Chapter 11 - Bunny

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Heyyy, do you guys like this story? Anything you'd like in it/not in it?
I want to eventually try and repair the friendships and all that.
Sorry for a slower update. I have some ideas on where I want to take it so I have other updates I could write. Are the chapters too long?
Let me know what you think if you can.

Harry's POV:
I tried my very best to pay close attention to Professor McGonagal knowing I would be met with a frosty reception if I didn't and I needed her to be in a good mood for our little chat.
It was for this reason that I was grateful for the kick in the shin from Hermione when I felt my attention slipping. Her and Draco are a lot more alike than I think either of them would care to admit.
I take down a few more rushed notes on how to transfigure the crockery in-front of each of us into a 'living' animal, trying to look especially busy and interested when the headmistress looked our way. She begins to move around the classroom talking to us individually as we all begin to attempt the spell. I notice Hermione had already managed to transfigure her bowl into a small rabbit.
Neville seems to be having about as much luck as I am I realise as I see the pot infront of him simply refusing to budge.
I glare down at the plate, McGonagal is not too far from our table at this point and I need to manage this for Draco. Come on Potter, think, I smile as the image of Draco fills my mind, waving my wand yet again, this time following the motion listed on the board more closely. I smile down at a cute white and grey ferret, allowing it to run up my arm happily. I did it.
"I did it Herm," I tell her cheerfully, holding up the small animal for her to see. She smiles at me rolling her eyes at my animal.
"Of course it's a ferret, just like forth year, I wonder who you were thinking about. I'm just surprised it's not a snake, I'd say dragon too but I don't think you'd be able to manage that quite yet," she sasses.
I roll my eyes at her and shoot Neville a dirty look as he laughs. "You can talk, yours hasn't budged this whole time."
Neville frowns at his pot, trying again. It shakes a little before falling still.
"Well done Miss Granger. And you too Mr Potter, maybe there is hope for you yet," she says with a twinkle in her eye, coming round to our bench and inspecting our animals.
"Umm Professor, could I talk to you after class?"
"Is about your previous grades Mr. Potter, this year has barely begun you'll have plenty of time to improve."
"Umm no, actually it's about Draco, I was wondering if you could possibly help him with something?" I ask apprehensively.
She gives me a curt nod, "see me at me desk after class, I will be dismissing you soon."
She sighs at Neville's pot before moving to the front of the class.
"Those who have managed their transfiguration, may now return their creature to its natural state."
There was a quick wave of wands and the crockery returned.
"As for those who did not manage, I would like 6 inches of parchment on where you went wrong and how to correctly cast this spell," a few class members groaned at her stern words and sulkily left the classroom while their friends gloated at their lack of homework.
When the room finally cleared I carefully made my way down to McGonagal's desk hoping that she would be in a good enough mood.
"So Mr. Potter, how can I be of assistance?" She asks taking a seat.
"Well I wanted to speak to you, as headmistress.
You see Draco has had a really hard time of it since the war, he suffered before returning, he's was attacked on the train and has suffered abuse from many students since."
She nods thoughtfully appearing to be listening.
"Well it's the room he's in, his dorm, even they treat him poorly and we were, I was wondering if he could have his own single room back, just so he can at least sleep peacefully. Or if he could be moved to another dorm with people in his year?"
"While I am sympathetic to Mr. Malfoy's situation and I am willing to address the school about the situation, it is simply not possible to give Mr. Malfoy his old room back. All the rooms in the Slytherin dorm have been filled, it would not be right to force another student out, especially when Mr. Malfoy had access to a private room for so many years. And as I have said before, I have to consider the feelings of other students and don't think the other houses would be comfortable with that."
"But Professor. It isn't fair that Draco gets to be treated like this?" I say anger brimming, she gives me a stern look and I calm myself. "Please, there must be something that you can do. Even if it's a room away from the Slytherin or any other dorms. He deserves to get some peace."
She sighs, "While I fear that it may possibly isolate Draco from his house, I am sympathetic, it is for this reason that I am allowing this. There is a small housing area, close to your common room, it used to be one of the teachers quarters but as there are less on site staff these days it is available. I can provide you with passcode only access to this area for Mr Malfoy, but I must warn you, it is in need of refurbishment. A task of which I'm sure you a capable of, after witnessing your transfiguration skills today."
