Chapter 27 - Teddy

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Harry's POV:
"Come on love, your mum told us to be there by 11:30. Teddy will be waiting for us."
"If mother said 11:30 she really means 12 and is factoring in the fact that I'll be late," he laughs coming though to the living room. He pulls on a Slytherin quidditch jumper over his white shirt pulling the collar out. He seems to dress more casual when he's visiting his mother. It's nice to see, he sits on the sofa and pulls on some black Oxfords and pulls a belt through the loops of his tightly fitted trousers.
"The trick is, not to start thinking that she said actually said 12 because then it will be half 12 by the time we get there." I laugh at his strange logic leaning over to kiss him.
I sit next to him, grabbing his hips and pulling him onto my lap. He straddles me wrapping his arms around my neck. I pull him too me kissing him deeply, grabbing his hips tightly and pulling him down onto me.
"Oh you want to start something do you," he whispers biting my ear gently, "I thought we were going to be late."
I groan laying my head back on the sofa, why do we have to leave. These past few days have been really  lovely. The lessons haven't been too hard and Draco has helped me get all my homework done on time. No one else has made any comments about Draco or our relationship. It still seems that Professor Baudelaire hates me but I'm okay with that as I know it amuses Draco. Another great thing about the past few days are the perfect intimate moments that Draco and I have shared. We are both still wanting to take it slowly, especially as I haven't been with a man before, but that doesn't mean everything is off the table. Draco kisses my jaw like moving down my neck and I let out a small hum of pleasure. He's amazing. I squeeze his bum firmly and he smirks wriggling on me knowing it will create the effect he desired. "Come on then love, let's go," he pecks my lips standing up. I groan and he giggles, "you started it, Mr Potter."
"And the problem is that you are not finishing it, Mr Malfoy," I groan.
"Well if you are very good now, maybe we can finish it later," he winks at me and I get up quickly knowing it's my best bet.
"You are a tease," I kiss him gently and he smiles.
"You say that like it's a bad thing," he runs his hand down my chest smirking.
I kiss his nose gently and squeeze his bum hard.
"You should get that little arse into the floo before I stop you from leaving," I say gruffly, he flushes and bites his lip moving into the fireplace. I follow him in holding onto him tightly as we floo to Narcissa's home together.
"Mother!" He calls and Narcissa comes rushing in, her robes are dark purple and look very expensive.
"My boys, it is nice to see you both," she kisses our cheeks.
"Late again Draco."
"I've told you before mother. I'm never late, the rest of you are early. Besides it was Harry's fault we were late this time.
"Now now I don't believe that. We are in drawing room one," she turns around and he winks at me following. I follow after them shoving Draco gently making him smirk.
"Harry dear how lovely to see you," Andromeda pulls me into a hug. "And Draco my lovely nephew, I haven't seen you since you were a baby." She hugs Draco also making his eyes widen in surprise.
"Teddy has missed you," she hands me the small boy who giggles happily leaning onto my shoulder.
"Hello Ted, you are getting big," I coo hugging the baby gently.
Draco smiles moving over.
"Hello Teddy, I'm your cousin, Draco. it's nice to meet you," Draco rubs the baby's back gently and he coos.
"He's so cute, how old is he?"
"8 months, he's just starting to crawl." Andromeda says.
"Wow Teddy that's amazing," I say bouncing him up and down gently. He laughs holding his arms out to Draco.
"He wants you angel." I say and Draco blushes holding out his arms for the baby, who wriggles into them. Teddy's soft brown hair turns platinum blonde mirroring Draco's.
"Wow he must really like you."
Draco's eyes widen, "how did he do that?"
I laugh at his confusion, "he is a metamorphmagus, like his mother."
"Ah, wow, that's a very rare gift little one," Draco says tickling his stomach gently making him laugh, I move over to them wrapping my arm around Draco and kissing both of their heads. Teddy smiles and his eyes turn bright green.
"Awww how cute," Draco coos looking at our matching eyes.
"You'll be wanting Grandchildren after witnessing this," Andromeda says patting her sisters arm.
"Oh trust me the day can't come soon enough."
"Mother!" Draco scolds making her laugh, "I can live in hope dear."
I look away trying not to meet her gaze feeling embarrassed. "Mother, very soon. Too soon." He hisses but she and Andromeda just laugh.
