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[Taehyung's phone]

JungKooK sent you a dm!

JungKooK: Hey

Me: Hi? Do I know you?

JungKooK: Nope

Me: So why did you message me

JungKooK: I don't know

Me: Okay?

JungKooK: So what's your name? Your username say Little_Tae, is it Tae?

Me: Not telling you, is yours Jungkook?

JungKooK: Well duh

Me: Well I have to go bye

JungKooK: No wait let's talk a bit

Me: Mm fine, how old are you and don't lie

JungKooK: Why would I lie?

Me: I don't know, you could be some old perv

JungKooK: So could you but I doubt it

Me: Well what do you know

JungKooK: You're not helping here

Me: Sorry, I dont trust people over the internet

JungKooK: Ii can tell

Me: I'm leaving

JungKooK: Oh come on


Did you really leave?

Sent t 13h37pm

[Taehyung's phone]

Me: Hey

JungKooK: Hii

Me: Send me a picture

JungKooK: Why?

Me: So I know you're not and old perv

JungKooK: Really Tae?

Me: Yeah

JungKooK: Well I'm not sending any

Me: Fine I'll just block you

JungKooK: No!

[Message not sent]

JungKooK: Tae!

[Message not sent]


First chapter of my new Vkook story, the chapters will be short except two or three where i will do full P.O.V

Hope you enjoy 

Edit: I'm editing this story! {27/04/21}

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