"Thank you Professor, thank you so much," I say making sure she knows that I am grateful.
"I will send Draco directions and the password tonight," she tells me and I realise that this might be a problem as I wanted to surprise him.
"Um Professor, do you think you could send it to me first," I ask tentatively trying not to push my luck. "It's just as you said it needs refurbishments, I was going to do this for Draco so he doesn't have too."
She frowns at me before nodding.
"I will Mr. Potter, but as it is Mr. Malfoy's room, I will be giving him the ability to change the password whenever he should desire. Just incase he doesn't take kindly to you also having access. But judging by how close you have become so quickly I can't imagine this will be the case." Her eyes twinkled knowingly as I thanked her repeatedly, before heading towards the exit to tell Draco the good news.
"I am fulfilling this request for Mr. Malfoy's sake only. I would be rather inclined to refuse you Mr. Potter as it seems that you requiring something from me drastically improves your skill and concentration in Transfigurations. It is very strange indeed," she says smirking and pretending to look thoughtful. I mumble apologies and another thank you as she shoos me out to prepare for her next class.
"What you smiling about?" Draco asks curiously, leaning on a wall opposite the classroom,
"Ahh well I'm seeing you am I not, that's something to smile about," I tease and he rolls his eyes.
"I suppose you are right. I am pretty great."
I roll my eyes at his arrogance and link my arm with his. I am quite hungry but I feel like we should eat together.
"Want to get some food and head outside to eat, we could go by the lake? It's a nice day" I ask, he pauses to think for a moment and then nods.
"Brilliant. How about we head to the kitchens to get some food first." I suggest.
"What? And miss out on a delightful conversation with your lovely house elf," he retorts sarcastically, laughing to himself a little.
"Yes exactly."
"Shame," he smirks as we head to the kitchens together.
As soon as we enter the kitchen a swarm of overly friendly and overly excited house elf's surround us. I smile at them still not quite used to not seeing Dobby and his colourful socks amongst the crowd.
"Hello Bunny, how have you been? And how's Binky too?" Draco questions a small elf in a colourful hat as she drags him by the hem of his robes towards the food. "We are good Master Draco," she squeaks and I wonder how he is so friendly with her.
"Have you come for some lunch? What is it you would like? I have made some French dishes and Italian as I know they are your favourite. I've been practicing ever since I heard you were returning to Hogwarts, Master Draco," she says proudly handing him a list of the dishes she can make.
I smile, wondering if the now clearly free elf once belonged to the Malfoy family. The elf's huddled around Draco bringing him teas and taste testers of their new dishes. The elf's seemed to forget about my presence, too focused on Draco. It felt nice to not only have less attention but to see Draco so happy to talk to all the little beings that seemed to like him so much.
"This is Harry, Bunny," he tells the elf now kneeling to be closer to their height.
"Hello Master Harry," the elf rushes over to bow to me, "come over to Master Draco," she insists and I listen.
"Look Harry," he says handing me the paper as I kneel next to him. "Look at all the lovely dishes that Bunny has been making."
The house elf positively gleams at his words, her ears picking up as she looks at me expectantly.
I glance over the list noting that I have only heard of a few dishes and tried even less.
"These do look wonderful, but I must admit I have never tried many of these."
The elf gasps, "then you must try them, you must," she squeaks enthusiastically, her arms flailing around.
"Harry wasn't brought up to know about good food like we were, huh Bunny," Draco says smirking at me as the elf giggles. "Just because I'm not a posh snob," I mutter jokingly causing the elf to giggle more.
"You must stay for lunch, I will set up a table for you in the side room," the elf insists.
"That's so kind of you Bunny, but it really isn't necessary," Draco says, "we could just get some sandwiches and eat outside, it's a nice day. We don't want to impose."
"Impose? Impose? Never! Never Master Malfoy, it is an honour to have such a wonderful master here, and Master Harry too. I will set the table, you will not have sandwiches, not for master Malfoy." She huffs hurrying of to a small door, I presume to set the table. Draco smiles at her antics before turning to me, "you don't mind staying do you? I can never say no to them, especially Bunny," he asks me.
