Chapter 5: Family Bonding

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Amanda Seyfried as Christina.

Thank you for reading and enjoy the chapter(:

Luca's Pov:
"Rise and shine!" I opened the blinds and watched Julian squint.

"I hate you." He groaned, before burying his head deeper into the pillow.

"That's not what you said last night." I retorted. "Now, get up and come out to the kitchen." He picked his head up slowly.

"Why? Just leave me here to die." He laid his head back down on the pillow gently.

"I have pain killers, coffee, and breakfast waiting for you." There was a pause before he sighed.

"I'll be there in a minute. Don't eat all of the bacon before I get there."

"No promises." I said before walking down into the kitchen.

I got there just in time to see the toast pop up. I went over and grabbed the hot slices from the toaster and smothered them in butter. I pushed another two pieces down for when Julian got his ass out of bed.

I flopped 3 pancakes, a few pieces of bacon and sausage onto his plate before his toast popped up. I repeated the same thing I did to mine and set them on his plate just as he slumped into his chair.

"Here you go." I set his plate down in front of him. "You spoiled brat."

"Thank you." He said immediatly digging into his pancakes. I walked over and got him a cup of coffee and some pain killers for his head.

"Can you pass the syrup, please?" He asked with a puppy like expression.

I passed him the syrup along with his coffee and pills. "Is that all you need or would you like some more bacon, your highness?" He looked up at me with his mouth full.

"I wouldn't say no to some more bacon." He said with a smile.

We chuckled and I walked over to get a plate for myself. I got some coffee and went to sit next to him. "You remember anything that happened last night?" I asked as I bit into my toast.

"I remember everything except for driving here." He said after downing his pills.

"Did you have fun? This was about your promotion, it would have been pretty pointless if you didn't have fun." I asked.

"Yeah. It was kind of fun to be able to get drunk and pretend like we were rowdy teenagers again."

"Do you realize how old you made us sound just then?" He laughed and nodded his head.

"We're not old, we're in our prime." He stated.

"Damn right we are." I said while reaching over and grabbing the syrup out of his hand.

Julian left a little while after breakfast so he could get some more work done. It was Saturday, but I needed to get some work done too before I went out tonight.

I was in the middle of reading a few manuscripts when my phone started ringing. "Rivers." I greeted right when I answered the phone.

"Is that anyway to greet your mother?" Her soft, voice teased through the phone.

I grinned. "I suppose not. Sorry, mother I assumed you were a business call."

"No worries, dear. How have you been? I haven't talked to you in days."

"I'm fine, just busy." I said as I typed a few corrections into my most recent deal.

"I wanted to know if you were free to come over for dinner this evening? Your father needs to talk to you about something and I wanted to see you." I looked at the clock.

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