The end

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One year later

Jungkook got out of the shower expecting to see his husband still sleeping but was surprised to find the bed empty. He left the bedroom as a smell of pancakes hit his nostrils, he looked in the kitchen and saw Taehyung making them breakfast while dancing to a Monsta X song. He chuckled at his husband's cute behavior but then Tae heard his and swung around, a huge grin plastered on his face.

"Morning Kookie"

"Morning babe" with his tight jeans and oversized hoodie Taehyung looked sexy yet adorable and Jungkook couldn't resist the urge to go kiss him, which he did. The kiss was sweet and full of love, the pair sat down starting to eat when the song Stuck started playing, Jungkook looked at Taehyung with a mischievous smile before getting up and grabbing his hand positioning them both in their wide living room. Tae got the hint and went into position. The married couple danced together in perfect synchronization, smiling and provoking the other with sexy body rolls and grace. The song ended and Jungkook and Taehyung plopped down on the floor panting before laughing.

"Kookie the pancakes will get cold" Taehyung pouted and Jungkook giggled.

"Let's go eat" Jungkook got up helping the other one up, sitting down at the breakfast table to eat the food his husband had so lovingly cooked for him.

Taehyung had left two minutes ago to Jin's café, so it came as a surprise to Jungkook when he burst into the living room squealing like a high school girl.

"Tae what's up??"

"Look!" he handed his husband an envelope. Jungkook cautiously opened it and read it out loud

"You are invited to Min Yoongi and Park Jimin's wedding, which will be held on the second of September"

"Did you see that!! They're getting married! And the bastards didn't even tell us" Jungkook once again chuckled at his adorable boyfriend. He was very happy for his best friend, Jimin truly was the best thing that had ever happened to Yoongi. The two had moved in before Jungkook and Taehyung had but they had never said anything about marriage, nonetheless Jungkook was thrilled to know.

He put down the envelope and wrapped his strong arms around his boyfriend's skinny waist, pulling him closer before closing the gap between the two, capturing Taehyung's lips in a loving kiss.

"I love you Jeon Jungkook"

"I love you too Jeon Taehyung"


Well there it is the end of this story, I loved writing it so I'm sad to end but oh well. If you have any question just ask me I'll be happy to answer them! I didn't know how to end this story so like it's kind of a cliché ending, I'll maybe change it later but for now it'll stay like that, so yeah. Thank you for all the views and votes, ily guys and see you on my next story 

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