Chapter 15 - The move

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Harry's POV:
I take the instructions out of my wallet heading up the staircase to the room. It's close to the Gryffindor common room, only one staircase over. I reach the portrait of an elderly wizard that I don't recognise in dark purple robes.
"Hi, Um Liquorice wand," I say to the wizard.
"Conviction my boy, you know the password," the wizard scolds as the portrait swings open.
The curtains are drawn and the room is dark. I open them and turn on the lights with a flick of my wand.
I take in the surroundings. It isn't as bad as I thought it would be. The large living area is decorated Gryffindor colours, probably a Gryffindor teachers quarters. The ceiling is high, the walls are dark red with gold boarders and patterns. A large white fireplace faces many red sofas and chairs and I notice the presence of a small bar area also. The carpet is old, that like the sofas will definitely need to be replaced. I decide to start on this room before looking at the others.
Within an hour, the room is fully cleaned and the carpet is completely removed and the walls are now a light grey with green and white detailing. The dark red curtains are now dark green with silver detailing and strings, the bookshelves lining the room are now light grey to go with the room.
"Bunny? Bunny?" I call not sure if it's going to work until I hear a pop and see the small elf in a bright yellow sundress.
"Master Harry, you is calling Bunny?"
"Yes bunny, hello, I am very sorry to bother you but, I was wondering if you could help me decorate this room for Draco?"
The elf squeals excitedly. "Yes of course, anything for master Draco. How can bunny help?"
"Right well would it be possible for you to take the rolled up carpet, old sofas and chairs to a storage area in Hogwarts as we will replace it?"
Before I can even finish my sentence properly the elf and the items are gone, 20 seconds later she returns grinning widely.
"Wow I should have asked you to help from the very beginning," I laugh and she blushes.
"What else can Bunny do?"
"Well, I want to replace the floor, do you think carpet or stone?"
"Stone for master Draco with some rugs," the elf says nodding.
She clicks her fingers and I feel large grey tiles moving underneath my feet to cover the room.
Very impressive.
"I will have to buy some rugs, chairs and sofas, you know what shops and style Draco likes, I can give you my wallet and leave it up to you, while I do the bedroom."
The elf nods enthusiastically.
"And what about a bar area? There is one here but it didn't suit the room."
"Bunny can fix that," she says waving her hands. The wooden bar becomes larger and a dark grey with a marble worktop. The cupboard behind is now also grey the rusted handles now small crystals.
"Wow, that's amazing Bunny," I praise, "perhaps you could also get some glasses and alcohol that Draco likes. And we have his permission to bring anything from the manor that you think he might like."
She nods enthusiastically as I hand her a small money pouch that's linked directly to my account.
"I'm going to go and start the bedroom," I tell her.
She nods vanishing. I start by deep cleaning the room.
I change the colours of the bedroom walls also to light grey with touches of green and sliver along the architrave. I spell the large poster bed a darker grey and the silk hangings green to match the curtains in the living area as the bedroom windows are covered with grey wooden shutters, the same colour as the bedside cabinets with glass tops and crystal handles.
I clean the carpet thoroughly spelling it a very light grey almost white to mirror the ceiling, I'll add some rugs to this room also. It looks light, open and inviting.
I remove the bed sheets knowing I'll replace them with new ones or Draco's own later.
I smile at my handiwork casting a tempus realising that it has taken me 40 minutes and it is now 5:45pm.
I decide I will just clean the bathroom before heading down to dinner.
I head through the connecting door in the room into the large bathroom. There's a large clawfoot bathtub as well as a glass shower. The toilet and large sink are both white, the sink slotting into a large wooden cabinet. I clean bathroom quicker than I thought. Finding time to spell the wooden cabinet dark grey and the taps and foot of the tup silver.
The wall tiles are cream and I quickly change them to a very light grey. Looking down at the red and gold speckled tiles on the floor and turning them black with silver. The cupboards are all empty so there should be plenty of space for Draco's towels and toiletries. I smile at my work, I'm sure there is still a few tweaks I could make or Draco could he he decides he wants to change something.
I head back out until the living area to find Bunny now standing on an emerald green, velvet sofa waving her little hands as a multitude of books fly onto the shelves. I look round the room noticing in addition to the sofa there is also an armchair and a long green and sliver chair like thing with a L-shaped back. There is a small glass coffee table on a large grey fluffy rug that stretched out to the fire.
I notice the bar is stocked with drinks and I assume glasses underneath also, three grey, velvet bar stools stand at the bar.
