Chapter 38

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Mona's heartbeat is deafening when she heard a voice signaling the start of the fashion show. It was delayed for more than an hour but she still feels unready. She took a peek and notice that the place is now full of important people from the fashion industry as well as the rich and famous - celebrities, top notch designers - you name them, they're all in one place to witness the most awaited and talk of the entire country fashion show...featuring the crown prince's gorgeous and commoner girlfriend.

Yet, to Mona, the only people that matters are Harry and Dane. It boosts a little of her confidence to see Princess Aura and Donald in the front row too. Seeing them eased her nervousness a little.

"Alright ladies, get ready!" Mona heard the stage director said. He has been giving her an attitude since she came back earlier. Mona understood though because she caused so much trouble with the delay. Although she apologized, the director seemed to still not over it. Even her make-up artist and hair stylist gave her cold treatment too but she can't blame them. She just thought of something on how to make it up to them.

I really cannot make mistake, I need to nail this to make up for the trouble I caused...please God. She thought. She closed her eyes and tried to relax her mind to gain focus.

Mona will be wearing the new designs and collections of the celebrated designer and the star of the show, Stella Costello. The rest of the models will just be the front acts to pave the way for Mona's debut. Stella is the most sought after designer of celebrities and royalties. When she saw Mona wearing her old designs, she knew right away that she is the right woman to launch her new designs this season.

She did not like the delay that Mona caused on her show though that's why she did not even go and see her before it started. She just hopes that Mona will give justice to her designs once she starts walking on the ramp...otherwise, Mona will be in so much trouble.

As the music go on and the other models gracefully walked on the ramp, showing off the designs on their skin, Mona is working on how to relax and get a grasp of the focus that she needs to deliver the best show. When it was her turn to walk, she came out gracefully and gorgeously that made everyone gasp. She stopped for a bit, looking straight to Harry and made him her focal point and source of strength. Harry held his breath as she starts walking, gracefully. She looks like one of those Greek goddesses in a shiny gold and black long coat with nothing but a black short shorts underneath. The design showed her perfect body curves and her perfect long legs.

Harry felt like the world stopped and Mona is walking in slow motion

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Harry felt like the world stopped and Mona is walking in slow motion.

"You are one lucky bastard." Donald whispered to Harry.

"I know. I must have done something right to deserve this goddess. She's gorgeous inside out."

"True. She's the best. Take care of her mate. Don't let any misunderstanding destroy what you have."

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