"Of course I don't mind, you big softie," I say, "it's so sweet how much they all like you and how nice you are to them." It's the truth, from the moment I saw him kneel down to talk to them all in a more friendly way and show so much interest in what they have to say, I've just been thinking how incredibly sweet the blonde haired boy in front of me was. How anyone could say a bad word against someone with such a kind soul is beyond me.
"Come, come," Bunny insists returning with a pop, "I have set the room for you, it's nicer than outside."
We follow her to the room and I gasp at what she has created, I hear Draco praising her beside me and her small giggles but, I simply look around in a state of shock. The room looked amazing, except it didn't look like a room at all, there was no end to it, it looked like a clearing near the Forrest and black lake and appeared to go on indefinitely. The room was warm, warmer than the real outside currently was but with a gentle breeze. The air smelt fresh and everything looked much cleaner and neater. The sun hung low in the sky and it looked as though it was early evening. It was darker than it currently was outside, but the large table that was set seemed to be lit with candles and suspended fairy lights floating in mid air as well as wrapped around the trees. The water looked much clearer and rippled slightly as colourful fish splashed about.
"It''s amazing," I finally said awe struck at the skill and the magic, "I didn't even know magic could be this powerful."
Draco snorted at me rolling his eyes. "Of course, it's Bunny," he said smiling at the elf.
"Reminds me of when we used to go to distant lands in your bedroom, Master Malfoy," Bunny said fondly. Ahh so she probably was one of the Malfoy elf's originally, I think making a mental note to question Draco later.
"Ahh yes, we had such fun," Draco smiles fondly but sadly at the house elf and I find my hand reaching for his, squeezing it gently as our fingers intwine.
Bunny looks at our hands and smiles before dragging us over to the large table and sitting us next to each other.
"Bunny will go and get you some hors d'oeuves now. And Master Draco no bugs will bother you while you eat."
"Bugs?" I question.
"Ah yes, when Master Malfoy was younger he was deathly afraid of bugs, especially if they landed on or near his food. He simply refused to eat outside on many social occasions and fundraisers in the Malfoy Gardens. Bunny had to build a special gazebo where magic would prevent any bugs or flys from entering."
"Now why does that not surprise me in the slightest," I laugh at Draco who rolls his eyes.
"Well you wouldn't want to have your food ruined by disease ridden little monsters would you," he snorts.
I smile at him and kiss him gently on the cheek, noting how Bunny's eyes light up.
"Of course not love," I tell him placing a reassuring hand on his thigh as Bunny rushes off back to the kitchens.
"You sqeem very close with Bunny," I say wondering if he will tell me more about it.
"Yeah, Bunny and quite a few of the other elves mor at Hogwarts used to belong to the Malfoy family, Bunny and I were very close, she used to secretly teach me how to cook and clean with magic as I was always so interested. Mother would definitely object if she heard me say this but, Bunny practically raised me, at least until I started at Hogwarts." He smiles as he appears deep in thought.
"Was it you that freed them all?" I ask smiling at what I have now decided is the sweetest most wonderful boy that I know. I take his hand in mine, wrapping an arm around his waist pulling him closer as he leans onto my shoulder.
"Yes, it always felt wrong for me to 'own' them, I mean I considered most of them family. I had no siblings so Bunny was basically like my big sister. I didn't understand why they were treated differently from the rest of the family when I was younger, I guess I never really have. As soon as my father was imprisoned, I contacted Hogwarts and all elves that wanted to be freed were freed and given jobs here. It took a lot of convincing but eventually they all agreed, I also told them that once I leave Hogwarts they are welcome to come back and work for me as paid employees. I think that's what made Bunny agree, yet no matter how many times I tell her she still won't stop calling me 'Master Draco,' he laughs slightly and I just smile at him.
"You, Draco Malfoy are not at all what you seem to be," I say squeezing him gently.
"Oh yeah? And what do I seem to be?"
I turn slightly to look at his devious smirk.
"You give this impression of an arrogant, pure blood, posh, deviant. Who looks down on everyone else and doesn't care. But that's not you at all."
