Chapter 4:

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*1 month later*

Georgia's P.O.V:
Lately I've been having really bad pains in my stomach, my mum said it could possibly be my power developing. The people at D.S.D.A still don't know what my power is.

I'm super excited though, because today I'll be going to D.S.D.A for the first time! My mum explained to me how it's completely hidden in the forest, and is only visible once the enchanted safety portal surrounding it is opened. Mum drove us in the car and along the way she told me how neither my Dad nor Maddie knew about us being demon slayers.

After what felt like ages, we finally arrived at what looked like an abandoned forest. Mum drove the car into a space in the parking lot ten minutes away from where she said D.S.D.A was and we walked the rest of the way. We stopped once we reached a massive oak tree with a flower bush of roses beside it. Then mum pulled out what looked like a circular shaped phone, to check if anyone was around and waved it around the place. It beeped twice and she put it away - I'm assuming that meant the coast was clear. Then she muttered some ancient worlds and a portal appeared, it was made up of light blue and shimmering white beams spinning around in a circle, gradually get wider, until it reached a certain width wide enough for the two of us to step through and then it stopped growing.

She took my hand, gave me a reassuring smile and we jumped through. When we entered it immediately closed behind us. Inside the portal, we were standing in front of a beautiful old style giant castle, which was the school. Above the double door entrance, there was a crest that had a Slayer beside a knife on it, and underneath a "Demon Slayer Defence Academy" sign.

Then we went in, inside was a gigantic hallway with a sloping ceiling and a glistening chandler overhead. To the left, was the principals office building. Straight ahead was a table with a young woman possibly in her young thirty's, sitting there greeting new comers with a warm smile. As she said goodbye to each person, I noticed the pen on the desk sprouted tiny legs and walked over to the check list, then it flipped itself upside down, so that the point of the pen was on the paper and it ticked off the name! I couldn't believe it! I've never seen anything like that!

When the lady spotted my mum, she had the biggest smile on her face and came bounding over like a rabid dog. She gave mom the biggest hug and started saying really fast, "Linda Wilson! Is that really you?! I haven't seen you for over twenty years! How are you?" Then when she noticed me, she turned apologetically and said "You must be Georgia Hamilton! Welcome to D.S.D.A! I hope you have a wonderful time here!" She said with a kind smile giving me a hug as well.

After she had gone, I turned to mum, questioning her on that over the top welcome. She replied saying, "She was my house teacher when I went to school here and she's also been a close family friend for generations!"

"Generations?!" I pondered excitedly.

"Yes, her power is immortality. She's been alive for thousands of years already! You haven't met her before, because she's terrible at keeping secrets and if I introduced you to our family, she most likely would have told you too early that you're a demon slayer," explained mum.

Just then a voice sounded over the intercom above our heads and said "All new students have been requested to report to the main hall with their parents immediately, please."

With that being said, we made our way to the main hall alongside a bunch of other new-comers, all looking as fascinated as I was at how magical this school was! There were teleportation lifts all over the school, where all you had to do was step in, put your dollar in the money slot, say what classroom number you were in, and you'd instantly be teleported there - Mum explained. She also said there were information animals on the wall, where all you had to do was simply ask a question and they would reply!

Once we had made our way to the hall, mum and I found a seat a couple rows back from the front. The hall was full with about 300 people, about half of which were parents. Each new-coming student were sixteen, just like I was, mum had explained.

After about five minutes, the same lady who had greeted us at the school entrance began speaking on the platform. She gave a quick speech on the history of D.S.D.A, explained how we would all be separated into seven different houses due to our personalities and how the ancient sacred spirit wand would determine which house we would go in! Lastly, she said that the house names are, Fiovorante, Kalevala, Esben, Rainia, Shannara, Allanon and Zatanna.

After she had finished speaking, Mr. Higgins the principal, walked on and announced that it was time for everyone to be separated into their houses. He then pulled out a long list that must have had everyone's name on it, and started calling out names alphabetically.

"Zoey Ashford!"

A small girl with long auburn hair and brown eyes nervously walked up to the platform. He gave her a reassuring smile and gestured towards the chair beside him. She sat down and he told her he was about to place the sorting spell on her, and for her not to worry. With that, he pointed the wand at her and she slowly lifted into the air! Then she started floating towards a bunch of people all wearing deep purple hoodies at the back of the hall. Beside the people in the deep purple hoodies, were six other bunches of people. Each bunch, wearing different coloured hoodies and there were a couple of hundred in each bunch. Mr. Higgins then explained how each house wore their house coloured hoodie over their fighting clothes. Each hoodie also had the school's crest on it.

Fivorante wore sapphire and were known for intelligence and some were quirky,
Kalevala wore deep purple, and were known for being trustworthy,
Esben wore red and wore known for loyalty and bravery,
Rainia wore sunset yellow and were known for kindness,
Shannara wore grass green and were known for openness,
Allanon wore white and were known for honesty and determination and
Zatanna wore black and were known for being mannerly and having true friendship.

Once she reached them, she slowly started floating downwards, until she was standing on the floor beside them. They all started cheering at a new-comer and the principal announced that she had been sorted into Kalevala.

Next he called out, "Daniel Allen." A boy that sat in front of us with jet black hair walked up.

Mr. Higgins cast the sorting spell on him and he started floating towards Zatanna. Once again, when he reached them, he slowly started floating downwards until he was on the ground beside them and he was greeted by a warm cheer from Zatanna.

After a while, my name was called. I nervously walked up and sat down just as dozens previously had. Mr. Higgins aimed the wand at me and I started floating towards..........
Wow, this chapter turned out longer than I expected! 😀😱
Yes, I'm aware this is a bit like Harry Potter. All credits go to J.K Rowling. 😉
Keep reading to find out what house Georgia gets sorted into...

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