Chapter 13

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When Harry and Donald arrived in the suite, Harry is unsure if he is ready to see Mona's state. He knows he won't be able to stand seeing her in pain. But Donald insisted that he must talk to her now, before they see each other tonight. After convincing Harry, he knocked on the door. Dane answered the door, looking so sad.

"Where is she?" Harry asked upon entering the room. His heart dropped when he saw her sleeping on the bed, traces of tears are still on her eyes, her lashes are still wet. He felt like his heart is being squeezed to bleed. It was too painful for him to bear. Hanna, what have you done? He thought.

Harry ran his fingers on her hair and kisses her forehead

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Harry ran his fingers on her hair and kisses her forehead. He murmured 'I'm sorry, sweetheart' and kissed her eyes. Mona felt it and woke up. When she saw that it was Harry, she looked away and tried sitting up. A gesture that felt like a stab for Harry. But Harry understand why she is acting that way. He needs to know what happened.

"Sweetheart...can we talk about what happened? Why are you like this?" Harry asked calmly, with the sincerest tone that made Mona wants to cry again.

"No, no..don't cry again sweetheart. Just tell me what happened please." Harry hugged her and tried comforting her.

"I wanna be alone please. This has nothing to do with you or anyone. I'm just disappointed with myself, that's all." Mona finally said, leaving Harry so confused.

"Are you sure this isn't about you thinking that I am just pretending? Because sweetheart, I wasn't and will never be. I know that you felt it too. Please talk to me." Harry said in a comforting voice.

"You don't have to be nice to me Harry. I will do my part and will play my role well if that's what you're worried about that's why you are being so nice to me." Mona said weakly.

"What?! You think I'm just being nice because of the contract? Now, that hurts Mona. You think so low of me, I thought you get me. I hope you feel better. You don't have to come with me tonight. Just take your rest." Harry said before leaving.

"Harry..." Was all Mona could say before the tears she was holding started running down her cheeks again. Dane ran to her and hugged her, Donald followed Harry.

"Harry, slow down, will you? What was that? I thought you're going to make her feel better, you just made it worse!" Donald said while catching up with how fast Harry was walking.

"I was wrong about her. She doesn't think. For her to think that I was just being nice to her and that all I think about is this fucking contract! I have never felt this disrespected my whole life." Harry said angrily.

"Harry you need to take into consideration that she is hurting! You need to find out what Hanna said to her before you feel disrespected. Think of her before thinking about your pride."

"It hurts Donald. I expect more from her than this. I understand that she is hurting but without considering that maybe I am innocent and what Hanna told her was not true? She should have asked me before she started weeping. She assumed right away. And that's what irritated me."

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