Chapter 26 - Not Tom Riddle

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Harry's POV:

"Come on Draco it's only the pub, you always look good anyway," I call from the sofa sitting beside Ron and Hermione as we wait for Draco to leave his room.
"Woman, worse than Hermione," Ron whispers to me and I shove him.
"I won't be long. I promise."
"I'm going to feel so underdressed," Hermione says fumbling with the sleeve of her grey cardigan.
"Told you I wouldn't be long." He says emerging from his room holding knee high boots with a chunky heel in his hands.
His trousers are black leather with silver detailing, his white shirt has flared sleeves revealing his watch and bracelets. The front of his shirt and the collar is ruffled and low buttoned. Over his shirt he wears a silky, dark green low buttoned waistcoat with silver chain detailing. The scarf tied underneath his shirt only peaking out slightly is the same colour and material and I notice a range of silver chains around his neck as well as many rings. The Malfoy ring sitting proudly on his pinky finger.
Over this outfit he has an expensive looking black cloak with silver lining and a dark green crushed velvet inner layer the cloak is held closed around his body with buckles. Everything fits his body perfectly.
He sits next to me on the sofa pulling on his boots adding around two inches to his hight.
"Wow Draco no one will say you are plainly dressed now" Hermione praises and he smirks happily.
I turn to face him noticing small silver strings tied round small braids in his pushed back neat but messily styled hair. His skin appears to shimmer and he smells amazing.
"You look amazing angel," I kiss his lips gently noticing that they taste like chocolate. I smile at him and he laughs when I kiss him again.
"I'm going to be annoyed if they don't get pictures of this outfit now," he says as we all get ready to leave.
"You are a funny one," I tease linking my arm with his and following Ron and Hermione out of the room.
We make our way out of the castle and through to the edge of the grounds.
"Goodness, it is cold tonight," Hermione says as we walk through the village.
"Yeah it really is." Ron zips up his coat. Draco wraps his arms in his cloak more securely.
"Warming and protection charms," I say nodding in the direction of the cloak and he grins nodding at me.
"On your clothes? That's a great idea, do they last?"
"Yes the charms are sewn into the fabrics themselves. I know some great tailors. I know you don't wear suits Hermione but the tailors I go to also do women's clothes. I know they don't all do that."
She nods thoughtfully thanking Draco for the advice.
"They were lovely men too. Draco got me some clothes on Saturday and I met them." I smile at him warmly and  he kisses my cheek.
"I do love your outfit Draco but I don't think I'm a fan of this increased hight difference." I look up at him realising he towers over Ron also and he his taller than me.
"Hmm really?" He pats my head and I scowl at him, making Ron laugh.
"You may be taller but I can take you any day."
"Oh I know love, you make a habit of showing me how much stronger you are." He laughs resting a hand on my shoulder, "even if you are short," he pokes his tongue out at me, "I'm only 5' 10" so like 6 foot in these. Not that tall really."
"Still taller than me," I sulk and he laughs patting my arm.
"Well that's not exactly hard," Ron sniggers and a scowl.
"I told you before, good stock," he winks at me, "you know that I think you are perfect exactly as you are. And you can take comfort in the fact that you can swing an 11 stone man around like it's nothing. I could never do that." I smirk at him snaking my arm around his waist and pulling him close to me.
"Oh trust me, I love knowing that you don't stand a chance overpowering me," I wink at him and he flushes.
"Well that's not slightly creepy," Hermione laughs as we walk through the doors and into the pub.
"Oh now we get to see Ronalds mistress," Hermione teases as Madame Rosmerta comes over from behind the bar.
She glares at Draco and I take his hand in mine, maybe it won't be as easy as I thought.
"Hello, Harry, Hermione, Ronald long time no see, come come i have a lovely table for you at the front, I'll take care of your table personally," she leads us to a table by the window but I notice there are only three chairs.
"Madame Rosmerta, could we please get another chair?" I ask indicating for Draco to take the seat.
"Oh I'm sorry my dear, I wasn't sure if you'd be needing four," she scowls at Draco and brings over another chair, "here you go Harry dear." I take the chair from her forcing a smile and sitting down.
"Can I get you some drinks?" She smiles at Ron and Hermione who are sitting on the opposite side of the table they both ask for a butterbeer.
"And Harry dear?"
"I'll have a butterbeer too thanks."
"Anything else?"
"Oh I will have a fire whiskey please Madame Rosmerta," Draco says politely, she makes no comment simply taking a note on her pad and turning away.
"Well that was rude." I scowl at the woman's back as she walks away.
"It's fine Harry. To be fair I did leave cursed artefacts in her pub toilet."
"Still rude, maybe we should say something," Hermione suggests.
Draco shakes his head frantically.
"Please don't, it'll only make it worse."
I rest my hand on his thigh rubbing it gently.
"I'm sorry Dray, it isn't fair."
"It's fine Harry, McGonagall was right you can't argue or fight everyone who dislikes me, you'll never stop."
"Well maybe you need to change their minds," Ron shrugs, "I mean I hated you but you aren't that bad, you just have to do that with everyone."
"Thanks Weasley, I'm sure that was meant as a compliment," Draco says frowning.
"Your drinks" Madame Rosmerta places them on the table, "would you like any food?" She places menus in front of us putting Draco's down a little too aggressively. "I'll give you a few minutes to decide."
"Well we didn't have dinner at Hogwarts, I know I'm hungry and I love pub food." Hermione laughs at her boyfriend, "When are you not hungry Ron."
We pick up the menus and start to look over them
"I'm feeling, chips, buffalo chicken wings and ribs," I say and Ron moans in agreement.
"Oooo definitely. What about you Hermione?"
"Hmm I'm thinking chicken pot pie."
"How about you Dray?"
"Hmm I'm between, steak and chips and fish and chips."
"Not wings or ribs?" Ron says frowning.
"I don't really like eating something you have to eat with your hands especially in public." Hermione nods in agreement, "I often feel that way about tacos and fajitas.
"I've never eaten those," Draco says with a shrug making that rest of us gasp.
"Oh you have to try it, mum does them. Its great. I'll tell her she needs to invite you next time."
Draco blushes deeply, smiling at Ron. Hermione grins looking at her boyfriend with pride.
"I'd love that," he says smiling and I bring his hand to my lips kissing his ringed fingers gently.
"Of course maybe wait till you want to tell mum and dad about this." Ron gestures between us and I nod in agreement
"Have you all decided what you would like?" Madame Rosmerta asks coming over to the table.
"Yes thank you, I would like the chicken pot pie with a side of salad instead of chips please," Ron looks at Hermione as if she was mad ordering his food.
"I would like a large potion of chips with the ribs and a side of the buffalo wings."
She smiles taking a note turning to me, "I'll have the same please, Ron do you want to also share the onion rings and some blue cheese dip?" Ron nods eagerly and Hermione rolls her eyes, "did you even have to ask Harry?"
I laugh, "well in that case I will take the same and also a large onion rings." She writes it down with her large quill.
"Any more drinks?"
"Yes, four more of the same?" I ask and they all nod.
"Draco what would you like love?" I say turning to him pointedly as Madame Rosmerta is clearly not making much effort.
"I will take the fish and chips please, with some tartare sauce," he smiles at her flashing his pearly white teeth. Her expression doesn't change as she takes a note and turns away.
"I wish she didn't take our table personally," I sulk and Draco laughs.
"It's okay dear, she's much nicer than most."
"This is nice?" Hermione says raising her eyebrows.
"I mean she hasn't kicked me out, threatened me or spat in my face so it's a win really." I scowl into my butterbeer and Ron and Hermione both look surprised. "Stop stressing handsome, you'll get frown lines." He kisses my forehead and I smile.
"I just don't like it."
"None of us do Harry, it isn't nice to see," Hermione says putting her hand on top of Draco's. He smiles warmly at her.
Madame Rosmerta brings over our new drinks getting called away quickly.
"I don't know how you can drink that stuff straight," Ron shudders as he watches Draco take a drink.
"I've been drinking since I was like nine, I guess I am just more used to it."
"Nine?!" Hermione says with a gasp.
"Well not the strong stuff, just like some wine or champagne with meals, it's quite common in France and I was there a lot growing up," he lifts his drink up finishing it off.
"Yeah besides when he drinks it's not alcoholism apparently," I snigger, "it's sexy and sophisticated."
"Is that right," Ron laughs, "I think I'll stick with my butterbeer."
"Do you want some of my drink love? As you've finished yours." He smiles at my offer, "thanks Harry, maybe in a bit."
"Your food dears," Madame Rosmerta puts a plate in front of Draco and Hermione not looking at Draco before bringing the rest of our food over with a wave of her wand. We thank her and Ron stares at his ribs dreamily picking them up and tucking in straight away.
I start on my wings first, I'd forgotten how much I enjoyed them.
I turn to Draco who is pouring vinegar over his chips cutting his fish carefully and popping small bites into his mouth.
"You should try a wing. They are really good," He looks at it apprehensively taking one from my plate and putting it on his with his fork.
"Okay but I'm not picking it up and gnawing on it like...well like that," he indicates to Ron who's hands and face are covered in bbq sauce as he picks up his sixth rib.
"I apologise for his eating habits Draco, I'm sorry to say it is something you have to get used to," Ron grins sheepishly at his girlfriend and then Draco who laughs.
I stab some fish off of his plate popping it into my mouth, "oh yes of course, help yourself," he says sarcastically.
I grin at him and he lifts a tissue to my mouth wiping the corners gently.

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