Chapter 17

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Georgia's P.O.V: 


That's all I can see and feel. I can hear everything around me, and I'm mostly aware of my surroundings. Jenny and mum have just left, and it's just me here, all alone in my hospital bed.  

I really wish I could just wake up. I feel as though my body is frozen, as if I've lost all of my senses, apart from my hearing. I'm not sure what time it is, but I feel utterly drained and I slowly start falling to sleep, my head drifting to another world.... 

They're coming. Their horse's feet thudding against the ground loudly, each one louder than the next. I'm holding my breath, hoping they can't hear me from my hiding spot behind the trees. I can hear a rider dismount and slowly making their way towards me. This was it, every obstacle and every hardship I've faced, washed over me like a wave. If they catch me, I'm done for. 

Risking it all, unaware if they're armed, I take the chance. I begin running, no turning back now, my lungs and heart burning, but I have to keep running. I quicken my pace as I hear them behind me. 

Soon enough, I come to a lake that stretched as far as the eye could see. 

There was no going around or over it. I ducked just in time, as a bullet flew over my head. The only possible route of escape, was through the waters. I'm not a great swimmer, but this was a life or death situation. I cautiously put one foot in the waters, to see how deep it was. It was only about 1 foot deep, so I followed my first foot with my second foot. 

It looked mostly shallow to the other side of the lake. The sun was beginning to set on the horizon.  I can hear them behind me, hot on my heals. I start running through the wide lake. That was a mistake. Suddenly, I come to a cliff in the murky waters of the lake. I begin falling quickly, sinking downwards into the murky waters. This truly was the end. 

I began frantically flapping and kicking my arms and legs, trying to swim upwards. But the current was pushing me down, and each second as I went down, it was quickly getting darker and darker. I'm sinking in the waters as if I were in quicksand. As I'm plunging to the bottom, my air begins to run out and I start frantically finding some way to get air. Then I began feeling light headed, my vision blurring. The darkness coming upon me and ripping me apart. I'm suspended in complete darkness and I feel strangely at peace, numb almost , as though I were suspended in the water peacefully, slowly losing consciousness. But somewhat at peace.

Then a bright light appears ahead of me and I remember from movies never to head towards a bright light. But it engulfed me like flames and my ears started ringing loudly. Then it all stopped. Blank mind, no movement, no hearing and no sight. Yep....I'm definitely dead now... Right?

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