Chapter 23:

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Doctor's P.O.V: 

*The next day* 

The scar she got from when the arrow pierced her skin was dark and shadowed as it began opening slowly, and then a greenish red venom started dripping out. This now means that Georgia's fauna powers are healing the snake venom! The hole in her arm opened up to let the venom out.  I put a small container underneath to catch the venom so that we can hopefully find a cure for the future. I then texted her mum the good news that she may finally be waking up. 

Demon's P.O.V: 

Our plan may be happening quicker than we expected....

Linda's P.O.V: 

I couldn't be happier! My baby girl may be finally waking up! I'm currently at a work conference at the moment and it's pretty hectic, but hopefully I can get down to the hospital and visit Georgia this evening.  

*A few hours later* 

Demon's P.O.V: 

Since the girl could possibly be waking up soon, our agents have now gone to the girl's ward to make sure that they are there as soon as she wakes up. They'll use invisiblity potions to get in and watch the girl, then they'll teleport to D.S.D.A, get the Sacred Spirits wand and all Demon kind will be free!! 

*The time is 18:00/6pm* 

Demon Agent's P.O.V: 

The girl is showing signs of waking up soon and then are Revolutionary plan will take action. A lot of doctor's are monitoring her, but we've used our invisibility potion, so it's like we're not even here. Once the girl wakes up, we'll send every single person in this hospital into a sleeping trance and block off the portal so that NO-ONE can get into the hospital to tamper with our plan. Our plan is flawless! 

*One hour later* 

The snake venom is completely out of the girl's system and she's stirring occasionally. I've just instructed my co-worker to block the portal with our potion curse. No-one can see or hear us. 

She's stirring frequently now and now it's time to send every person into a sleeping trance! Nothing can stop us now! Our plan is taking action....

Linda's P.O.V: 

Something doesn't feel right. I'm home from my work conference now and I've been on hold from the hospital for half an hour now, when usually, relatives of coma patients are put straight through. I've even rung Georgia's personal nurse Connie, many times. I'm starting to get worried. I could possibly be overthinking this situation, but all I need to have is reassurance that everyone in that hospital is okay. I've never had to do this before, but my instincts feel I should. I'm going to use my telepathy powers to read the mind of Georgia's personal nurse. By doing this, I'll be able to see what she has seen in the last hour. This is highly illegal, but my gut feeling doesn't feel right. I made my way down to Slayer Hollow and made myself cosy, it's been harder coming down to Slayer Hollow because of Georgia's absence, but I went anyaway. I then began using my telepathy powers. First you need to start with a calm mind and strongly think of who's mind your about to read. It took a few tries, with slow deep breaths and a calm mind.              Okay, I'm reading Georgia's personal nurse Connie's mind now.                                                       Firstly, she tended Georgia's snake venom that healed on its own, monitored her heart, filed out an employee report..etc.  Okay, 1/2 an hour in.. This seems unusual. Two demon's are inside the hospital! This can't be right? Connie is now trying to get them out, but they've blocked the portal! Now they're sending every person into a sleeping trance! The last thing Connie heard before going into the sleeping trance, was the Demon's talking about possessing a Disparate Demon Slayer! That has got to be Georgia! There's no other Disparate Demon Slayer in that entire hospital. Oh no, my baby girl is defenceless, on her own, against two Demons. This is bad.  I have to get down there as fast as I possibly can. But with the portal blocked, there's no chance of me getting in. Unless, I could possibly use my great grandmother's potion to unblock the portal. But it's a complicated potion that I've never attempted before.      My heart sank, this is going to be next to impossible. I only have short amount of time to get into that hospital and try and save Georgia..........

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