Chapter 15

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Mona and Dane brought the three to Liv Super Club, a premier club in the city. It started awkward when they arrived because aside from Dane, nobody knew that there will be someone else waiting for them and who will be hanging out with them too...Antonio, Dane's boyfriend for six months. Antonio arrived first so when he saw Dane approaching, he welcomed her with a kiss on the lips and a tight hug. Harry and Donald looked at each other.

"I've missed you baby." Antonio said to Dane, not caring for her companions to hear. Mona made a fake cough to get Dane's attention.

"Oh guys, I'm so sorry, this is Antonio.." Dane started saying but was cut off by Antonio.

"...Her boyfriend, nice to meet you guys." Antonio said with a smug face, offering his hand for a handshake. Mona rolled her eyes, she never liked him for Dane. Yes, he is a goodlooking man but she finds him arrogant and too possessive, in a wrong way. Sometimes she feels that he is just with Dane to show her off.

She looked at Donald and noticed the frown on his face, which confirmed Mona's suspicion that he is attracted to Dane. She thought Dane felt the same towards Donald, hence her being surprised that Dane invited Antonio tonight. The three introduced themselves and shook Antonio's hand. Mona noticed the look that Antonio gave to Hanna, which made the latter blushed. Dane looked like she regretted inviting Antonio and that made Mona shake her head. Harry was just watching Mona and admiring how adorable she looks when in deep thought. Mona noticed the smile on Harry's face and realized what he was smiling about so she gently elbowed him, which Harry returned with a smile and kiss on her forehead.

As the night progressed, the awkwardness faded. Antonio and Hanna seemed to get along and enjoyed each other's company, which Dane didn't mind and Donald is happy about because he gets to hang out with Dane without worrying about her boyfriend being with her all the time. Mona and Harry was shaking their heads because it looked like Donald and Dane are the ones who are together while Antonio is trying to pursue Hanna. Nevertheless, they are enjoying the night, drinking, dancing like crazy, singing along to the song. Mona and Dane know most of the bands playing at the bar so they are comfortable and all of their song requests were sang by them. For Harry, the night is the best party night he had been in too long and that's all because of Mona.

Harry, Donald and Antonio are enjoying watching the ladies dancing like crazy and singing along to 'Shut Up and Dance With Me'. They can't take their eyes off them, Harry at Mona, Donald at Dane and Antonio at Dane and Hanna. Harry had to sit down because he was so turned on from all the sexy dancing that Mona did with him, he needed to calm down. Same with Donald and Antonio. Donald had been dancing with Dane only no matter how many girls have been trying to get his attention. Antonio on the other hand, was mostly dancing with Hanna than with Dane. Everytime he danced with Dane, Donald is frowning like crazy. Mona noticed tho, that Dane seemed to enjoy more when with Donald. She is more herself than when she is with Antonio. She thought of talking to her about it when she gets a chance.

"Phew, that was fun!" Mona said giggling when he sat down on Harry's lap. It made Harry's heart flutter. She has the sexiest laugh and so sweet to sit down on his lap.

"I loved watching you dance and happy like that, sweetheart. I don't want this night to end." Harry said sweetly while nibbling at Mona's ear, which made Mona's body feeling hot. She hugged him to make him stop nibbling her ear.

"I have never seen anyone who dances as good as you, Missy." Donald whispered to Dane, which is sitting next to him, watching Antonio and Hanna who are giggling.

"You think they like each other?" Was all Dane could say, which earned a sympathetic look from Donald.

"Can I ask you a question, Dane?" Donald asked in a serious tone.

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