Chapter 11:

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Georgia's P.O.V:
The next day, mum, Maddie and I were getting ready to go to a family party. I was getting ready and when I was in my dress I stood in front of my mirror to look at my sparkly purple knee length dress. Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted a tabby cat on the garden wall. I've always loved animals and I still do. Then I looked back at my reflection and thought to myself casually, "I wish I could be a cat." I started fixing my hair and then a neon pink circular beam of light, surrounded me and picked me up into the air. Then I slowly started shrinking and felt a furry coat on my skin.
I then looked at my reflection and I couldn't believe it! I WAS A CAT!!! I was a black cat with a purple ring on my tail, probably because of my dress. Just then, Maddie walked into my room. She called out "Georgia! Can I borrow your butterfly hair clip?" She then noticed me in my cat form! And when I said, "Maddie! It's me, Georgia." It didn't come out as my usual voice, it was a meow! "Ugh, how did a cat get in here. Shoo, shoo." She then picked me up, opened my bedroom window and put me outside on the window ledge and closed the window behind me. She then left my room.
I frantically started panicking. What if I'm stuck like this forever?!
I walked over to the tabby cat sitting on the garden wall. It miaowed at me, and I understood! He said, "What are you doing around here, Midnight? I told you yesterday, I'm with Tilly now, you just have to accept that." "What," , I said to his surprise. "I'm not Midnight. I'm Georgia and I'm not even a cat, I'm a human!" He then laughed at me as if I was crazy. I didn't know cats could laugh, but this one certainly could. Just then, we both heard a bark behind us.
It was Rex, the golden retriever mixed with a German shepherd dog. He was quite big and belonged to my next door neighbour's. In the short time I've known him, we've gotten on good. But he didn't know it was really me! He looked like he was about to pounce at us, luckily, we were high up on the wall. I then walked along the garden wall and jumped up to my bedroom window that was on the second storey.
I was quite surprised that I was able to jump that high, but relieved I had gotten away from Rex. In my room, my mom was there, sitting on my bed, looking at her phone. I miaowed really loudly from outside, to try get her attention. She didn't hear me the first time, so I tried again. This time she heard me! She looked up and walked over to the window. She opened it, picked me up and brought me inside!
I then remembered her telepathy powers. I started meowing loudly, so she'd hopefully try read my mind, to see what was wrong. Luckily, she did!
"Georgia!" , she cried in almost a whisper, "Is that you?!" I nodded. "How did you turn into a cat!?" , she said still in a whisper. Then she answered her own question - it was my fauna powers! "Don't worry Georgia! I know how to reverse this." With that, she held me in her arms and brought me into her bedroom and locked the door behind her. She placed me on the bed and then walked over to the painting beside her wardrobe. Then she lifted the painting of flowers off the wall, to reveal a small door behind it! She then took her necklace off, that had a key on it, put the key in the key hole and opened the door. Inside there was a big thick book and she took it out and put it on the bed beside me. She flicked to a bookmarked page and explained quietly that, ever since my demon slayer power was announced that it was fauna, she's been reading up on it in her big book about demon slayers. She then read out to me quietly, so that Maddie wouldn't be able to hear, "Georgia, you need to say in your head, I wish to return back to my normal self. Then after that say, veraveto. " I did exactly what she said, and the neon pink light beam surrounded me again, it then picked me up into the air and I turned into my normal self again! I could feel myself getting bigger and everything! "Georgia, you're back!" , she cried, giving me a big hug. I looked at myself in her mirror, really happy to be back to normal again! I was still wearing my purple dress and silver pumps. No paws, no fur and no meowing!!
After that we then headed off to the party, as if nothing had even happened!

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