Chapter Four ~ A good nights sleep for Draco

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Harry's POV: (again)

I sit down at the table and begin angrily buttering a piece of toast, noticing the concerned looks I am getting but dismissing them. As a purpling Ron walks into the room it takes everything in me to not get up and severely injure him. I bite my toast angrily imagining it was Rons head. Why has he always got to be such a dick all the time, he always gets so angry about such little things, I think remembering back to forth year, he never trusts me. He sneers as he walks past, my fists clench tightly in order to stop myself. I don't really know why I am so protective all of a sudden, I mean I've always taken care of my friends but, Draco's right we haven't been friends long at all. I don't think I had ever told Ron I loved him but, I say it to Draco after 2 days, it's all very confusing.
When I think about it, it was a very stupid thing to say especially if he had not thought in the same manner and had reacted really badly. But he didn't so I guess it's all okay. I don't know why I'm so drawn to my new friend. I look up and meet those perfect grey eyes, that's another thing I don't think I've ever thought of any of my friends or girlfriends as perfect or even studied them in they way I do with Draco. Perhaps he is part veela, it would be pretty much the only explanation as to why I think he is so damn good looking.
He smiles at me warmly and I smile back finishing my toast and juice. I head over to him standing beside him as he quickly finishes off his cereal.
He rises, elegantly from the table bidding goodbye to those around him. I grab his arm linking it with mine and dragging him outside towards the place by the lake that I often sit. I flop onto the grass as he perches on a fallen tree trunk, clearly not wishing to get dirt on himself I imagine.
"Dray are you a veela? Or at least part veela?" I ask, shuffling closer and looking up at him my head resting on the side of his knee. He flushes bright pink rubbing his hands together awkwardly.
"Umm no I am not a veela, there were a few back down the Malfoy line but, that was so long ago I doubt I have any of the veela blood," he mumbles not meeting my eyes.
"Well I think you probably do have some of the veela blood, I've not met anyone else who can look as good as you," I smirk at him flirtatiously as he blushes again.
"Thank you, I'm flattered but, just because you think I am okay looking doesn't mean I am veela. I mean your good looking and I don't think your part veela," he says looking down into my smirking face.
"Awww thanks Drakey, I don't know why you think it but, thanks. And it's not just because your attractive, it's also because of how blonde you are, how smooth your skin is, how you smell and the way I feel drawn to you," I say honestly, looking forward again.
"Oh piss off you know your attractive, don't be all like 'I don't know why you think that' I mean look at all the girls throwing themselves at you. And as for being drawn to me that's just because I am amazing in pretty much every single way, most people are drawn to that," he smirks flipping his hair in a joking manner. I smile up at him, moving to sit beside him on the trunk.
"That you are," I tell him leaning my head onto his shoulder, "and girls throw themselves at me because of who I am not what I look like."
"No they do so because of who you are and what you look like, I mean weasel did A lot to help you and no one is throwing themselves at him because he looks like an orangutan," he says patting my leg as i burst out into laughter. "That is very true," I agree, going to lay my head on his lap.
"I really don't understand why Granger is with him, I mean i get they have been through a lot together. But she's way to attractive and intelligent for him," he says placing an open palm on my cheek.
"Aww do I detect a crush," I tease making him flush.
"No of course not, I am gay potter, she's just way better then Weasley in every way, but she did give up Krum that wasn't very smart," he says thoughtfully making me laugh.
"Krum are you serious he's really not that attractive," I laugh getting an annoyed look.
"How can you say that? He is like, gorgeous and he has a seekers body. Actually the first time I ever shared a room with someone was with him during forth year when he stayed over in my room to get away from others, and that experience changed my life," he tells me thoughtfully, patting my cheek.
"Seekers body, did you just like his body??" I question, "what is seekers body? I mean we are both seekers do we have it?"
He laughs gently, "well you do, I'm wayyy to thin to have it. I try to get bigger but I always end up chubby instead of muscly." He lets out a small sigh causing me to laugh despite trying not to. He throws me a glare, turning up his top lip.
"Aww I'm sorry I just can't imagine you chubby," I say honestly, "personally I think your body shape is very nice and fits well with your height and sharp facial features but, of you want to bulk up I can help you, as I managed to do it." I rase my top up, smirking as he raises an eyebrow looking at my abs thoughtfully as if he was considering training with me.
He flashes me his pure white teeth and begins to brush my hair away from my face.
"Thanks for the offer but i don't know if physical training is right for me right now. Also im quite happy with my body," he smirks, "I think I rock my type look."
I look up into his cocky little face smiling at him despite not understanding what he means at all.
"I have no clue what you mean by that but, I'm sure your right," I laugh, looking up at him from his lap.
"I mean stereotypically there's different types of gay guys," he rolls his eyes, dramatically waving an arm, "the three main ones are bear, twink and otter but, there are loads."
"Um okay," I reply apprehensively, "would you care to explain?"
He chuckles and flips his soft looking hair, "well your an otter," he quickly silences all my protests about not being a 'gay guy' and continues, "an otter basically means you are burly and muscly but not as big or fatter like a bear and you have a fair bit of body hair but not as much as a bear."
"Oh so a bear is like a large, chubby, kinda muscly gay guy?" I ask beginning to understand his weird terminology.
He nods still running long pale fingers through my dark hair.
"And the third?.?..." I ask.
He is silent for a while before answering as if he was half out of it, "oh a twink is like a smaller, boyish looking, hairless gay guy," his hands still stay buried in my long hair his eyes fixed on them, even as I begin to giggle.
"You are a twink," I laugh, "you basically described yourself."
He glares at me angrily before his features soften and he nods in agreement.
"I guess I am pretty smooth and boyish but, I do have muscle," he says patting my temple gently when I nod.
"Should I go hairless, I mean my chest is pretty hairy, is an otter a bad thing?" I ask generally concerned, I had never given it much thought till right now.
"No definitely don't, it really isn't a bad thing, i actually like it despite the fact that I could never pull it off. Actually I've only ever been with otters, in general bears tend to be a bit to 'big' for me and there is just to much drama attached to most twinks," he informs me placing his index finger on the part of my chest exposed by the v neckline.
"Yeah you are a major drama queen," I tease pretending to be thinking hard. He lets a small squeal of annoyance, "I am soo not a drama queen." He glares down at me, I just chuckle and take hold of the hand still resting on my chest, gripping tightly as he tries to pull it away pretending to be more annoyed then he actually is. He eventually stops pulling on my hand and lets me just hold his hand, resting our joined fingers on my chest. We sit in comfortable silence my other hand tracing the back of his hand in mine and his spare hand burying itself in my hair gently.
I look up to meet his bright, energy filled eyes, he looks more content then I have ever seen him in all my years at Hogwarts, those wide, knowing yet innocent looking eyes, sharp cheekbones, full pink lips stretched into a small genuine smile for no apparent reason. He looks so beautiful, something I have concluded I probably shouldn't be thinking about my friend but, it's not like I asked him to be good looking as well as practically perfect. I realise to any onlookers it would be weird as I imagine it also looks as if I am smiling for no reason, but I have a reason to be smiling, Draco Malfoy.

A newfound friendship (A Drarry Story) (8th year Drarry)Where stories live. Discover now