Chapter 6

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Mona was very nervous sitting in front of Harry, who still haven't said anything since they arrived. He just kept on glancing at her direction, half smiling. He looks so good in his black shirt, it annoyed her more. Dane is sitting beside Donald and they are enjoying talking to each other. Mona envied Dane that very moment. She can't help but wonder why she was there and was trying so hard to control her annoyance towards Harry.

 She can't help but wonder why she was there and was trying so hard to control her annoyance towards Harry

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"Excuse me, Donald. Sorry, Who are we waiting for?" Mona asked Donald instead of Harry. Donald is also a good looking man, he looks good in his black printed shirt too.

"Hello everyone! Oh good, you're already here! Hanna came in and said happily just before Donald could answer Mona's question

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"Hello everyone! Oh good, you're already here! Hanna came in and said happily just before Donald could answer Mona's question. She looks radiant in a striped red long sleeves blouse and a black skirt.

"I'm Hanna, royal family's PR manager, it's Mona, right?" Hanna asked Mona

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"I'm Hanna, royal family's PR manager, it's Mona, right?" Hanna asked Mona.

"Yes ma'am. Why am I here?" Mona answered politely.

"Before anything else, I want you to look at this." Hanna said, handing Mona the same iPad she handed to Harry and Donald earlier. Mona accepted it and was shocked to see a picture of her and Harry kissing. She read what's written below their picture.

"Look at Prince Harry. His break up with Lady Isabelle came out just yesterday and now he already have another woman. When is he going to stop breaking hearts? How can he be a good prince when he can't even show us that he can commit to a woman? How much more to the people of England. He is walking around wearing the crown without knowing his responsibilities to his people! This picture showed how he is....

Mona stopped reading it and looked at Harry then Hanna. She couldn't think of anything to say. Harry is just looking at her, reading her reaction.

" did this come out?" She finally said...looking directly at Harry who only answered her with a shrug.

"I understand how you feel Mona but I know you know how bad this is for the prince's image. We need you to cooperate with us. Don't worry, you will be compensated generously for doing so. When you are ready, I will discuss the plan on how we deal with this." Hanna said in a serious tone.

"I will cooperate fully and no need to compensate me. I just want this humiliation to be gone. I'm an ordinary person, I don't need this. I know how the press works, I don't want them to dig information about me. What do I need to do?"  Mona answered, feeling offended.

"Mona, don't get me wrong. You will be compensated because what we will ask you to do requires a lot of your time. It will completely change your daily routine." Hanna said politely when she detected that Mona was offended.

"Sorry. I don't understand." Mona said surprised.

"Well..I will make you. Here's what we will do. You will act as Prince Harry's girlfriend for a year. Starting right now. We need you to be by his side in all his commitments during his visit in the country starting tonight. In return, you will be paid €10,000 per month." Hanna explained shortly.

"What?!" Harry and Mona yelled at her in unison.

"Wait, wait, don't I have a say on this Hanna?! Fake relationship?! This will solve this? You gotta be kidding me!" Harry stood up and said angrily.

"Yeah...we could not stand each other. How are we going to pretend like that? And besides, I have a job. I can't be around him all the time! And when the press dig about me, they're going to target my ordinary life and my past! I cannot let that happen! So no, no, noooooo!" Mona angrily said.

Dane and Donald were speechless while listening to them. Harry and Mona started pacing in the room. Hanna looked at them, frustrated and worried.

"Guys, we need to do this. If we don't do this, the press will ruin both your image. Mona, they will dig your past and make fun of you being an ordinary woman linked to a bad boy prince. If you will agree to my plan, the press will start writing good stuff about the prince and they will not dig in your life Mona because I will provide a fabricated information to them. We will create a new life for you. Harry, help me out here, you know this is a good plan. If we give the press what they think you couldn't be, they will finally stop. Just for a year to show them you can commit. After that, we will fabricate a write up for your break up." Hanna explained further.

"You only need to be nice and sweet with each other in public. Other than that, you don't even have to talk to each other. We will make sure the press will not find out about this arrangement. Please guys, I need your answer right now because of tonight's event." Hanna added when Harry and Mona did not say anything.

Mona thought about everything Hanna said about her life and past. She's right, the press won't leave her alone now that they know who she is.

Harry know deep down that Hanna is right, this will save his bad boy image but how do they start? Will Mona and him ever get along? This might just blow up on his face if it wouldn't work. He will become the laughing stock in England for hiring a girlfriend.

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