going to be coming to this school today to try take down beginner demon slayers, like you. It's extremely important that we prevent that from happening. So be on guard through out the day. We're not in the same class, so that's why I needed to warn you. Do you happen to have any defence weapons with you? " , he inquired, still in a whispering tone. I told him about the dagger from the demon in the girls bathroom last week and he said that he has one too. "One more thing, I want you to have this. I believe you don't have one of these yet." He gave me was looked like a pen with a big button on one end. "Press the button on the end and a teleport bubble will open to bring you to your Defence school, D.S.D.A. Once you've gone through, the pen will automatically reappear in your pocket so that you can use it again." "Thanks." , I said, taking it and quite shocked at this sudden news. "Just remember, be on guard and don't be afraid to fight in front of others. If you do happen to need to fight in front of others, spray them with this and they'll completely forget what happened in the previous minutes that involved you Fighting. Once you've defeated the demon, it'll shrink and then a swampy pile of blood will be left. Hold this over the pile and it'll suck it up. Then bring that into the portal to D.S.D.A. Good luck." And then he ran up the stairs leaving me there completely dumbfounded. I quickly shoved the spray, machine for sucking up the swampy blood that just looked like an ordinary pencil pairer and the teleport pen in my pocket and headed off to class. When I got upstairs, I went into the toilets to text mum about what had happened.
She said that he most likely was telling the truth. She then asked for his name and a description of him. I told her, and asked why and she explained that she can read people's minds even from far away!
She texted back after a while, saying that he genuinely was telling the truth. I definitely felt better knowing that it was true. Now I just have to be on guard awaiting for what he said is to come.......

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