Chapter 14: Amelia, The Bartender

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Thank you for reading and enjoy the chapter (:

Amelia's Pov:
I managed to avoid my landlord for an extra 3 days. Olivia was kind enough to let me stay in her apartment. Due to my new job, it wasn't that I couldn't afford to pay him, I was just tired of hearing his voice and having to touch his greasy hands as I handed him my hard earned cash.

I hated living there more than anything else in my life. It was like living in the inside of a toilet bowl. It was hard to even attempt to sleep in that place when I constantly got the feeling of something crawling on me. Or worse, hearing something crawling in the walls.

I would love to stay in Olivia's apartment forever, it was beyond amazing for what she paid in rent a month. The people here were kind and she was able to get a full nights rest without an issue.

"Why don't you just try and get an apartment here then? You know most of the people here anyway?" She said as she got dressed for work.

She did have a point, I was making more money than I ever thought I would ever see without a college degree. I was relatively happy there and I excelled at what I was doing.

I wanted to march over to my apartment and leave without looking back, without having to spend one more night there. Sadly, it wasn't that easy. There wasn't a room available in Olivia's building. She told me she would let me know if one suddenly became available but either way, I wasn't going to be able to escape my apartment tonight.

I thanked Olivia for letting me stay here before getting in my Jeep to go to my apartment. I drove slowly to further delay an altercation with my landlord.  I parked where I always did and looked up at the building. It didn't look a shitty as it usually did. It still wasn't something to look at but it wasn't exactly repulsive either.

What the fuck happened?

I slowly approached the entrance and instead of being welcomed with an array of foul smells, I was welcomed with an array of construction workers. Sexy, muscular construction workers.

If only it were a little warmer outside.

"The hell?" I mumbled while glancing around the room to see the start of a completely remodeled hotel. They were already starting to replace the floor in the lobby and the walls were already replaced. Instead of a beige wall with multiple holes in it with wallpaper, they were a classy cream painted over plaster.

It already looked better and they just started. I glanced over and saw one of the few people in this building I can tolerate. The head housekeeper, Marcy.

"Marcy!" I walked around all of the construction and walked up to her and she approached the stairs. "What is going on?"

A bright smile overcame her features. "Someone bought the place! Can you believe it? They have already got a team in here and they are already remodeling, as you can see." She gestured towards the workers.

"Who bought this piece of shit? That's quite the gamble." I stated and she shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't know. Nobody does, the guy is keeping things very private. All I know is we can expect a new landlord as soon as possible."

"Seriously?!" I couldn't help but cry, this was the greatest news I had ever heard.

"Seriously. All of our rents have been delayed for a month due to the upcoming renovations and we are not going to be able to be in the building when they get upstairs so they aren't charging us. All I know is, this guy has some pretty good taste." She gestured once again to the chandelier just waiting to be hung by one of these hunky guys on a ladder.

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