Chapter 15:

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Georgia's P.O.V:
The rest of the trip was quite enjoyable, we saw some amazing landmarks such as super tall skyscrapers, unique art that I've never seen anything like, and most unusual animals such as bleezels, which were half fish, half tiger!
"Next on our tour, you will all get to meet, Zeke the Great, and Cayden the Almighty!" , the tour guide exclaimed. I'm super excited to meet them, especially Cayden the Almighty, who is the only known Demon Slayer to have more than one power!
We reached Zeke's mansion in 15 minutes, and were shown inside by his butler. It was a quick 30 minute visit and we could all take pictures with him and ask some questions! We stepped inside his mansion, and there were shimmering chandeliers, sloping ceilings, long corridors, statues and pastel coloured walls! It was a beautiful mansion and I envied the gorgeous interior designs. Jenny was quite mesmerised, and I remembered her saying how she wanted to be an interior designer when she grew up. She marvelled at the statutes and was in awe at the unique layout and wall colour choices. I really wanted to walk alongside her and have a chat, but she seemed busy enough and I didn't want to seem too desperate. I was currently walking around by myself but I didn't mind that much.
Shortly after arriving, his butler showed us to the grand living room in which many chairs were laid out for us all to sit on and a podium stood at the front where Zeke the Great soon stood at to great us. He had jet black hair, toned arms, good facial features and hazel eyes.
"Good afternoon everyone. Thank you all for coming! For those of you who don't know me, I'm Zeke the Great, but you can just call me Zeke. I defeated the mountain lava dragon, one of THE most dangerous and deadly dragons known in exsistence. Other than that, I enjoy bowling, swimming and fencing and I really hope you all enjoy this trip.
First off, we'll be starting with questions." With that being said about 40 hands flew up in the air. He pointed towards a guy in Shannara, whose name I didn't know. "Do you've any pets?" "Yes, I do", Zeke replied,"I've a Chinese water dragon named Juno, a snow leopard named Midnight, a poodle named Diva and a dolphin named Bubbles."
Then he pointed to a girl in Rainia, "Do you've a girlfriend?" Some people giggled, and Zeke blushed, "Not at the moment. I'm a single Pringle and ready to mingle!" I presumed that was a joke but no one even smirked and he looked quite embarrassed. "Eh, moving on," , Zeke said sheepishly. "You there!" He pointed towards a guy in our class, Johnny. "How long have you lived on this land; and do you plan to come back to Earth?" , Johnny asked. "Great question! I've lived here on The Land of the Moon and the Stars, for 12 years and I plan to go back to Earth in a years time to visit my family members."
After many more questions were asked, we all queued up for photos. I was in the middle of the queue. When I got up to him, he greeted me with a warm smile, gave me a hug and then Ms. Anderson took the photo. When everyone was done we said our goodbyes to Zeke and thanked him for the nice trip. We then made our way outside.
Ms. Kenny then announced that we'd be having a lunch break shortly, and we made the 10 minute walk journey to the nearby park to sit on the benches and have lunch.
When we reached the park, I spotted Jenny and Claire sitting at a table near some flowers a bit away from everyone else. I walked towards Jenny and she looked up and smiled. I asked if I could sit down and they didn't say otherwise, so I sat down reluctantly. "This trip has been pretty cool so far, right?" , I said, trying to break the awkward silence. "Yeah" , they both said in unison. We sat there for a while and ate our lunch, barely speaking.
Jenny, who had seemed quite bored, walked over to the plants to admire them, as there weren't any plants like these on Earth. They were of every shape and colour. We were admiring the flowers and other plants and took pictures. From where we were standing, we were facing away from the group.
All of sudden, I heard faint footsteps behind me. Claire and Jenny didn't hear them so I looked over my shoulder to see who it was. To my fear and shock, it was a demon!! It was walking quickly and quietly straight towards us. But no one from the group could see us behind the bush and we couldn't see them for that matter. I spotted a bow and arrow in his hand, and the arrow was covered in star tailed snake venom, a rare snake native to this land, that's venom could kill any human instantly! He raised his arrow about to shoot Jenny! Without second thoughts, I dove in front of Jenny shielding her from the arrow just as it was about to slice through Jenny's skull, remembering that with my fauna powers, I'm 7 times more immune to animal poisons and bites. Instead, the arrow sliced through my chest and I fell to the ground, as blood gushed out, covering my t-shirt. Jenny and Claire heard me crash to the ground and spun around immediately and they yelled very loudly for help. The Demon then ran away. I could feel myself drifting in and out of consciousness. I couldn't move, speak and darkness had clouded my eyes, but I could faintly hear Jenny cry, "Georgia! Are you okay!? Please don't die. *sob* Ms. Kenny! Ms. Thompson! Georgia's been shot by an arrow!" Then I heard rushed footsteps. The very last thing I heard was when Jenny said, through muffled sobs of sadness and pain, "Georgia, please come back to me......"

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