Chapter 19

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Mona and Dane woke up to the sound of footsteps and people talking outside their rooms. It was already four in the afternoon. They were exhausted from their flight, what supposed to be a nap became a good 7-hour sleep. Good thing they had breakfast at the plane but that was too early and they didn't have lunch yet so their stomachs are growling.

Mona went to the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face. She decided to change into a comfy skimpy shorts and a white tank top. She put her hair on a messy bun. Her stomach made a funny noise again. She was about to go out her room to prepare something to eat when her door opened and revealed Harry in casual clothes. He looked more handsome and relaxed when in casual clothes. Mona smiled sweetly and jumped on him, she kissed him passionately.

"Hello sexy. You look prettier and hotter everyday." He whispered once the kiss ended. They were both breathless and so turned on. Mona smiled and closed her eyes, savoring the moment.

"...and you look handsome as ever." She whispered back, looking straight to his eyes while she caressed his face. Harry closed his eyes and leaned on her hand, savoring her tender touch.

"God...I love you so much." He whispered.  Mona's stomach growled again which ruined their sweet moment and made both of them laugh.

"I have been calling you but you didn't answer so I figured you were still sleeping so I decided to drop by. Let's go out for dinner?"

"Yeah. I was exhausted. Glad you're still free. I heard noises, are they here?"

"Oh yeah, come on. You need to meet them." Harry led her to the living room. Outside, they saw Dane who just came out of her room too.

"Your highness." Everyone curtsied to Harry. Mona is reminded again that her boyfriend is a prince, she usually forgets about it when she is with him.

"Everyone, this is Moonlight Jaberi, my girlfriend and her bestfriend, Dane Lewis."

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you Miss as well, Miss Dane. I'm Chiqui Davis, I will be your personal assistant and will be handling your daily schedules from now on." A woman that looked like in her early thirties introduced herself. She is wearing an eyeglasses but you can tell how pretty she is. She's a blondie with pretty green eyes, her smile is so warm which made Mona and Dane like her in that instant.

"Hello Chiqui. You may call me Mona." Mona said, shaking her hand.

"Thank you Miss Moonlight but it's a must that we address you formally at all times." Chiqui answered politely, with that same warm smile just as when Dane was about to say what Mona said, to drop the formality. Mona smiled and looked at Harry, who only winked at her.

"These are your house help. Monica and Charina are the housekeepers and are also in charge of preparing your food and take care of the groceries. Jane and Mary will take care of your daily personal needs. Drew is your personal driver, Francis and Stan are the bodyguards assigned to protect you from the harassment of the paparazzi's." Chiqui explained and introduced everyone who gave their warmest smiles to Mona and Dane, who both now taking in the appearances of the people that they will be seeing everyday, trying to remember their names.

All of them looked like in their late twenties. Monica looked like of mixed race, like an Indian and something else. Charina seemed a latina, the prettiest among the ladies and the only one that looked unhappy in meeting Mona and Dane. Jane and Mary are blondies and you can tell that they are English women. As to the boys, Drew looks buff, you can tell that he is well-trained and not just a driver but also a bodyguard. He has blond hair, an English man. Francis and Stan are the same, for Mona and Dane, the three look the same. They greeted Mona and Dane politely which the two returned with a sweet smile and warm greetings.

The Prince's Hired GirlfriendOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora