Chapter 21

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"Good morning, Father." Harry greeted King Henry as soon as he entered in his study room.

"Ahhh look who decided to see his father! Good morning son. It's so good to see you." King Henry happily said before hugging Harry. Harry loves his father so much. He is a great king - very kind, generous and always put the welfare of the people of England before his own. He hopes he can be as great as him once he rule.

"Good to see you as well, Dad. How are things here?" Harry asked smiling, hugging his father back.

"Aahhh you know how it goes here, there's always something to work on everyday. Which reminds me...have you seen this already?" The king asked, handing Harry a tabloid with him and Mona kissing sweetly at the front page. This was from yesterday when they were about to leave Mona's apartment. Harry smiled and shook his head.

"Hmmmm son. Is there something you want to tell me?" The king asked.

"Yes Dad. We're not pretending anymore. We fell in love. I love her so much dad. I've never felt this way ever before." Harry said looking so dreamy. The king got quiet, glancing at Harry's back which made Harry turn his head to see the queen behind him.

"Hello Mother." Harry greeted her and kissed her cheeks. He never had a good relationship with his mother. He never liked how strict she is and he does not agree to most of her point of views.

"Did I hear it right Harry? This hired girlfriend of yours is no longer for show?!" The queen asked in her most authoritative voice. Oh boy, here we go! Harry thought.

"Good to see you too, Mum...and yes, we fell in love, okay? It's beyond our control so please don't address her like that again." Harry pleaded which earned a scowl from his mother.

"She's a great woman mum. She might not have a title but she is ten times better than the ones who have it. She's kind, generous, sensitive, smart...she inspires me to be a better person. Please give her a chance, mum. You're going to love her once you know her, I am sure of that." Harry added, with hopeful eyes. Oh God, I can't wait to meet this woman, she really captured my stubborn son's heart. The king thought with a smile on his face.

"No! Harry, no! She's just one of those women you used to rebel on me. You don't love her. And, what about Isabella? We already had an agreement with her family that you two will get married in due time!" The queen said, not hiding her anger.

"Mum! How many times do I have to tell you that I don't love Isabella the way you want me to love her. She's like a sister to me! She knows that!" Harry said upset.

"Did she really know that? Because she told me she's in love with you and she felt that you feel the same way for her! I only agreed to this insanity about hiring a girl as your girlfriend for show because it would fix your image but once the contract ends, she will be gone and you will marry Isabella as planned!" The queen snapped.

" your son, I am begging you. This is my happiness and my entire life we are talking about here...please." Harry begged which surprised his parents because he never acted this way ever before. He was always rebellious and proud. They both looked at him and saw the tears that are threatening to fall off his hopeful eyes.

"Oh my God. This woman really tricked you to fall for her charade! She's just using you!" The queen said, shaking her head.

"That's enough, Aurora. Can't you see how important this is for him? For once, be a mother to your son!" The king finally said, angry of how the queen is acting.

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