Chapter 58- Informing you of my intentions

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(Note: I am so sorry for the time skips of like months but I kinda want to get them to a point where they finish school and I think it will be nice to include different things like exams and after.
I hope you like it.)))

Harry's POV: - June - Exam month

I open my eyes to an empty bed, I roll over to see Draco at his desk yet again. This madness has been going on for months now. He wasn't to bad for the first few months. We still went out shopping and with his mother, visited his father all through January to April but as soon as May hit and term time ended I have struggled to pull him away from his books, he already knows everything.
"Baby come on, it's only the 3rd of June. Exams don't start until the 23rd and you've been revising since January," I groan casting a tempus to see it is only 8:30.
"Well our classes have stopped now for revision, we'd be in class right now if it wasn't for that," Draco sasses back.
I have been doing lots of practice papers just to get Draco to take an evening off. I think he was surprised and what I chose to do those evenings.
We've been out for dinners, I've had hot showers and baths with him, washed his hair given him massages, cuddled up by the fire talking with snacks. I think he expected some sort of kinky plan every night and don't get me wrong there was some of that but I just need to look after him more now he is so hyper focused.
"It is your birthday in two days baby, you need a break."
"Exams finish on July 5th and your birthday is pretty soon after that so we can just celebrate both of ours together then," Draco shrugs scratching his head with his quill.
"Draco we are going to celebrate your birthday. You are getting 100% on all of your practice exams and you are going to make yourself ill if you carry on like this," I say sternly and he sighs.
"I have made plans for your birthday and I promise to remove all stress," I get out of bed and kiss the top of his head before heading to the bathroom. I shower brush my teeth and get dressed. I then sit on the edge of the bath and pull my wallet out of my jeans. I pull out the shrunken box and remove the charms flicking it open staring at the ring that has been in my wallet for months.
I have planned to go to the Potter estate for his birthday to show him all the renovations I have been instructing the elves to do on my behalf. It's weird having elves, Kreacher doesn't really count, but the elves that stayed with the estate all seem so happy to have a Potter back. I have planned the house in a way that I know Draco would like. My other property can be a bit dingy and I want to have another place that's ours just like the lovely place down south. Hopefully after exams we can get down there more often.
I draw my mind back to the ring and I can't help but grin to myself. I knew the moment I saw it that it was perfect. I have a few things in place for his birthday. I have booked us a holiday for the summer on a tiny island, I think he will love feeling so free with just us and the ocean for miles. I have brought him gifts and definitely too much clothing but I know he will love it and I have planned to cook for him. I am going to be baking the cake this time. Narcissa and I have also planned for the evening to be a surprise party with all the others. It will be lovely to have the day together and the following day but I know he would still like to celebrate with his family too at some point.
Everything is planned and ready, but I can't help but keep coming back to this ring.
I pick it up twirling it between my fingers in the light.
I want it to be perfect when I give it to him. I originally thought it would be wonderful to give it to him on our holiday but the longer I carry it the more it seems to burn impatiently in my wallet.
I want to be able to shout at bloody healers, everyone really, to let me see my fiancé and it actually be true.
I know he is stressed with exams currently and it is still under a year that we have been together but I don't want to wait. I have spent my whole life waiting for the next thing Voldemort would throw at me and I am done waiting around for something bad to happen. I want to live, I want to do what makes me happy without hesitation and I definitely definitely want to marry Draco Malfoy.

"You okay Harry?" I hear Draco knock at the door.
I smile to myself putting the ring and box back into my wallet and pocketing it.
"Sorry I was in a daze," I chuckle opening the door and grabbing his waist.
I kiss him deeply but he eventually pulls back,
"Hermione is here, we were going to pop to the library for a bit," he says matter of factly patting my shoulder.
I groan into his chest not letting him go and making him chuckle.
"I will be all yours for my birthday and after exams," I promise he says kissing my head and I groan again.
"Why don't you come with us, we will probably only be an hour," he says but I shake my head.
"It's okay love, you guys work on your charms, I have something to sort anyway," I wink at him giving him a wide grin. He looks at me suspiciously but doesn't question me. He kisses me again before heading out the door and to the library with Hermione.
I flop on the bed pulling the ring out yet again and just staring at it.
Would it be wrong go propose on his birthday? Is that weird? Is it too much on top of his exams? Will it stress him out more or will the looming exams make him less happy. Perhaps he will feel better give him things to look forward to and put it in perspective that the exams won't be the end of the world and he will always have me for anything.
I put it in my pocket this time not bothering to shrink it and deciding I am going to floo Narcissa.
I head out of the bedroom kneeling by the fire.
I put my head in calling for her and she enters the room smiling widely at my presence.
"Come through properly darling," she coos and I oblige.
"Are you okay dear?" She takes my arm smiling at me but looking concerned perhaps at my unannounced call.
I follow her and take a seat as she leans in affectionately, taking my hands in hers and saying I can ask her anything.
I reach into my shorts pocket and hand it to her, "this doesn't count as asking permission so don't tell Draco I did, he'll kill me," I say quietly as she gasps flicking the box open.
"Oh Harry, it is gorgeous, my boy is so lucky to have you," she coos standing up and rather uncharacteristically kissing me repeatedly on the head.
"Do you think he will like it?" I ask and she grins widely. "He will love it. I mean he would be overjoyed with any ring but this is beautiful so perfect for him. Where on earth did you find it?"
"It was In Hogsmeade. I saw it before Christmas and I had to have it. I have been carrying it in my wallet ever since trying to pluck up the courage," I chuckle, "I've looked all over for other rings too. All over Europe even and I haven't found one that's more perfect."
"I don't think you will dear. It is absolutely wonderful," she coos before raising her voice and calling for her husband.
"Look," she coos thrusting the ring at him as he enters the room complaining about being bellowed for.
He smiles smugly, "are you asking to my sons hand." He feigns a gasp and I roll my eyes.
"You know he wouldn't like that Lucius. I am merely informing you of my intentions," I state.
"Oh so I don't get a say at all?"
"No, unfortunately for you that is Dracos choice," I say sounding slightly more nervous than I would have liked.
He chuckles patting me on the back, "don't sound so nervous boy, he will say yes."
I smile to myself as I take the ring back shrinking it and putting it back in my wallet.
"Is it too soon to ask now? Or weird because of his birthday and exams? I was planning on asking on holiday but I just feel like I want to ask so badly."
They both smile at me as we sit down in the chairs.
"It isn't weird dear, nothing would make him happier," narcissa says gently as Lucius chuckles.
"You've been courting for months. You are late to ask my boy."
I roll my eyes, only Lucius would think that.
"I am going to do it on his birthday," I say matter of factly making Narcissa clap her hands together.
"We only have four exams each and Draco is going to smash potions after that he will feel much better."
"He is going to do well in all of them dear. He always does. Try to help him relax and take the pressure off. Make him see they aren't the most important things in the world," I nod in agreement with his mother but Lucius rolls his eyes, Draco does always say his father was the pushy one when it came to school.
"Are you going to do it in private or at the party?" Lucius asks and I frown.
"The party. I'll give him a wonderful day and I must plan something big for the day after but I think he will like the attention."
His parents laugh in agreement telling me to hurry back before he notices something is going on.

"Where have you been?" Draco asks from the sofa next to Hermione as I step out of the fireplace. Ron is on the floor rolling a ball against the wall and they are reading some DADA books.
"Nowhere to worry your pretty blonde head about my love," I coo budging in next to him on the sofa and kissing him deeply not caring about my friend's presence and banishing the narrow eyed expression from his perfect face.

A newfound friendship (A Drarry Story) (8th year Drarry)Where stories live. Discover now