Chapter 11: Drunken Gaze

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Just another photo of Chris Hemsworth, AKA Luca.

Thank you for reading and enjoy the chapter (:

Luca's Pov:
My parents were the very definition of insane. I was normally very aware of my surroundings, acting as if I didn't notice the looks my parents were giving to Amelia and I.

What the hell were they thinking?

I was seconds away from saying something before Amelia excused herself to the restroom. They looked at me with smiles. "What?" I demanded.

"Oh, nothing." My mom sipped her Champagne as if they weren't doing anything.

"Sure." I decided not to push it. They were going to assume whatever they wanted about Amelia and I and I couldn't stop them.

The rest of the night went on without a hitch, Amelia didn't talk to me much more throughout the night as she was too busy entertaining Julian. I knew exactly what he was doing, he wasn't fooling anyone with that charming smile and his smooth words.

I rolled my eyes at the thought as I drove home, slightly exhausted from the constant chatter I had to engage in with annoying benefactors from the charity.

I wanted to get the courage to dance with her but the fear of people reading too much into it prevented me. Not only was she beautiful and my employee, she was also one of the first women I had given attention to in the spotlight. I made it apparent to avoid talking to women in public as to not give the media the wrong impression.

I couldn't deny the feeling I got with Amelia, it wasn't just her stunning looks that drew me to her, she was unique. She obviously wasn't stupid, plus she could take responsibility and seemed mature.

I just felt the urge to get to know her, even if I were to never get the chance to fuck her like I intended.

It was disgusting.

This was not me, this is not what I wanted to happen when that beautiful girl walked into my office. I needed a reality check.

And I needed it real soon.

The weekend passed a hell of a lot faster than I would have preferred, although I missed being in the office. When I was working, I didn't think. I felt a weight lifted off of my shoulders rather than a bundle of stress.

I stopped typing on my keyboard, that realization was sad. Work is more likely to cause you stress, not take it away.

I was officially living a backwards life.

Right on cue. "Have you ever once considered maybe taking my advice rather than just pretending as if it isn't there?" Lately, Julian was getting on my nerves.

I sighed and looked at the clock. "Its Monday, I'm busy. What can I do for you?"

He gave me a bewildered look and laid his hands flat on my shiny desk. "I like Amelia, and I likely would have taken her with me to the event regardless, but seriously how dense do you have to be?"

I scrunched my eyebrows together. "I'm not sure I follow."

"And that's the point. Seriously take a hint, I took Amelia with me hoping you guys would actually talk for more than a few minutes."

My eyes widened. "You were trying to set us up? What gives you the right?" I was starting to get a little angry. Julian and my parents were starting to insert themselves into my romantic life and they didn't belong there.

"Why don't you just admit that you like her? Even if it's just attraction, why won't you initiate some contact?" He was beginning to raise his voice.

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