Chapter 26:

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Georgia's P.O.V: 

I grabbed the key and quickly looked at it. On the key had the initials, "L.W". I knew those initials were familiar, but I couldn't quite remember why. I shrugged it off, put the key in the door , turned it and pushed open the door. It was pretty dark at this stage, being Winter at the moment. I guessed the time was around 19:00, 19:30. We both walked in and Jenny flicked on the lights beside us. 

"Should we start looking?" ,I said. Jenny nodded and we began searching through the library. It wasn't that big a library, but it wasn't small either. I began going through some of the books and Jenny began searching around the furniture, by thoroughly looking at each chair and table.  There were 10 tables each with 3 chairs on it and a circular light above each table, then at the top of the class was the teachers desk. Surrounding the tables and chairs, were the many circular shaped book shelves,as the room itself was circular shaped. The walls were painted white and the carpet was a darkish blue colour. On some of the walls, intricate flowers were painted, which really brightened up the room. 

I took out some books and flicked through each page, closely examining the spine and hardback cover of each of the books. I even examined the bookshelf, for anything out of place or different. There were 12 bookcases, full of tons of books, so this could take a while.

"Any luck Jenny?", I asked. 

"Nope, all I've have found under these desks is chewed chewing gum." 

"Gross." I replied. 

I returned to examining the books and Jenny examined the furniture.           

After a long while, I had checked 5 books cases, with no luck. Jenny had finished checking the furniture by now, and was now examining the portraits of past headmasters that lined the walls.

Then I noticed something that didn't look quite right.  I picked up a book that had no name on it.  It was different, because every book I had looked at since I started, had a name on it. I picked it up, and began flicking through the pages. The inside of the book was handwritten rather than printed like every other book. It seemed more like a journal than a book. However, when I got three quarters of the way through the book, I noticed hollowed out pages! The pages were hollowed out perfectly to hold the shape of a key. Without thinking much would happen, I took the library key and put it in the slot and it fit perfectly! 

All of a sudden, the key began glowing and the table farthest away from me, rose up into the air!             Underneath where the table had been, a shiny silver cylinder shaped tube stood where the table had been. Jenny, who had been beside the table, had a look of awe and shock. Then she touched the cylinder shape and a voice boomed, "Access denied." Then I walked over to touch it. When I touched it, the voice said, "Access granted!" I turned to Jenny and she smiled supportively, but still looked shocked. Then the tube sunk into the ground and a hole opened up in the ground. It looked dark inside, so Jenny passed me her phone and told me to use the torch light on her phone. 

I slid down the narrow hole. When I got to the bottom, I was in a dark room and a small wooden antique table stood in front of me. Then the same voice said, "Keeper of Keys, show the key." I didn't know what key the voice meant, and then I remembered the one in the book that was in my other hand.     I took out the key and put it on the table. Then the small room lit up and on the table in a protective box, was the Sacred Spirits wand!! I could see the room now. It was completely bare with no visible lights, so where the lights that lit up the room came from confused me. Then there were colourful beams and flashes of swirling lights all around the edges of the walls that reflected light around the room. They also looked as if they were dancing through the air.  It looked like Protection Spells or Enchantments to me. Jenny called down to me if I was okay, and I responded saying yes. Then I picked up the wand and all of a sudden, I teleported into the room where Mum and Ms.Kenny were. 

One of the demon's looked over at me grinning evilly. "Well done, young girl, now hand over the wand or this lady and your mum get it!!" He then showed me his sword and his booming, ferocious laugh echoed in the classroom. 

"Don't give it to him Georgia!" ,mum yelled. 

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