"Wow bunny, this is amazing," I say looking over at a large black grand piano sitting on a large tapestry style rug by the large windows.
"Master Draco, loves playing piano, so Bunny brought this from the manor along with lots of books," she says happily handing me my money pouch, which I pocket, "Bunny brought the rugs and chairs from shops like Master Harry said, but the chaise lounge is from master Draco's room at home he likes it very much. Bunny will put another at the end of the bed," she says pointing at the odd shaped chair. Ahh so that is what it is, I think Draco has mentioned them. "Bunny will bring master Draco's belongings and Salazar to the room also."
The little elf waves her hand one more time replacing the old fashioned lights with modern looking hanging ones and spelling the ceiling to look like the weather, it looks even better than the spell in the great hall.
"Thank you so so much Bunny, I could have never have done it without you, you've helped so much."
"Anything for Masters," she smiles, "I will add some more of Master Draco's things to the other rooms and fix his bed. Master Harry should be getting to dinner, it is getting late."
"Thank you so much Bunny, I do have to go and meet Neville and Draco. They probably expected me back sooner," I tell the elf casting another tempus and wondering how it got to be 6:30pm already.
"We will show Draco what we have done soon, I think Nev wanted to replace the fireplace first though."
"Bunny can do this if Master Neville asks," the elf squeaks.
"I will let him know Bunny, thank you again, I will see you soon."
I wave to the elf as she bows and leave the room to head back to dinner.
"Much better than that ghastly red of you ask me," the portrait laughs as I shut the door.
"Thanks," I laugh running down to dinner.
The feast has already started when I enter the hall and I notice Draco, Neville and Luna sitting together at the Slytherin table, I head over to them slumping down next to Draco and resting my head onto his shoulder to catch my breath.
"You've been gone ages Harry," Neville laughs, "it's a good job Draco and I had lots of homework to get through."
"Why are you so out of breath Harry? What have you been up to?" Draco asks narrowing his eyes.
"I told you Dray, I've been sorting your room. With a lot of help from Bunny, I'm just out of breath because I didn't realise how late it had got and I ran here," I tell him putting some chips onto my plate and covering then with salt, he wrinkles his nose and takes it from me before I can add more.
"You've been doing it for so long Harry, you should have asked me for help to," he says taking a chip from my plate and popping it into his mouth after shaking it off slightly.
"Ah well it's all done now, I think Neville wanted to add one thing and that's it," I say smiling at Neville who winks, "Bunny says of you tell her what to do she can do it for you much quicker."
He nods. "I'll ask one of my elf's to go with her to help. Tibbult." A small elf baring the longbottom crest appears next to him.
"Yes Master? How can I help?" The elf's asks.
"Find Bunny please Tibbult, is she a Malfoy elf?" He asks Draco who shakes his head.
"She used to be, she's free now and works at hogwarts." Draco says.
"Oh how nice, I think I've seen her before in the kitchen, colourful hats and dresses," Luna muses, Draco smiles and nods.
"She'll be here Tibbult," I say handing him the piece of paper he nods.
"What is Tibbult to do when he is finding Bunny Master?"
Neville gets out of his seat, leaning down to whisper his instructions to the elf who's eyes widen.
"Of course master, right away. Tibbult will have it sorted soon, within the hour, Tibbult will let master know" the elf bows and disappears with a pop.
"What's so secretive?" Draco asks Neville frowning.
"Oh it's nothing bad, Draco, don't worry. I just thought of something that might suit your room."
Draco's eyes widen, "thank you Neville, that is so sweet of you to think of me. I really appreciate that I have you as my friends. Hopefully you too Luna, one day," he smiles.
"I already consider us friends," she says dreamily smiling at Draco.
"You do?" He gasps clearly a little taken aback.
"Of course, you apologised to me long ago Draco and I know you had very little part in things, you are a good person, I can tell because all creatures love you."
"Well thank you Luna, that means a lot to me," he says with a smile. I link my hand with his under the table and Neville raises an eyebrow.
"So are we going to get to see your handiwork?" Neville asks.
"Of course it's pretty finished. You can add your own touches Draco but the main bulk is done, once Tibbult returns that will be pretty much everything."
"Thank you Harry, it means more than you know," Draco says wrapping his arms around my waist from the side and leaning his head onto my shoulder, "And you too Neville, thank you."
"Anytime," Neville grins as Luna kisses him on the cheek.

A newfound friendship (A Drarry Story) (8th year Drarry)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon