Chapter 15: Hanna

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Ashley Benson as Hanna.
Thank you for reading and enjoy the chapter (:

Luca's Pov:
It was one thing to hear her voice over the phone, it was a totally different thing to see her.

It took everything in me not to walk over to her and tell her everything I never got to say to her face. It would have killed me to see that I hurt her feelings, now I couldn't give a fuck less.

Before I knew it my feet were moving towards her as she sat at the bar. Before I could get there, a familiar blonde bombshell was sitting in the seat beside her. I would have killed to know what they were talking about, I couldn't very well just walk up to them and ask.

Amelia would tell me if I asked. I know she would. She got herself involved when she decided to talk to the giant bundle of baggage sitting at the bar.

I watched her stop to sob into her hands. I scoffed. "Give me a fucking break."

I took a sip of my drink. "What?" Julian came back and sat next to me.

"Oh so now, of all times you decide now is the right time to not make yourself a scarce?"

"Who pissed in your coffee this morning?" Julian pouted.

I gestured my head towards the bar, his eyes widened in shock when he took in the scene. "The fuck is she doing here?"

"My thoughts exactly." I tilted my hat more so it covered my face.

He squinted his eyes. "Is she talking to who I think she's talking to?"


He formed his mouth into an O. "This could be a problem."

I nodded and we watched as Hanna poured her heart out to a stranger. It was quite pathetic really, to still be hung on the past after 10 years. So much so that she would sit there and bawl her eyes out and try and convince a poor stranger to pity her worthless ass.

I sighed and looked down in my drink, watching as the lights from the club reflected off of the clear substance. I looked around, and watched all of the young, sweaty bodies mesh together as they danced, oblivious to what was happening at the bar.

"This is ridiculous." I grumbled.

"I'm seconds away from walking over there and saving Amelia from that bitch." I waved him off.

"Don't. She knows you and that would just cause so much more mayhem than she is worth. Plus, it looks like she is almost done anyway."

I watched as Hanna stood up and walked out. "I'm following her."

"What! Dude why?"

I rubbed my temples in irritation, I know this was stupid and it had every possibility of going the completely opposite of my intentions, but I needed to talk to her. In person, so that maybe she would finally stop this charade.

"I need to. I'm not afraid of her and I'm not hiding." I walked out of the club as quickly as I could to avoid missing her.

I caught a sight of her blonde hair as she neared her car. "That probably wouldn't be a smart move on your part, you never could hold your alcohol." I said before I could stop myself.

It looked as if she froze at the sound of my voice. She slowly turned to me, a look of utter shock written on her face. It took everything in me not to laugh at it.


I threw my hands up. "No. I'm his long lost twin, just better looking."

She pursed her lips. "Your sarcasm never ceases to piss me off."

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