"Oh yeah? So what's the truth then?" He asks still smirking.
"The truth is, that you Draco, are the most caring, considerate and thoughtful person that I know. You helped all the elves, you helped Will and you've most definitely helped me. You are brave and strong, I mean don't get me wrong you are still a posh snob," I tease as he hits my arm playfully.
"You really think all of those wonderful things about me. You don't think I'm an evil, deatheater and a worthless coward?" He says sadly bowing his head.
"Of course I don't Dray, you should know that by now. Don't be so down on yourself, where's that Slytherin confidence?" I say lifting his head to look into his eyes.
"I guess I just have this weird confidence thing where I hate myself but, still think I'm better than everyone else," he chuckled darkly, moving his eyes up to catch mine. "You are better," I tell him. He has such beautiful eyes, like mercury, they suit his pale skin and hair so well. I feel my eyes flicker to his pale lips, they look so soft. I lick my own lips feeling that they are slightly chapped and I hear his breath hitch. Surely he can't want to kiss me as much as I want to kiss him. Do I want to kiss him. Stupid thought.
*Pop* "I have brought Masters many things to try," a squeaky voice says as dishes begin to land on the table. We abruptly pull away from each other and I feel my face going red.
"Bunny is so sorry, she didn't mean to interrupt."
"Don't worry Bunny, there's nothing to interrupt," Draco says dismissively and I feel a pang my chest, "why don't you and the other elves come and join us for lunch, there will definitely be enough?" He asks.
"Oh no no Master Malfoy, we will not interrupt your date," the elf giggles, ignoring our protests that it isn't a date and heading back to the kitchens. As the door swings open I notice that many of the elves piled on top of each other to peer around the door frame pretend to stop looking and act busy as they catch my eye.
"I'm so sorry about that," Draco apologies putting his now slightly pink face in his hands.
"Oh don't apologise," I tease, "I got to see Draco Malfoy blush."
"Now your going to have to tell me what some of this is, it all looks great though."
He chuckled again, giving me that strange warm feeling but begins explaining each dish in front of us and where it comes from.
I try everything on the table, noting down dishes that I particularly enjoyed although it was all very good.
"Italian antipasti, is honestly one of my favourites,"
Draco says from beside me, placing more tiny breads, cheeses and cured meats into his plate.
"I'm glad you are getting something you enjoy Dray," I tell him picking up an arancini and popping it into my mouth in one go, "you don't seem to eat much in the hall." I mumble through mouthfuls.
"I am definitely taking you to etiquette lessons Mr. Potter," he sneers half joking, at least I hope.
"Nah, you love my rugged, cave man ways, it excites your pretty, little, posh head," I tell him pulling apart a king prawn with my fingers. He looks at me with mock distain, rolling his grey eyes.
"I'll let you think that, you Neanderthal," He teases, bringing a small napkin to my lips and wiping them gently. He is always so clean and organised. It is kind of frustrating actually.
"You'll be letting that curly blonde hair down soon enough," I say smugly, "I'll personally see to it myself, you can't always be so prim and proper."
"I've been like this since I could stand, you'll never break me," he smirks somewhat flirtatiously causing me to raise my eyebrows.
"You will see," I give him an attempt at a Draco Malfoy smirk but he just looks on it fondly.
"It must be nice to still be close to Bunny."
"Yes it really is, it does make me miss mother though. She's staying in one of the houses in France. The Malfoy name is still fairly respectable there. I would like to go and visit her soon. But they can be very funny about international travel for Deatheater's. I can try," he says sadly making me frown.
"Well it's a good thing you are not a deatheater," I tell him pointedly.
"I have a permanent mark on my body that would say otherwise," he snorts, tightening his fingers around his forearm.
"It doesn't make you a deatheater, it doesn't even make you an ex-deatheater in my opinion. It was never what you truly wanted. Your fathers mistakes forced you into it and you did all that you could to save your family. You are a hero and a survivor of war," I tell him firmly taking his arm into my hand gently, "and this is just a reminder of how strong you are, how brave you are and that you survived." I slip my hand under his clothes feeling the slightly raised skin.
"How can you even touch it?" He whispers, "I can't even look at it sometimes and it's on my body forever. How can you touch it? How can you touch me? Knowing that the thing that put it there killed your family?"
I wipe a tear off of his pale cheek and hug him gently.
"I can look at it, I can touch it, admire it even because when I look at it I don't see the man who killed my parents, I don't see Voldemort. I see Draco Malfoy, my friend. I see a young man so perfect, so strong and so brave and yet he can't even see it himself," he shakes his head sadly as I speak, I reach out and cup his cheek forcing him to look at me directly in the eyes. "Yes. And if I have to remind you of it every single day for the rest of your life, then I will. You did so much to help. I'd be long dead if it wasn't for you. If you hadn't lied to Bellatrix, Voldemort might be running things now and you fought against him in the final battle. You are a war hero Draco, as much as I am, or Ron, or Hermione or anyone else that fought and survived."
He closes his eyes slowly, breathing deeply as he leans into my have still on his cheek.
"Thank you, Harry. I am very glad you feel that way. I know my life would be a lot easier for if more people were as forgiving as you," he smiles sadly at me opening his eyes wide, his lovely eyelashes fanning out. It's a miracle that they are so long and dark even though he is so fair.
"I am sorry that it has been so hard for you. I know you've not told me the full extent of it all and I hope you can eventually talk to me about everything."
"I will, I know I can trust you with anything but it is still really hard to talk about. Surprisingly being back at Hogwarts, where everyone hates me is better," he says sadly.
"I don't hate you, nor does Nev or Hermione, I don't even think Ron hates you, he's more angry at me than you but he's taking it out on you. I'm sure there is lot of other people that don't hate you Dray," I tell him hoping that he'll believe me despite my pitiful list.
He smiles sadly. "As long as you don't hate me, then that is all I need."
"Of course I don't hate you. I could never hate you Draco, even when we had our petty rivalries I didn't hate you," I hug him gently.
"Then that's all I need," he mumbles into my neck. I suppress a shiver and squeeze him tighter, before we are interrupted by a loud pop.
"Bunny doesn't hate Master Draco either, none of the elf's do, we is loving Master Draco," the elf says putting dishes onto the table.
"Aww thank you Bunny. I really appreciate it......Oooooo Beef Bourguignon," Draco says happily, loading up his plate.
"And Escargots au Beurre Persillé, Master Draco and Blanquette de Veau," the elf squeaked, "I know you like those, and I have brought some other dishes, Chicken parmigiana and Ratatouille for Master Harry."
"Ahh commoner food," Draco giggles quietly.
"Thank you Bunny, hang on how did you know what we were talking about?" I ask. The elf looks down fiddling with hem of her pink dress.
"Were you listening in Bunny," Draco mock gasped and the elf began to stutter apologetically.
"I'm sorry, so sorry, Master Draco. I know people are horrible to Master. I wanted to be sure Master Harry was good enough for Master Draco," the elf stuttered worriedly.
"Don't worry Bunny, I'm only teasing you, it's sweet if you to be so concerned about me, I'm glad I have you," he smiles at the elf and she smiles back looking relieved.
"What did you determine?," Draco asks, smirking at me, " Do you approve of Harry?"
"Oh yes of course Master Draco. Bunny believes that no one will ever be truly good enough for Master but, Master Harry is about as close as it will get."
Draco snorts loudly, breaking out into fits of giggles.
"You know what Bunny, I will have to agree with you on that one," I smirk causing the elf to giggle too, she gives a small bow and disappears with a pop.
"And no more listening," Draco says loudly just before she vanished, presumably back to the kitchen.
"I'm sorry about that," Draco says blushing, turning back to his food. I wave my hand dismissively letting him know that it was fine.
I have really enjoyed meeting Bunny, not only has it given insight into Draco's childhood making me feel closer to him, it is also nice to see how much he loved them all and how much they love and respect him. And maybe Bunny could help me refurbish Draco's new room. I have been wondering about it since seeing the lovely scenery that she created. She is clearly very talented. It's just finding the time to ask her.
"So what is all this?" I ask Draco, snapping back to reality, loading the dishes that Bunny prepared for me onto my plate, thankfully I know that I like them both.
He explains the dishes, ingredients and also the region the dish and ingredients come from passionately making me try them as he goes along.

