Chapter 23: Official

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Thank you for reading and enjoy the chapter (:

Luca's Pov:
Beautiful didn't even begin to do her justice. It was as if I had a serious case of tunnel vision, all I saw was her. As cliche and cheesy as it sounds, my heart had never beaten so fast for any women.

It felt so natural to be sitting her with her, gazing into her beautiful blue eyes. I felt like I could talk to her about anything without any fear of judgement. Maybe this was what I had always wanted and just didn't know it.

Because she was the only one who could give it to me.

"Have you talked to Hanna?" She asked suddenly. Talking about her no longer hurt, it was like talking about an old friend. All feelings suddenly obliterated before my eyes.

"Not since I warned her. I don't know if she even believed a word out of my mouth. I owed it to her to at least give her a heads up, she deserved that much. What she does with the information is up to her."

"There is one thing that still bothers me about this whole thing." I raised my eyebrows. "How they even ended up together. You said they only met a few times, I guess it just makes me wonder."

"Hopefully soon this whole thing will be over and we don't have to wonder about anything anymore."

"Agreed. Let's not talk about that." She gripped both of my hands in hers and squeezed. "Let's just enjoy each other's company."

I just smiled at her and watched as her eyes lit up as the waiter approached with our food.


"Who is she?" I looked up as Christine pushed her way past my security and into my office. She approached my desk and threw a magazine on my desk, which had Amelia and myself gracing its cover.

I looked up at her and gave her a smile. "I wasn't aware you were stopping by."

"Cut the shit. Our parents and the media are having a field day with this. It would have been nice to have had a warning before you decided to spark a media circus."

"Warnings? I wasn't aware you knew what those were when you barged into my office like a maniac without a heads up. Stop being so dramatic." I looked over at the security officer.

"You are free to go. I will take it from here. Next time, do your job and ensure nobody makes it up here unless they are permitted." He nodded frantically and bolted from the room before I could fire him.

"Now, why is this such a problem for you?"

She huffed. "This is Amelia, right? Your employee? The woman we met at the charity gala?"

I nodded and shrugged my shoulders. "You knew who she was. Why the theatrics?"

"I was hoping I was wrong or that she had a very convincing twin out there. Are you kidding me? Of all the women in the world and you decide its best to date someone that is working for you?"

My anger spiked but I fought hard to keep it contained. "Says the girl who is dating her own bodyguard. I know what I am doing, she doesn't work directly under me and our names never cross paths. Technically, she works for Julian under my company name."

"Those are just specifics and you know that."

"When are you guys going to stop letting the media dictate what you do? I want to be with her and I plan on doing that. Dad has been hounding me for years about finding a women, if anything he should be thrilled. Who cares what the media thinks?"

"You just don't get it do you?" She sat down in the chair in front of my desk. "The media doesn't matter in a sense but how people convey the business does matter. The more ammunition we give them, the more they can spin it around to make us look bad and possible convince other companies to drop us. We need to look at the big picture and the first media scandal you caused just about lost us our biggest client. I want you to be happy and I am not telling you not to see her, I am just telling you to do this the right way and communicate with us."

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