Chapter 7:

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Georgia's P.O.V:
"Congratulations Georgia, you're power is Fauna! Where you can communicate and shape shift into animals! Your power should be completely developed in less than a months time." , she explained.
I'm so happy!! This has got to be THE coolest demon slayer power ever! I walked back to my desk beside Jenny with a big smile on my face. When I sat down Jenny patted me on the back and congratulated me. Next the teacher called out, "Jenny Harrison!" Jenny walked through the machine and the teacher announced her power, "Congratulations Jenny, your power is teleportation!" Jenny walked back and I patted her on the back and congratulated her, just as she had done to me. "Yay," , she said, "I was hoping I would get this power!!                   Throughout the lesson, we learned that the main thing to do when controlling your power is to have a calm mind and focus on your power. Ms. Kenny then demonstrated her power, which was telekinesis. She demonstrated clearing her mind and focusing on the object. She closed her eyes, took a few deep breaths and then opened her eyes. She pointed her finger towards a pencil on her desk and it floated into the hair and then dropped down again. We then applauded her and she explained that the more familiar you get with your power, the easier it is to control. She then showed how she just needed a calm mind and the pencil still floated. "When you get your power, you'll be taught how to control it, use it properly and fully use your powers ability in my classes. As I've gotten older, I've been able to control and levitate bigger and heavier objects. Keep in mind, this all comes with practice!" , she said. With that being said the school bell rang, signalling the end of the school day.
Jenny and I walked to the front of the school. Mum was standing their, along with other parents, to collect their kids. I said bye to Jenny and mum and I then left through the portal and made our way home.
*40 minutes later*
We arrived home and I'd told mum all about school on the car journey home. The school day lasted 3 hours. The first hour was the introduction and finding our way around the school, then the rest was class time. Mum explained how a typical school day was 6 hours and that this day was shorter, considering it was my first day.

Maddie's P.O.V:
Mum and Georgia have just arrived back from Georgia's taekwando lesson. Georgia was gone an extremely long time, but I don't care enough to ask why. Mum left to go collect Georgia just after Kara left so I was here with my Dad. My Dad is a businessman and he works extremely hard, so we don't see him much. Today though, he was off today because tomorrow he's going on a 2 week business trip to Washington. It's nice to see him home. I'm very much a Daddy's girl. He's very kind and has a great sense of humour. He calls me his Bumble Bee, which is a nickname he gave me when I was 5 because I was obsessed with bumble bees at the time.
Georgia and mum just came in the door now. It's nearly 6pm now. When Dad's home, which isn't often, we always order a pizza from the local pizza place. Mum's just ordered 2 large pizzas that will arrive in about 20 minutes. I'm really happy that Dad's home. I head up to my room to finish up some weekend homework. After about 15 minutes, I hear "Hey Bumble Bee, how's my baby girl?" I spin around and he's there in the doorway with a warm smile. I run over to him to give him a big hug and we fall onto my bed in stitches of laughter. He's only been home an hour, back from his month long business trip in Texas. I'm gonna try make the most out of today before he goes to Washington for 2 weeks. "Since I'm going to be in Washington, is there anything you want me to get you, Bumble Bee?" , he says. "Could you go into Victoria Secrets and get me the Mist Collection Coconut and vanilla passion fragrance mist, please?" I ask sweetly. "Sure thing. Come on, the pizza's here. Your mum ordered ham and pineapple, our favourite!" He says with a smile. We then head downstairs to enjoy our pizza.

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