Chapter 54

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Mona's POV

I woke up so late today but I feel better all of a sudden I have this new strength. After what happened last night, I promised myself that today, I will start moving on from Harry. I know it won't be easy but I am determined to work on it and make it happen. I will change my routine and start being ME...before I met Harry. I can do this...and I know I have Dane to help me through it.

I checked the clock on my bedside table and it shows 3PM. Wow, no wonder I feel better, that was a really long sleep...I was so tired when I got home. Watching Harry and Isabella really sucked in all my energy. Ugh! They deserve each other. I can't believe I fell in love with an asshole!

I got out of bed, went to the bathroom and took a nice and quick shower. I didn't bother blowdrying my hair because I intend to stay home for the rest of the day. I chose a comfortable white tank top and a skimpy denim shorts to wear. I thought of cooking with Dane. We haven't done it in such a long time. I felt excited all of a sudden so I rushed in putting on clothes. I let my natural curls hang all over the place, I didn't bother combing it. I hurried out of my room to find Dane so we can check what's on the fridge and decide what to cook. My stomach grumbled...I felt hungry all of a sudden. I can't remember the last time that I felt like eating or feeling hungry.

I found Dane at the living room but she wasn't alone. She's talking seriously to Donald. I cleared my throat to get their attention.

"Hey, you two!" I said, smiling and excitedly when they turned their heads to my direction. They both looked at me like I'm some ghost.

"Uh hello?!" I said again when they still didn't say anything back...they look like they're in shock.

"Hey Mona! How are you feeling?" Donald finally said.

"I feel...ummm...hungry?" I said half-laughing which made them laugh too. They both looked relieved and that made me feel the same.

"Wait...Am I interrupting something?" I asked when I remember how serious they were talking when I came in.

"No...we were just worried about you. Are you sure you feel okay?" Dane answered.

"Yes...I'm better. I'm sorry about the last couple of months. It won't be like those from now on. I promise." I said smiling and while playfully raising my right arm like I'm making an oath. They both smiled. Dane stood up to give me a tight hug.

"Welcome back lovey! I missed you so much!"

"Awwww I missed you too lovey. I'm so sorry I made you miserable too. Let me make it up to you, how about I'll make you dinner tonight?"

"Oh my God! I'd love that! I missed your cooking! Can I help?"

"That's the plan! Let's check what's on the fridge so we'll know what to make! Gosh...I'm famished!"

"Ahem! Can I help too?" Donald asked. We totally forgot about him. He has a huge grin plastered on his face which made Dane kind of...blushed? Something is really going on with these two!

"Sure!" Dane and I said in unison. This is going to be really fun. We went to the kitchen and told the maids that the kitchen will be ours for now. And of course this won't be fun without a good music in the background...this time I chose one of my favorites, Michael Buble's "Feeling Good", the lyrics of this song is just so fitting to how I feel today. I couldn't help singing along.

"Birds flying high
You know how I feel
Sun in the sky
You know how I feel
Reeds driftin' on by
You know how I feel

The Prince's Hired Girlfriendजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें