Chapter 27

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Saturday, the day for the queen's charity ball, came. Mona is edgy since she woke up. She kept seeing an image of something bad to happen at the ball. This will be her very first appearance at a palace event and she is sure Isabella will be there. She is worried and wondering what's the queen have planned for Harry and Isabella tonight.

She haven't seen Harry since he left for Scotland. He had to stay there for a few more days and just got back today. Although they talked on the phone everyday, she still misses him so much. She can't wait to see him tonight. Due to the busy preparations for the ball and since he just got back, he won't be able to pick her up. Drew will bring her to the palace and she'll just meet with Harry there, which added to Mona's nervousness. She is not looking forward to arriving at the ball without Harry by her side. She needs him to be there holding her hand. Although this saddens her, she understands why Harry can't pick her up. Just suck it up Mona, you'll be just fine! she murmured to herself.

"...and you're ready Miss Moonlight. Aaahhh you look spectacular!" Jane exclaimed, looking at Mona with adoration. She did Mona's hair while Mary did her make up. Mona looked at the mirror and she couldn't help but smile. The two truly have magical hands. She felt lucky to have them.

"Now it's time to put on your ball gown and I'm so excited! Follow me!" Mary said excitedly while clapping her hands. Jane and Mona followed her to the other side of the walk in closet. Mona held her breath when she saw the red ball gown that Jane is holding.

"I'm wearing that?!" She finally asked in a high pitched voice which confused Jane and Mary.

" don't like it Miss?" Mary asked with worries in her eyes. Mona felt guilty for her reaction.

"No, that's not it Mary, please don't get me wrong. I love it, that's the prettiest gown I have ever seen. It's just that, isn't it too much? I'm not sure I can pull it off. I don't want to get so much attention there, in fact, I'd rather be invisible, if only I have that super powers." Mona said half laughing.

"You will fit in just fine there Miss Moonlight and don't worry, the ladies there are wearing even more glamorous gowns. You wouldn't look overdressed, you'd only look like a princess with this, just like the other ladies there." Mary sympathetically said with a sweet smile which made Mona feel better.

"Okay. Thank you ladies. I don't know what I would do without you both." Mona said before hugging them. The two assisted her in wearing the ball gown. The two became speechless staring at her.

"Hmmm how do I look?" Mona asked smiling.

"Perfect. You look perfect Miss Moonlight. His Royal Highness will be falling head over heels when he sees you." Jane said in awe which made Mona smile.

Mona is wearing a red monochromatic velvet gown that fits her perfectly. She looks like a real princess. Jane and Mary have no doubt that she will be the most beautiful lady at the ball. No matter what Mona wears, she would stand out. Mona couldn't stop staring at herself in the mirror. The two ladies are right, she looks perfect. Please Lord God, don't let anything awful happen tonight, Mona whispered.

 Please Lord God, don't let anything awful happen tonight, Mona whispered

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