Draco's POV:

"Come on Potter, you eat all other meat. Just try it," I insist, "it really isn't that different."
"Nope. Absolutely no way. I am not eating a snail," Potter huffs at the small herbed Gastropoda on my tiny silver fork.
"It's not really different from a mussels, oysters or scollops," I tell him dipping it in some more butter and bringing it closer to his lips.
"Ugh I wouldn't eat any of those either," he sulks, turning his head away like a small child would.
"Honestly Potter, it is nice. I wouldn't tell you to try it if it was horrible."
"It is horrible," he grumbles, I roll my eyes and pop it into my mouth, deliberately moaning at the taste.
"Still not trying it," he huffs.
"Fine, but you are missing out," I tell him, bringing my wine glass to my lips and glancing over at the now mostly empty dishes. I really have missed Bunny, and her cooking. I think it might be the most I've eaten in months.
"Wine again, Dray, this is day drinking," he teases, taking the glass from me to try it, ignoring my protests.
"Hmph, maybe for anyone else but, it's sexy casual drinking when I do it, not alcoholism," I tell him smirking.
"Oh really, what about when I do it?" He teases.
I glance at him, eyeing him up and down sarcastically, "Could be seen as alcoholism. My what would the Prophet say, Harry Potter, drinking repeatedly on Hogwarts grounds, between lessons. Oh what depths of sorrow has he fallen too." I tease and he hits my arm playfully.
"Whereas for me, hmm 'Draco Malfoy, aristocrat and wealthy heir to the Malfoy estates, enjoys a glass of wine with a fine lunch' not really too shocking."
He snorts at me, "I'm sure, that's exactly how they'd say it," he giggles and my heart glows at his smile. I hope I can always make him laugh, make him smile.
"That was good wine, pass it over," he says looking at the bottle to my left.
"Oh this? This wine," I tease holding up the bottle, "this wine compliments the escargot, no escargot, no wine. I'm sorry but I'm not the one who makes the rules."
"You are literally the one that made that rule," he laughs leaning over me to lunge at it. But I quickly pick it up using my long arm to put it well out of his reach.
"That's not fair, you are much longer and taller than me," he sulks, pretending to frown.
"Good stock, Potty," I tease poking my tongue out at him, "it's not my fault you didn't win the genetic lottery when it comes to height."
"Cheeky bastard, I'll get you for that, I'm not even that short," he laughs lunging onto me, I put the bottle down quickly and grab his sides. He pushes forward causing us to both fall back onto the grass.
"Take it back, Malfy," he growls sternly, straddling me firmly so I'm unable to move. He starts to tickle my sides lightly, but I refuse to break that easily.
"Nope, unfortunately, Wonder boy or not, You are in fact a short arse," I say through giggle as he continues to tickle me.
"Just because I'm not a giraffe," he teases putting his hands on my upper arms gently.
"I do not just have a long neck, like some freak, I am well proportioned, I have a long everything," I state firmly, immediately regretting my choice of words when I see the cheeky look that flashes across Harry's face.
"Oh really Dray, you shouldn't boast," he teases and I feel my face heat up in a blush.
"I'm however, somewhat ill proportioned," he teases breathily leaning into my ear, "some things are just much bigger than others." I feel my breath catch in my throat at his words and I feel myself flush even more. "Im only teasing, you prude," he says with a laugh getting up off of me and holding out his hand to help me to my feet.
"You are a terrible, terrible flirt Mr. Potter," I huff taking my seat again, "and I better not have any grass stains on these clothes."
"You look as wonderful as ever, Madame." He teases, grabbing my hand and kissing it gently making my heart throb.
"Plebeian," I mutter and he laughs lightly, taking his seat next to me.
"Dessert Masters?" Bunny says, suddenly arriving, she clears the table with a wave of her little hand.
I did always love Bunny's desserts as a child.
"What are the options Bunny?" I ask the elf, not caring about how much I have already eaten.
She smiles and begins listing all of the possible desserts, making Harry's eyes widen at the endless possibilities. He definitely has a very sweet tooth.

A newfound friendship (A Drarry Story) (8th year Drarry)Where stories live. Discover now