Chapter 60

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Mona's POV

I woke up with a terrible headache. I slowly opened my eyes and all I see is darkness. I closed my eyes and opened them again hoping that the headache will be gone and the room becomes brighter...but it didn't. I felt the hard floor and it's shaking....which made me realize that I am on a moving vehicle. Suddenly, I remembered that someone grabbed me and put something on my face when I was with Dane earlier...then everything turned to black...and now, here I am.

It took minutes for me to realize that I am being abducted and I know clearly who did. I tried getting up and checked if someone else was with me. I can't see anything and it's scaring the hell out of me.

"Hello? Is anybody there?"

Slowly, a dim light was turned on. I am alone at the back of what seemed to be a closed van. I looked at the driver's seat to check if I know the driver but I couldn't see his face. Two more men are sitting on the passenger's seat. They looked at me with an evil smirk. They looked like goons and looking at their appearances and build, it confirmed my suspicion. They're Persians...they're my uncle's goons. Fear took over me. They have found me...I'm going to be dead anytime soon. My hope and strength were overpowered by my fear. These are the people who assassinated my parents, there's no doubt they will do the same to me.

But to be honest, I am not afraid to die. I wish they'd kill me instantly so I could be with my parents already but I know they won't. I know they will torture me first and that's what scares me the most. They've done it to me before I escaped from them five years ago and I can't imagine going thru that again. Oh God...please help me. I need you to protect me and give me the will to escape again. I can't go thru the torture again...please...I prayed silently.

Harry's sad face appeared in my head again. I couldn't stop the tears from falling from my eyes. Does he know already that I'm gone? Is he looking for me now? I hope he will send help...I hope they will find me before it's too late. And Dane...she must be freaking out right now.

"You look even more beautiful now Malin.." The other man in the passenger's seat said in his thick Iranian accent. I shivered hearing his voice and on how he is looking at me.

"Stop it Arash! You want Rahbar to kill you?!" The driver butted in, referring to my uncle. Rahbar means leader.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked but they just pretended like they didn't hear me.

I started trembling. I know what these men are capable of, and I know once my uncle is done with me, his goons will be lining up in raping me. I am so scared. Noone will help me this time. No Ahmid, no Dane, no mom and dad....I am all alone. If I want to survive, I have to escape now. There is noone to rely on but myself. I need to brush off all the fears and start thinking clearly. I must think of a good escape plan.

I remained quiet, careful not to provoke them. I looked around again. I cannot see anything outside. I'm just thankful that they did not tie me up nor put tape on my mouth. I need to think quickly. I have to do everything so they can't bring me to Iran with them. Once I'm there, nobody can help me anymore. I need to escape here.

The drive felt like forever. I think we've been traveling for hours now and it made me want to cry hysterically because I'm pretty sure we're no longer in London. I am starting to lose hope. I was about to start crying when the vehicle stopped. I feel like I'm suffocating. I'm really not ready to see what's waiting for me once the vehicle's door opens. The men, including the driver, immediately went out of the vehicle. They opened the door and one of them grabbed me roughly which made me wince.

"Where are we?" I nervously asked.

"Shut your mouth. No more questions!" One of them answered.

I adjusted my vision, it's evening and all I see in front of us is a small cottage. A small lamp is the only source of light in the entire place which made it look so creepy. I shivered from the cold wind and the thought of being alone with these men in there. I don't see any other cottage or house. All I see are big trees and what seemed to be a lake...which means that no matter how I scream for help, noone will hear me. My heart sank. No matter how I mentally comfort myself that there will be a way to get out of here...or help is coming, none is working. I'm still scared as hell.

One of the men pulled me towards the door of the cottage...a man suddenly opened the door and grinned evilly when he saw me. Oh God! So...there's more of them? My mind screamed. The man behind me pushed me inside, no matter how I resisted, it didn't work so before I knew it, I was already inside. There are three more men inside. They were talking in Persian language...congratulating the men who brought me for a job well done because they succeeded in taking me. I listened and looked around, hoping to see a miracle...a way to escape. All I saw were dilapidated furnitures and weapons...long guns and explosives.

They pushed me again inside a dark room. There...they made me sit on a chair and tied me on it. I did not try to complain and just let them do it. They're laughing evilly, talking in their language again...they're talking about how they will devour my body and rape me over and over again once my uncle is done torturing me and make me do what he wants, that even when I'm lifeless already, they would still do it. This time, I could not control my fear body trembled and tears started falling off my eyes.

When one of them noticed, he got so angry and started hitting my face. God....if this will be my last day on earth, please whisper to Harry how much I love him." I prayed silently, trying to endure the pain but he did it again and again and it's getting harder each time. I can already taste the blood that were spurting out of my nose and lips. They laughed evilly whenever I groan in pain. One of them kicked me hard on the brought the chair and I, flying towards the hard brick wall before we hit the floor. My fragile body couldn't handle any more beating.

I was about to lose consciousness when I saw another man at the door. He's looking at me with sympathy and he told the men to stop what they're doing or my uncle will be furious once they present me to him...already beaten up. I hope I'm right about seeing sympathy. Maybe he's my hope in getting out of here...please God...let one of your angels take over him. Please send help...

Hey guys! Just would like to share that this story and my other story (The Arrogant CEO and the humble COO) were entered in Wattys 2018. I hope you could send your support. It would mean so much.

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