Chapter 34

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"Good afternoon, Your Majesty." Hanna curtsied and still wondering why the queen summoned her this late. It's already 4:00 o'clock in the afternoon. This is the first time that she has been summoned this time of the day.

"Have a seat Hanna." The queen said with unreadable emotion on her face, which made Hanna uneasy.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." She said politely before taking a seat.

"You might be wondering why I summoned you this late in the afternoon."

"Yes, Your Majesty. May I know the emergency?'

"I want to ask something important."

"What is it, Your Majesty?"

"What do you know about my son's hired girlfriend? Did you check her family background before you hired her?"

"Uh...I was not able to do that, Your Majesty. I apologize. Things happened so fast that I didn't have time to do a background check on her. When the write up about them kissing in the hotel hallway came out, I panicked. It came out right after the write up about his break up with Lady Isabella where it says he can't commit to one woman and he is not fit to have the I had to find a solution quickly."

"That's very careless of you Hanna! When you advise the palace about this arrangement, you said she is just an ordinary woman...that we can easily dismiss her after the contract...and what was that again? That...there was no way that the prince will be attracted to her because they disliked each other so much!"

"Yes, Your Majesty. They did. I had to blackmail them both just to make them agree to my plan...but..."

"But what?! What happened now? Why are they claiming to be together for real?! You know very well that he only have to marry Lady Isabella! And worse....she has to be the....ahhhhh this is rubbish!" Hanna is surprised to hear the queen talk like this. She knew the queen as a very authoritative and very strict mother but she never talks like this. She suspected that there is something behind this conversation that's really upsetting her. She is debating whether to ask or not.

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty. I have no idea how did this happen too."

"You endangered the life of the prince! Do you know that?! You are hired to protect him...not just his image!"

"Pardon my asking, Your Majesty. But what do you mean? I endangered his life? How so?"

"Ahhh nevermind! I want to talk to that woman! Bring her to me right now!"

"But...Your Majesty, she is preparing for her first fashion show. It will be in two hours."

"I don't care! I want her here right now! Tell the organizer of that stupid fashion show to start without her!" The queen is furious which now scared Hanna. This is the first time that she experiences this kind of conversation with her.

"Yes, Your Majesty. I will go get her now." She said before turning her back to leave the room. The queen did not say anything back which was Hanna's cue to leave as quickly as she could.

After closing the door, Hanna immediately called Chiqui to tell her to bring Mona to the palace. Chiqui was confused but went to get Mona anyway, who is now sitting on the make up chair, her make up artist is about to start doing her look for the fashion show.

"I'm sorry to interrupt but Mona is needed in the palace." Chiqui told the make up artist.

"What?! Why am I needed there Chiqui? Who summoned me?" Mona asked confused.

"I don't know. Hanna was in a hurry and she only said that you have to go to the palace immediately."

"Hmmm's probably Harry. This is really strange. Is this okay? I mean...the fashion show is starting in two hours." She said looking at the make up artist.

"Obviously, we won't be starting in two hours darling. You're the star of the show, we can't start without you...but it's the palace. So, go ahead. I will notify the organizer." He answered with a forced smile.

"Chiqui, dear...keep us posted and let us know right away once you know what's this emergency all about..and give me a call once you are on your way back." He added, looking at Chiqui, who just nodded and assisted Mona towards the car after informing the guards that they are leaving for the palace.

As the car started moving towards the palace, Mona decided to call Harry to ask if he knows about why she is being summoned to go to the palace two hours before her first fashion show, although it gave Mona relief that she can have more time before the start of the show but she is still worried that it's the queen who summoned her...if she only knew. She's nervous as hell...and not seeing Harry yet is not helping at all. They spoke on the phone this morning and he assured her that he is coming tonight to be there to support hook or by crook. He hasn't called back again but Mona assumed that he is already in the air but because she is very nervous and confused right now, she decided to try calling him and see if it goes thru.

Harry's phone kept on ringing and he didn't pick up. Mona is more confused. If it's ringing, it means Harry is no longer in the air. He has already landed. It gave her hope that he is the one who summoned her...that maybe he has a surprise for her, but her instinct told her to call his phone she did.

"Harry's phone...hello?" Mona froze when she hears a woman's sexy voice on the other line.

"Hello? Who is this? Where's Harry?" She managed to ask.

"This is Lady Isabella, he's in the shower. Who is this?" Mona felt like she lost her consciousness. She can't believe what she heard. They're together? He is not coming. Her mind screamed. She disconnected the call and felt like her heart stopped beating. She braced herself. Now, she is more nervous to get to the palace. A lot is playing in her mind. She is now sure that the queen was the one who summoned her and there will be no surprise from Harry. Maybe the queen will tell her that Harry and Isabella are now engaged...and that she lose on their deal. If this will be the case, she thought it might kill her. She is so hurt that if she is alone right now, she will break down and cry her heart out.

"Miss, are you alright? You look pained. What's wrong? Are you nervous?" Chiqui asked Mona when she noticed her state.

"I'm okay. Thank you Chiqui. Just nervous...yeah." Mona said absentmindedly.

"Don't be nervous. We will find out soon enough. You remember all the protocols, right?" Chiqui asked Mona, which the latter answered with a nod.

Chiqui feels pity for Mona. She wishes there is something she could do to help her in her situation because she can see that Mona is a good person. She does not deserve all this. Even if Hanna did not tell her who summoned Mona, she figured it's the queen, judging by the urgency and inconsideration to the fashion show. She glanced at Mona again, who is now looking absentmindedly at the window.

Everything's going to be alright. Chiqui hoped.

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