Chapter 4: So Close, Yet So Far

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Amelia's Pov:
"This is the third time I have seen you here. Maybe we should get a permanent parking spot just for when your vehicle gets impounded." Jay chuckled. I was on a first name basis with the impound lot owner.

Maybe Olivia was right when she told me I needed to stay out of trouble.

"I wouldn't say no. It would save me a lot of time not having to look for it everytime I come here." I responded before getting a stick of gum out of my wallet.

I looked back up at Jay as he tried to find out where the tow truck put my vehicle. Jay was extremely young considering he owned a business. He was probably in his 40's but he looked about 10 years younger. With thick brown hair and dark brown eyes, anybody would have assumed he was in his 30's.

"Alright. It should be over on the left side near the road." He waved me over and we walked over to my pride and joy. This was the only thing my parents have given me in the past few years. Ever since I was younger, I had always been more interested in trucks than cars. But because of the high price of trucks, we compromised and they got me something better.

A 4-door Jeep Wrangler. It was my baby and it was everything I worked for. I would give up my shitty apartment any day to make the payments on it. It was black, I had black rims on the tires, a brush guard Aiden got me for my birthday and a light bar I saved up for months to get.

He opened the door and got my keys from under the visor and tossed them to me. "Officer Nash, brought this to us last night around 9. It should be the same way you left it." He informed me.

"It better be. If there is one scratch on it, I'm going to castrate him and place his balls in a sealed pickle jar." I stated while walking around it to check for anything out of the ordinary.

"I think I understand why you constantly get arrested." He said with a chuckle. "I need you to sign these and then you're free to go." He held out a clipboard with the papers.

I signed them and shook his hand. "Hopefully, I don't see you here again, Amelia." He said with a nod.

"I wouldn't bet on it, Jay." I stated before hopping into my Jeep. I reveled in the feel of the leather and glanced at my skull hanging from my rear view mirror. I turned the key and welcomed the purr of the engine before pulling out of the parking lot.

I drove around to the entrance and met up with Aiden. I got out and walked up to him. "Thanks for the ride. I'm going to take her for a drive, I'll meet up with you and Olivia later."

He nodded. "No problem. We'll meet up at Olivia's place. Both of our apartments are cringe worthy, at least her landlord knows the meaning of sanitary." I nodded in agreement. Olivia had a solid job so she was able to afford a good place, plus she was better with money. Aiden spent most of his money on food and I invested most of mine in my Jeep.

We bid our goodbyes and I got back in my Jeep. I drove until I got to the highway and then began to cruise. I kept track of where I was to avoid getting lost, I did this when I needed to clear my head. I rolled all of the windows down and blared my playlist. I stayed out until I looked at the clock and saw it was noon, I had to make my way back so I could make it to work on time.

I drove back to my neighborhood and pulled along the curb. I parked away from my apartment because there tended to be a lot of crime around here and I would lose my mind if I woke up one day and found my Jeep had been vandalized.

I walked into the dingy apartment and saw a sketchy looking couple making out on the stairs and the landlord practically drooling at the front desk. I made my way up the stairs, but not before purposely bumping into the couple, sending them tumbling over the railing.

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