Chapter 21: Rewarded

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Thank you for reading and enjoy the chapter.

Mature Content!

Luca's Pov:
I was processing everything as well as I possibly could. I sat at my desk and tried to get everything that I neglected completed before I went home for the night. I was being a drama queen, I was giving the media too much power over me. If I let them affect me this way, they really would end up ruining my company.

Most of the employees were already gone for the night, with the exception of Julian and a few secretaries with overdue work. I typed as fast as I could to get this paper work completed and faxed within the hour. I heard some commotion outside my door, but I ignored it. Confident in my security guards ability to handle the problem.

My office door swung open and I looked up to see Amelia with a crazed look on her face. "What the hell happened to you?" I even chuckled a little at her disheveled look.

She glared at me. "After everything I went through today for you, you have the nerve to laugh."

I stopped laughing and finished my document quickly before giving her my full attention. "Alright, now what exactly have you done for me? Do I even want to know?"

She sighed and shut the door behind her. She sat in the plush chair in front of my desk and sighed. She looked like hell, her hair was a mess, there were even objects stuck in the curls. I walked around the desk to her and pulled a french fry out of her hair. "Jesus, did you get attacked for cutting in front of a teenager at McDonald's?"

She eyed the french fry and groaned with embarrassment. "God, I wish. Then I would at least have McDonald's."

I threw the fry away and sat in the chair next to her. Even with her messy hair, her dirty face, and her tired expression, she was still beautiful. "Alright, tell me what happened."

I listened and she babbled about her meeting with Will. It seemed as if she didn't stop to breath and she was in the verge of a breakdown. I followed along the best I could, she just wouldn't stop. It was as if she was trying to get it all out before she forgot it.

I was angry, not only at Will for having the audacity to try and kill my business, but at Amelia for putting herself in the crossfire.

"When I finally got the courage to leave the cafe, the cameramen just came at me like vultures. There were dozens of them, they just wouldn't stop. It was endless questions and constant cameras and microphones in my face. I ran until I got here and they were miles behind me." She finished. She sighed and looked around the room. "Can I have a drink? You look like you need one too."

I nodded wordlessly and walked over to the side table and made her and I a drink. Some bourbon to tie us over. I sat down next to her again and handed her the rocks glass. I took a sip and turned to look at her. "What were you thinking?"

"What? I was trying to help and I honestly think that I have done a pretty good job. I recorded the confession and I recorded the hostility in his voice."

"You should have at least talked to me before you decided to talk to him." I downed the rest of the drink and slammed the glass on my desk. I looked down at her arm and could clearly make out the outline of Will's fingers, It was red and clearly a little bruised. I reached out and gently ran my fingers over it. "He could have hurt you a lot worse than this, I have known Will since we were teenagers and I know what he is capable of. If you talk to him again or if he initiates contact with you, you need to tell me."

She sighed but nodded anyway. "I'm sorry, judging by how he had treated me before today, I wasn't really worried. I guess I'm really not a good judge of character."

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