Chapter 13:

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Just then we heard a gasp and we both looked towards the doorway. Just as I feared, Jenny was standing there with tears streaming down her face. "Georgia," she began softly, with a sad tone, "what's going on here?!"
"I'll tell you what's going on here," , Aidan blurted out before I could even open my mouth, "I was just casually walking along the corridor, when all of a sudden, Georgia grabs me and pulls me into the janitors closet. Before I could even react she then started snogging me!" "What?!" , I said completely shocked, then turning to Jenny, "I can explain..."
But she cut me off and said, "Don't bother." And then she teleported out of there. Aidan then shoved past me knocking me towards the wall, nearly knocking me over. "HOW DARE YOU!" , I screamed after him. But he was gone. I couldn't believe that he really just did that. I had a gut feeling that he'd always been jealous of my friendship with Jenny, and here was my proof.
Twenty minutes later, mum picked me up from school. I explained my entire dilemma to her, and she suggested proving to Jenny that he was a bad guy. I didn't exactly know how I was going to do that; catching him off guard wouldn't be easy, considering how quickly and easily he blurted out his excuse.
I rang Jenny and texted her later on. Every call went straight to voice mail, each text message notified me that she'd seen each text, but she didn't reply.
I really don't know what to do, he's winning, plus I'm losing my best friend, and there's nothing I can do. Good is always meant to beat evil, but I feel defeated. I need a master plan, and fast.
Mum suggested reading up on my demon slayer power in her book, to take my mind off things. Then she showed me the coolest thing ever...

Maddie had gone to a party, and Dad was gone on another business trip to Texas.
Mum brought me down to the cellar in our basement, and told me to bring the demon slayer book with me. I was starting to get creeped out because of how dark it was. We got to the back wall and she told me to give her the book.
I handed it to her and she flipped to the back page. She tapped the centre of the back page three times and a flat emerald green jewel, the same colour as my eyes appeared. She took the jewel and handed the book back to me. "I've got something to show you. I was going to wait till your 18th birthday, but I think you're ready now..." She then took the jewel 💎, and held it against the smallest brick in the wall. She let go and the jewel sunk into the wall and disappeared. "But.. but.." , I mumbled. "Just wait," , she said mysteriously. All of a sudden, a wooden door appeared. Mum then put her finger on the centre of the door and it opened. "Welcome, to Slayer Hollow", she said. Inside were pink coloured bean bags, white fluffy carpet, an endless book case full of books, potions, wands, portraits and in the corner, a portal!
"What is this place?!", I said, completely taken aback at the beauty of the small, cosy room. "This is Slayer Hollow. An escape room that every demon slayer family has." With that, we both stepped through and the door instantly closed behind us. "If ever you feel down, bored or anything. You can come here to Slayer Hollow. I've been the occupant of our Slayer Hollow for many years now. But now, this is your own private Hollow! " , she explained.
"You mean, this place is just for me?!" I asked. "That's right. And the best part is, you can make it look how ever you want!  I just chose this basic look for the room, but you can chose any look you want, simply by thinking about it!", she explained happily. "WOW!" I exclaimed. "Try it out, just simply picture how you want the room to look in your head, and it'll change to what ever you think off!" , she said.
With that being said, I pictured my dream room in my head. Suddenly the whole room started spinning really fast and mum instructed to close our eyes so as not to get dizzy. When we opened our eyes, the room was exactly like my dream room........

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