Chapter 42 - House Arrest

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Ron's POV:

I pile my plate up with food rolling my eyes at Hermione who gives me a pointed look.
"I wonder why Harry and Draco aren't down for breakfast yet," she muses, "Draco won't want to be late for potions."
I shrug with my mouth full deciding not to make a crude comment early in the morning.
She shrugs back taking a quill out of her pocket and scribbling some notes down.
A chorus of hoots from above alert me that post is here but I don't bother to look up knowing I won't have any.
Hermione takes the Daily Prophet from the owls leg putting a coin in the pouch.
She unfolds the paper and I notice a slab of black pudding slightly further down the table.
I reach for it startling at her gasp.
"Merlin Hermione, What's wrong with you?" I say seeing her eyebrows shoot up as she skims the paper.
"It's not good," she grits her teeth pushing it over to me.

I scan the front page, noting the large photo of Harry and the Malfoy family and block letters above. Harry is laughing clutching Lucius shoulder as Narcissa smiles and Draco rolls his eyes characteristically at Harry.
'Harry Potter, dark wizard or deranged. Pictured in East-Pensive prison supporting a Malfoy ring with the supposed boyfriend Draco Malfoy and his criminal family'
"Fuck, he's going to kick off, a guard must have taken these, that's so illegal," I muse as Hermione flips to the page where the story continues and begins to read aloud.
"Harry Potter, who most now believe to be under an impirus curse or love spell, has been seen visiting, confirmed death eater, murderer and career criminal Lucius Malfoy. This worrying development comes shortly after the young wizard had been spotted with the offenders son Draco Lucius Malfoy. Malfoy the younger much like his mother narrowly avoided prison sentences due to Harry's defence of them at their trails in July. Is this development an extension of the Malfoy boys manipulation, curses are certainly not beyond this evil, little family.
Is the saviour of the wizarding world allowing this manipulation or has he simply lost his mind to the trauma of the war.
Reporters have not been able to reach him for comment, that is if he is still capable and able.

Hopefully the grooming of Mr Potter for evil by Lucius Malfoy will be just as unsuccessful as it was with his failure of a son. Meaning the wizarding world may finally be safe," she reads.
"Shit he's going to be raging. What should we do, just try to keep him from finding out for as long as possible?" I suggest and she shakes her head.
"I don't think we can. And there's more," she squeals turning the page. I notice the whispers in the hall over newspapers as she continues.
"In the image shown, The golden boy supports a Malfoy ring. Rumours of his true heritage circulate, with ex Daily Prophet reporter, Rita Skeeter, even suggesting his true fraternal line to be linked to he who must not be named. However given recent events, it is considered most likely that Malfoy the younger has used an unforgivable curse to achieve a marriage proposal, as he is pictured proudly supporting a Potter family crest on his finger.
Does this families need for power have no end. Is Draco Malfoy sinking to such depths of desperation as to marry a man for his influence and power. What cruel torture is he subjecting Mr. Potter too apart from the company of him and his family and will the Saviour of the wizarding world survive this time.
Aurors were contacted about a possible investigation into these claims and the possibility of reopening Draco Malfoy's criminal case but were not able to comment at this time." Hermione sighs putting her head into her hands, I reach across the table to hold her arm.
"This is so horrible, those poor boys. Draco is going to be terrified."
"I think they are the ones who need to be terrified after Harry sees this. I mean they basically insinuated Draco was gay for pay."
Hermione shakes her head again quickly hiding the paper as the doors to the great hall open.

"Looks like you don't need to hide that Herm," I say watching Harry storm into the now silent hall with dark eyes and a furious scowl his black cloak bellowing behind him, in a rather Snape like fashion. Draco holds his arm tightly whispering to him looking rather upset.
The Ravenclaw table breaks out into whispers as people share the papers around.
Harry turns to them glaring angrily and they fall silent only making noises to utter spells and scream when every newspaper on the table bursts into flames with just a glare. He smirks slightly seeming satisfied as they struggle and teachers rush over to put out the flames Students look on in fear and amazement but I notice Draco's expression never changes.
"Brace yourself Hermione," I say quietly as she smiles awkwardly at them making room at the table.
"Alright guys," I say as cheerily as I can to try to ease the tension. Draco smiles.
"Not too bad, I guess," he shrugs as Harry grunts and stabs at the black pudding that I had my eye on. I decide not to mention it though.
"I'm sorry boys, it isn't right," Hermione says making Draco smile sadly patting her hand as Harry just scowls into his breakfast.
"So has everyone done their potions homework," she asks quietly. Draco smiles and nods. "We have. So we are all set. How about you Ronald?"
I smile at him awkwardly avoiding Harry's gaze, "sort of done it. I don't think it's exactly correct though," I say making him smile.
"I'm not going to potions. Ron, Hermione please can you watch out for Draco," Harry says finally getting curious stares from both my girlfriend and me.
Draco however still appears unfazed.
"Harry you didn't tell me that," he scolds raising an eyebrow, "why are you not going?"
I watch them curiously thinking that I can already guess the answer.
"I'm so sorry my angel," he says tenderly, kissing his hands. "I promise you that I will be back before you know it. I have to go back to that awful prison and to speak with Kingsley."
Draco frowns at him and Harry cups his face gently, kissing it all over.
"I take it that this is why you are dressed like this?" Draco comments, Harry's white fitted shirt, black trousers, silver waistcoat and large cloak are not only a rather rare sight but also manage to look imposing, almost scary. Maybe it's the rings and many chains on the cloak.
"Don't do anything you will regret my love," Draco says holding him close and stroking his hair.
"I plan to make those bloody guards regret it," he snarls making Draco tut.
"Nothing illegal Harry James Potter. I mean that. It will only make things worse," he scolds tenderly.
Harry narrows his eyes but they soften slightly as he looks at Draco.
"I promise you my love. But those guards are going to be losing their jobs, along with several reporters."
Draco nods patting Harry's arm seeming satisfied.
"It's okay my love, we have had worse," Draco soothes, "mother might not even be phased by it she says they only print lies anyway."
"I don't care Dray. It's not happening anymore. Kingsley better rush that gag order I owled him about."

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