Chapter 20: William

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Thank you for reading and enjoy the chapter (:

Amelia's Pov:
"Are you saying that we shouldn't help him?" I asked Julian as he continued to type on his computer. 

"I am not saying that we shouldn't help him, all I'm saying is that you should pick your battles and I don't think this is something you should get involved in, he probably doesn't even want you involved."

"Probably not, but I have to help him somehow." I glanced over at the television and grabbed the remote, I turned up the volume. "Hey, look." I snapped my fingers at Julian and he looked at the screen.

"Hotshot millionaire Lucas Rivers, has been no stranger to accusations the past couple weeks, but while he has been fighting off the media circus, rival William McGrady, has announced his engagement to River's ex, Hanna Sinclair. The couple announced their engagement last night after only dating for six months. Nobody has commented, but Mr. McGrady has shared his excitement by stating, "this has been a long time coming, and it really makes me happy to finally go after what I want. I am done wasting time and I love this woman more than anything." We want to say congrats to the happy couple, as we wonder what comes next for Lucas Rivers," I turned the television off, both Julian and I were silent as we let the new information soak in.

"God dammit." He stood from his office chair and marched out of the room. I followed as quickly as I could in my heels, knowing exactly where he was going. He didn't even knock before entering Lucas's office, I slipped in quickly behind him just as he slammed the door behind him. 

Lucas looked up, he didn't look surprised in the least to see us. His eyes flickered over at me and I gave him a small smile of encouragement.

"I'm assuming you guys saw the news." He chuckled bitterly. "I can't say I'm shocked but it really does put things into perspective."

Julian walked until he was in front of his desk. "How the hell did this happen?"

"I didn't even find out they were dating until a couple of days ago. Even then I knew it was bogus. Will would do anything to get ahead, even if that meant a fake engagement."

"You think he is faking it?" I asked. I wouldn't imagine Will doing something so evil. Although, they knew him better than I did, and he did give me the creeps whenever he was around.

"I would be extremely shocked if he weren't. They have only been together six months, Hanna didn't mention them being serious so I'm assuming this threw her off guard just as much as anyone else. He is trying to undermine me and he is using my ex to do it."

"You actually sound upset about that." Julian sat in one of the chairs in front of his desk.

"Hanna has done a lot of awful things and she deserves something, but she doesn't deserve to be lied to and used just to satisfy this assholes agenda." He put his head in his hands and leaned on his elbows. "I've known Will for years, believe me when I say, he would do anything to ruin my life."

He looked so tired, there were black circles under his eyes. There were multiple cups of coffee sitting on his desks, some were empty. He had a pile of papers on his desk that weren't there last week. He was so focused on his image and what was happening with Hanna that he was ignoring his work.

"Julian, can Luke and I have a moment?" He looked a little shocked at the nickname but I ignored it and opened the door for Julian.

"I don't want you to be long, there is a lot of work to do. Be gentle with him, I know when he is pain. He's not doing so well." I nodded and gave him a smile. I closed the door and turned back to Luke.

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