Chapter 24

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"Right this way, Miss Moonlight." The queen's personal assistant said, ushering Mona towards the queen's study room. Mona's heart didn't stop racing since she found out that she was being summoned by the queen. She haven't talked to Harry, he was not answering her calls and he hasn't returned any of it too.

"Thank you." She said. Her mind is full of questions as to why she is being summoned and if the queen would approve of her for Harry.

As soon as they arrived the room and the door opened. Mona's heart beats even faster. She looked around the room before planting her eyes at the queen, who is busy reading something so her head is bowed down.

"Leave us." She told her assistant without raising her head. Mona felt more nervous when she didn't see Harry in the room. When the queen looked up, Mona froze. She looks so intimidating and power radiates around her. She is beautiful even at her age. She eyed Mona from head to toe without hesitation.

 She eyed Mona from head to toe without hesitation

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"Your Majesty." Mona said and curtsied. Chiqui briefed her on how to act around the queen before they left her apartment. Her face felt hot with how the queen is eyeing her.

"Do you know why you are being summoned?"

"No, Your Majesty."

"I will go straight to the point then. I will not talk to you as the queen but as Harry's mother. You and him have no future together. Whatever it is that you have now needs to stop. You were hired to be his girlfriend for show then that's all you will ever be. Harry will marry Lady Isabella as planned and you will return to wherever you came from once the contract ends."

"Your Majesty, with all due respect, I love your son and he loves me. I understand that you won't approve of me because I don't have a title but I humbly ask that you give our love a chance. I will never be a problem to his duties and responsibilities or your family. Give me a chance to prove that."

"A chance? You made my son fall for your schemes! You're no different from other women who wants to become a princess and live a life of a royal by marrying my son!"

"Trust me, I'm not like those women. I fell in love with your son and I have no control over it, if I did, I would have chosen a different man to fall for."

"Ha! You are really good. I can see why he fell on your schemes now. You seem pretty convincing but you can't fool me!"

"I am not trying to fool you or anyone, Your Majesty. I have no reason to. All I'm asking is a chance to show you that we truly love each other."

"You want a chance? I'll give you a deal. You see, I am not really convinced that my son have fallen for you. I've seen him with Isabella before you came in the picture. They looked so good together and they seemed to like each other very much. They're a match-made in heaven. If you could prove to me that what they had together did not mean anything, then I will give you a chance."

"I'm sorry. What do you mean? How am I gonna do that?"

"By letting him spend time with Isabella. If at the end of the contract he'd still choose you then you will have my approval."

"What?! want me to let him date another woman?!"

"Look at it however you want. That's the deal. If you take it, I will not be a problem to you both but if you don't take it, I will do everything in my power to separate him from you."

"Harry won't agree to this."

"If you let him know, he won't. And part of the deal is he knows nothing about this meeting and most importantly the deal."

"How could you do this to him? He is happy with me, wouldn't his happiness means to you? You're his mother."

"Be careful with your tone, woman. You are talking to the queen too. Do we have a deal?"

"I trust Harry and his love for me. I have nothing to worry about."

"Do we have a deal? I don't have all the time in the world!"

"Yes, your majesty."

"Good. You may go now."

Mona left the room like a zombie. She couldn't believe what just happened. She was forced to agree to the deal and now she doesn't know how to carry it out. She doesn't know what to do and if she can stand seeing Harry with another woman. Everything that the queen said about Isabella and Harry just sunk in to Mona. Worry started to build up inside her. She trusts and believes that Harry truly loves her but she worries that Isabella have also a spot in Harry's heart. She thought that competing with her would just be a waste of time because Isabella is already ahead in a lot of aspects.

Sadness came over Mona. She tried so hard not to cry in the middle of her walk back to the car. When she arrived at the car, Chiqui and Drew are waiting for her, worries are all over their faces.

"So...? Chiqui asked Mona.

"She just wanted to officially meet me." Mona lied.

"Hmmm that's strange." Chiqui said, not believing what Mona said.

"Yeah." Was all Mona could say.

"Guys, don't mention this to anyone, especially to Harry, alright? I don't want him to worry." Mona added with a forced smile.

"Alright Miss. Let's go bring you home now." Chiqui said with a polite smile. Deep within she knows that something not good happened but she respected Mona's wishes.

When the car started moving, Mona's phone started ringing. She smiled when she saw that it's Harry.

"Hi babe."

"Hey sweetheart. I'm so sorry for not being able to answer your calls and for returning them just now. Crazy day."

"It's alright. I know you're busy. Are you done for the day?"

"Yeah. I'm on my way back to the palace now. I will just change and we can go out for dinner, how's that?"

"I would love that."

"Alright. I will pick you up in 30 minutes. I love you princess."

"I love you too babe. I'll be waiting for you."

"Are you alright princess? You sound sad."

"I'm okay babe. Just had a long day too."

"Oh alright. We can tell each other about our day later then. I miss you so much already."

"Me too babe. See you later."

"I'll see you later my love."

When they hung up, Mona felt like crying. She doesn't know what will happen once Isabella is back in Harry's life but she decided to just savor each moment that she has with Harry and let faith decides on the rest.

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