Chapter 37

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"Babe, can I ask you something?" Mona sweetly asked Harry on their way back to the venue of her fashion show.

"Of course sweetheart. You can ask me anything. What is it?" Harry said before kissing her forehead. He missed her terribly and he wished he could make love to her right there and then. Mona felt his urges and it turned her on so much which made her wish they could go straight to her apartment and make love all night...then she will tell him everything...about her past.

"Earlier...I called your cellphone...and.."


"Ummm...were you with a hotel room or some place...ahh..."

"What do you mean princess?"

"She was the one who answered my call..she said you were in the shower..."

"What?! So..she has my phone then?"

"What do you mean? And why are you asking me?"

" found your phone, Harry!" Donald interrupted, laughing.

"Bloody hell! How did she find it? And pretended that I was with her? That woman! I feel like I don't know her anymore." Harry said, confused and could not believe that Isabella lied to Mona.

" lost your phone and she found were not with her?" Mona said when she understood what's going on.

"I wasn't with her sweetheart. I don't know why she lied to you. I was in a hurry to go to the airport today...I lost my phone again. I'm sorry you had to go through Isabella's scheme."


" believed her?"

"Yes. I'm sorry. Her act was pretty convincing and believable." Mona said, looking away.

"Oh sweetheart. How could you think that I am capable of cheating on you? Don't you know how much I love you? I'm all yours. My heart is chained to yours. Always remember that. Noone will ever succeed in tearing us apart. Not even my mother and the queen." Harry lovingly said before kissing her hand and then her lips

"I'm sorry my love. I was blinded with jealousy." Mona said after their passionate kiss.

"Awww my have nothing to be jealous of. Trust me, okay?"

"I love you so much Harry. I don't think I can ever live without you. I have never felt this way towards anyone. This feeling of fear of losing you is like when...." Mona got quiet when she realized what she was about to say.

"When what my love?"

"Nothing...I just hope you know how much you mean to much I love you and that I would do anything to protect protect us. I will give my life for you Harry. I knew that the moment I told you I love you."

"Sweetheart...don't say that. I love you so much too and I would do the same for you. I won't let anyone break us apart. I promise you that..again and again. love, can we talk about something else? This topic is making me sad. I can't bear the thought of not being with you."

"I'm sorry babe. I love you."

"I love you too my moonlight. Are you ready for the fashion show? We're almost there."

"I have to be. Ugh! This is really not my thing. God be with me when I start walking on that ramp. Ahhhh"

Harry couldn't help but laugh at how adorable Mona looked. He knows she will do great and he found it so amusing to see her worrying and losing confidence. For him, she doesn't even have to exert efforts. She's a natural. She's graceful. In fact, if he didn't know her, he'd think she's royalty too. She moves and acts like one. Sometimes, she's even more graceful and even looks more dignified than Isabella or any royalty he knows. He felt so lucky that he fell in love with someone like her. When she becomes her wife and the queen, she doesn't have to go through a proper training on how to be a good queen. For him, she already is.

"You really need to stop worrying sweetheart. You'll do great."

"I hope so. I really hope so. God be with me. God be with me!"

Harry laughed again, now Donald joined him. When Mona noticed the two laughing, she laughed too. She is thankful that this bad day turned out okay in the end. She is still worried about how Harry would react once she tells him everything but she decided to deal with that tomorrow. Tonight she will do her best on that ramp and be happy with the man of his dreams.

Donald felt weird. He couldn't help but listen to Harry and Mona's conversation earlier. He suspects that what Mona will tell Harry tomorrow is something big. He knew the queen since he was a child and if she reacted the way she did today, it means it's really something. He silently prayed that whatever it is, it won't affect and ruin his friend's relationship with Mona. He hopes that Harry's love for Mona will make it all okay.

"We're here."

"Yup...and I'm nervous as hell!" Mona exclaimed, which made Harry laugh hard.

"Stop it or I'll kiss you so hard in front of all these paparazzi!" He teased.

"Huh! Like I'd mind!" She said before giggling.

"Was that a dare missy?"

"I don't know what you're talking about your highness!"

"Hmmm No. It was a dare. You know I would really love to do it, right?"

"Nah. You won't!"

"Yes. I do!"

"You won't!" Mona is now giggling. Harry felt like he's flying because of so much happiness. Seeing Mona's smiles, especially when she teases him, and hearing her giggles always bring him to a different world. And just like that, as soon as one of their bodyguards open the car's door, he held Mona's face and kissed her passionately, a kiss that brought Mona so much happiness. It erased all the bad things that happened that day. They were both breathless when it ended. They never noticed the noise of the camera clicking and the cheers from everyone who witnessed it. They felt like it was just the two of them and the world belongs to them.

Donald shakes his head. This is going to be at the front page of the tabloid tomorrow. Hanna will be furious again. He thought yet he can't help but smile.

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