"I'm only teasing Harry dear," she hugs me gently and I smile hugging her back, "come on, let's go eat." She leads us to the table and Draco secures Teddy in a high chair sitting beside him, I take the seat on the opposite side of him pulling my chair close to him noticing Draco do the same.
"Would you boys like to feed him?" Andromeda says sitting opposite us along with Narcissa.
"Oooo yes please Aunt Andromeda," Draco says eagerly. She smiles at him handing him a bowl of orange mush.
"Ooo lovely," I say sarcastically looking into the bowl. He tuts at me, and I smile sheepishly putting a bib on Teddy.
"You hungry sweetie?" Draco coos holding up a spoon to Teddy. He turns his head away refusing to open his mouth.
"You sure you aren't hungry? It's really nice, Harry is hungry, maybe I will give it to him." Draco says holding the spoon up to me.
I widen my eyes at him, "go on," he says holding it to my mouth, "don't show hesitation."
I glare at him taking it into my mouth. "It's surprisingly good actually, butternut squash?"
"Yes with cream and sage," Andromeda says.
"It's nice," I open my mouth to Draco and he goes to put in another spoonful but Teddy screeches in protest.
"Would you like some Teddy?" Draco coos and the small boy nods. "Quickly before your greedy godfather eats it all up." Teddy laughs as if he understands perfectly taking the spoon into his mouth.
"Oi mister, I wanted that," I tease tickling his little belly, he squeals again taking hold of my hand tightly and not letting go.
"He's captured me Draco, help," I say dramatically pretending to struggle, Teddy laughs trying to bite my hand.
"Get him Ted," the boy laughs then opens his mouth for more food. Draco feeds him and he eats happily.
"Do you want nana to feed you? Nana, nana" Andromeda coos, "I've not gone mad. I've been trying to get him to say it all week. He's nearly there."
We nod in understanding but Teddy shakes his head.
"I can feed him Draco, here you eat yourself," I hand him a plate of small sandwiches and some scones.
"Thank you love," he smiles taking the plates and setting some on his smaller plate.
"Do you want Harry to feed you now ted?" I ask reaching for the bowl. He slams his small fists down onto his high chair making a noise of frustration.
"Edward!" Andromeda warns and he frowns.
"Da-co! Da-co"
"Draco, I think he means he still wants you," I say in awe smiling at them both.
"Da-co," he squeals reaching for him.
"Oh that is so unfair, he's only just met you and you are already his favourite." Andromeda says frowning.
Draco blushes leaning over to kiss the boys head, he reaches out trying to pull him close.
"Oi Mister, you are going to get poor Draco all grubby," I say wiping his little face with some tissue, "do you know how much he spends on suits little man," I say jokingly tickling him, "lots and lots and lots." I kiss his cheek and he giggles.
"Not lots, an appropriate amount," Draco says in a childlike voice to Teddy.
"They are so cute together Narcissa. I'm so happy for you."
"Happy for mother? Not for Harry and I?" Draco laughs and Andromeda shrugs.
"I think your mother was starting to dread who you'd come home with. Thought it might end up being some 50 year old potions master."
Draco tuts glaring at his mother, "mother! I told you, just because I like reading potions books and talk about successful potions masters does not mean I'm attracted to them."
I can't help but laugh reaching across the table to take his hand.
"Well I'm happy you are with someone your own age dear."
"I am pretty useless at potions though. Draco is definitely going to be the successful potions master out of the two of us. Hermione is very jealous of his skill." Draco blushes again and Narcissa smiles.
"You were always wonderful at potions Dragon, even as a child you were fascinated. But I think you just liked the idea of explosions and fire. Your father said he feared you'd be an arsonist."
Draco shudders and I squeeze his hand gently.
"Potions and explosions are interesting. Fire not so much," he says simply. I rub the back of his hand with my thumb knowing he is thinking about the loss of his friend. He has obviously never told his mother about the true events. She looks between us knowingly, probably assuming it is something to do with the war. She makes no comment nor does Andromeda. Draco finishes feeding Teddy finally taking him out of his seat and holding him close comfortingly. I smile at the sweet scene moving the high chair out of the way with ease and bringing my chair close to them both. Teddy wraps his small fist around my thumb and I wrap my arm around Draco's back gently. They are both so lovely and they have both been through so much. Poor Teddy doesn't even realise yet. I'm reassured by the knowledge that we are all here for Teddy.

A newfound friendship (A Drarry Story) (8th year Drarry)Where stories live. Discover now