Chapter 3: Business As Usual

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The insanely sexy, Hugh Jackman, as Julian.

Thank you for reading and enjoy the chapter(:

Luca's Pov:
"I need those files sent to Roger, as quickly as you possibly can. Just because we got the deal this morning, doesn't mean we can start slacking. I need you all to be stellar while these men are here. No complaints. I will not stand for any bad behavior. You fuck up, you're fired. Dismissed." My employees began filing out of the room, looking terrified at my speech as they fled.

I ran a hand through my hair, stressed from this mornings' exertions. I sighed and looked down at my shoes before standing straight again.

I grabbed the stack of files and my phone off of the long table and followed the last person out of the boardroom.

I started walking towards my office with purposeful strides. "Coffee, Lily." I demanded as I walked past her. She immediately jumped out of her office chair to do as I requested. "These files need to be copied, Eric." I plopped the stack of 7 or 8 files onto his desk and continued my walk to the office. "When is my next meeting, Brenda?"

She rushed to get my schedule in hand. "You have a lunch meeting with Mr. Davis, sir." She informed me.

"I don't want to be disturbed until then, unless it's an emergency or for Lily to give me my coffee." She eagerly nodded her head and I walked into my office.

It was large and spacious, what you would expect from a million dollar company CEO. My father was your average billionaire, an asshole. He used his money for his own personal gain rather than using it for something a little less selfish. Luckily for me, he was a smart man and despite his selfishness, he gave me the company once he got too old and I was capable. The company is doing better within 5 years of my management than his 20 years.

I sat down in my large, leather chair and began working. The deal this morning was for a span of small businesses in Chicago. It had so much financial potential, but the people running them weren't meant to. After 6 months of negotiating, the deal was closed this morning, I got over 50% of each company. I smiled as I signed my name on the final document and put it in another file for Eric to copy and fax.

I heard a tentative knock on the door. "Come in." I demanded, knowing it was Lily with my coffee. She walked in as quickly as she could without spilling and set the mug on my desk. French Vanilla. "Thanks, Lily. Give these to Eric, file and fax them to the men we met with this morning." I gave her the stack of newly signed contracts.

"Yes sir." She took them and walked out without another word. I took a sip of my coffee and got back to work.


I was in the middle of getting prepared for my lunch meeting when the door burst open. I sighed, knowing exactly who it was. He was the only person I wouldn't fire for not knocking before entering.

"You have been graced with my presence." He announced as he shut my door.

"I don't remember requesting it." I stated, not looking up from my laptop. He sat down in the chair across from my desk.

"Well regardless, I am here." He chuckled and I looked at him. He was dressed in his usual gray suit, his longer hair was pulled back, he looked impeccable as always. Which I would expect from one of my employees, but he was also my best friend.

"Well, why are you here? I have a big meeting to prepare for." I took a drink of my most recent cup of coffee.

"I was just moving into my new office." He informed me with a large smile. I scrunched my eyebrows together in confusion.

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